After passing through the suspenseful vermilion door, I came to another room.

Yes, it was a room, with a hollow carved window and a bloody vermilion ancient door.

The wall seemed to be separated by vermilion wood boards, and a strange red light spread into the room from the window.

The room was mixed with black and red, and the red glow made the dim room more terrifying, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

Looking around the door, the relief on the wall also revealed something weird, either a woman screaming in blood, or an evil ghost eating good children alive.

This room was very empty, and no decorations, tables or chairs were seen, except for the vermilion door I came in through.

There was also a door right in front of this room.

I tried to use my double pupils to observe, focusing my eyes on the door so that I could see through it clearly.

It is better to be more cautious than to push the door open by myself.

However, after looking at the door for more than ten seconds,

I shook my head and looked away.

No, it won't work.

There is something strange here, and that door is even stranger. My double pupils can't see through that door!

This result is not very unexpected. After all, this is the Zhang family's ancestral tomb.

After the incident of my grandfather's resurrection, it is enough to see that the Zhang family is not simple. It is understandable that there is an unseeable door in the Zhang family's ancestral tomb.

When I thought about continuing the investigation and trying to find some information in this room first,

The door suddenly sounded hurried footsteps, one light and two heavy, and the rhythm was disordered.

I moved my ears and just listened to the footsteps.

That thing seemed to be coming in my direction. It wanted to pass through this door!

The bronze sword was held horizontally in front of my chest. I took two steps closer and stared at the door.

Bang! .......The door shook, and the whole room shook... Something hit the door.

Boom! This time it was heavier than before, as if the bolt had broken, and the door creaked open.

When a cold wind came in, a red shadow rushed over, and the target was me!

Although the double pupils could not see through the room, it was still easy to deal with such a sudden attack.

I moved two steps to the left and passed by the red shadow. At the same time, my body moved precisely in an instant, my feet landed on the ground, and the lumbar spine used the force to chop the red shadow with a knife.


The bronze horizontal sword seemed to have hit a hard object, and the blade could not cut in.

But the force also flipped the red shadow and rolled on the ground for several times.

It crawled up in the red and dark corner, bending its body.

I also had time to see this guy clearly.

He was wearing a bloody shirt, and although his back was bent, he looked at people with a look that was eye-catching.

A handsome face was stained with a little blood.

The skin was white, and there was a trace of pain in his face.

But his left face was swollen and bulging, like a tumor, but the tumor was uneven.

From the uneven surface, it vaguely looked like a face! ,

There was also a tumor on his neck, and the tumor was still uneven like a face.

Those faces were like alive, and the naked eyes opened their inexplicable pupils to scan the surroundings, and finally stared at me.

The mouth that could not be opened was connected to the flesh of the skin, as if sneering.

I looked at this Taoist priest. I thought the clothes on him were a little familiar. After looking more carefully, I recognized that it was the Taoist robe of Fulong Mountain!

The white Taoist robe turned blood red at this moment. This person should be the Taoist priest who came down with the Four Eyes Heavenly Master.

The Four Eyes Heavenly Master brought three Taoist priests, two men and one woman.

One Taoist priest died while helping Li Muyu and the others escape from the ghosts.

Another female Taoist priest died beside the ancestral grave, and the last Taoist priest was here.

The Taoist priest bent over and trembled. Suddenly, he began to scratch his body, as if something had drilled into his body.

He scratched desperately, tearing his clothes into pieces.

The Taoist robe was scattered and torn, revealing a large area of ​​skin.

He kept scratching his chest, and the face on his white chest was red and swollen from his scratches.

The tumorous face squirmed as if wailing. After a few scratches by the Taoist priest, the whole face was covered with blood, as if a bleeding face was shouting.

I couldn't help but be cautious. I had never seen such a situation before.

I was sick? It didn't seem to be. There was no such strange disease.

Not to mention that those tumorous faces were still looking at me.

The Taoist priest was still scratching the tumor, and there was blood and flesh between his nails.

The tumor was also a bloody mess, and the bright red liquid flowed down the chest.

After the tumor was in a mess, the Taoist priest stopped his hand, raised his hand and looked at me, his eyes

Red, bloodshot like cracks from broken glass.

The tumor on the left cheek and the tumor on the neck also cracked a pair of eyes staring at me.

He was not in a good state. I knew that I might not even be considered a human being in the eyes of the Taoist priests of Fulong Mountain.

But he looked abnormal when he saw that I didn't say a word.

The Taoist priest reached behind him and pulled out an iron sword from the scabbard behind him. It was this thing that blocked the knife just now.

"Have you lost your mind?" I observed his movements and prepared to respond.

The tumors on the Taoist priest's face and neck swelled and squirmed, and the grooves seemed to be a strange mouth smiling.

He rushed over with a sword as fast as a cat.

I also rushed out with a bronze horizontal sword. In an instant, the swords collided, and the blood-red pupils and double pupils were hostile to each other.

Ding! ...Ding! .....Ding!

In a few tens of seconds, in this red and black room, the flames that dispersed in the blink of an eye frequently bloomed,

The shadows of the swords and swords entangled with each other, and then gathered again briefly,

This Taoist priest was able to follow: Four-eyed Heavenly Master down together, obviously he was not weak, but he was easily at a disadvantage in my hands after losing his mind.

After dozens of moves, I found the right opportunity to cut horizontally from the side with a knife, accurately hitting the Taoist priest's sword spine,

There was already a damage in that place, and this time, coupled with the sudden attack,

The sword broke.

When a section of the broken sword fell to the ground, the Taoist priest was also kicked away by me and hit against the wall, and the sword in his hand fell out of strength.

. His bloody clothes left wet blood marks on the ground. He clasped his five fingers on the wall and slowly climbed up again,

The other hand groped on the ground for a few times and grabbed the broken sword,

Staring with red eyes, looking desperate.

I shook my head. When I was about to suppress him with the Ba Xia dragon pattern,

He actually put the broken sword on his neck and gently wiped it. The hot blood spread all over the ground.

I put my raised hand down again and looked at him in surprise.

His mouth was moving, and the tumor on his face and neck was wriggling hideously.

A few intermittent syllables came out.

I got closer. The Taoist was lying in a pool of blood. His Taoist robe was almost integrated with the ground.

The blood flow speed increased when his throat rolled. The tumor on his face slowly flattened down.

I noticed that the blood red in the Taoist's eyes was fading, so I asked:

"What happened?"

"Why did you become like this?".

His lips trembled and spit out multiple syllables but it was difficult to form a complete sentence.

The blood-stained fingers slid on the ground, leaving eye-catching words.

"You will also...".

ps: There are two more chapters. If you haven't slept before twelve o'clock, you must click in.

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