The dagger was slapped, and the dagger was slapped.


"What do you mean?".

The dagger blade was shining red, reflecting Lao Liao's dull face.

I kept silent and raised the dagger slightly.

The blade was facing Lao Liao, and the silver light flashed to take back his eyes.

Lao Liao's dull look changed a little. The tumor on his face was reflected in the blade with cracked eye sockets.

The hideous and weird face, the most frightening one, seemed to be smiling at him.

It seemed to be mocking Lao Liao, mocking Lao Liao's attempts to survive, digging out the tumor,

Escaped from the Four-eyed Heavenly Master, but still couldn't escape the ominousness of this fleshy face.

"I... my face... it's growing on my face!".

Lao Liao screamed in disbelief, and immediately grabbed the tumor with his hands.

His five fingers tore the skin of his face like a deformed plastic bag.

The fleshy face struggled and shook in his palm, fighting against his fingers.

After several tearings, the tumor was full of blood, and Lao Liao's teeth were trembling in pain.

"No... I can't leave it... I can't leave it on me"

"I will be killed... I will be killed by the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau!".

The tumorous face was almost grown on the flesh. Tearing it off was no different from tearing off one's own flesh. It was not easy to do.

Old Liao was in so much pain that he cried but failed.

Finally, he looked at me and the dagger in my hand.

I knew what he was thinking. I took a step forward and put the blade on the edge of the tumorous face.

The tumorous face seemed to sense danger.

The mouth kept opening and closing with the flesh strands sticking to it. The eyes formed by the ravines were extremely gloomy.

I stared at the tumorous face and an idea came to me. I dropped the dagger without hesitation.

Instead, I grabbed the tumorous face with my palm. With a sizzle,

A large piece of flesh and blood fell to the ground.

"It fell." Old Liao covered his face and didn't know. He was shocked when he woke up.

He raised his foot and stepped hard on the tumorous face, and vented it many times.

"Thank you so much."

He trembled with surprise: "How did you do it? There are still some on my back. Please help me get rid of the ones on my back too."

He touched the fleshy face on his back and began to take off his clothes.

Suddenly, his movements paused, his hand slid down, and a metallic luster flashed briefly.


The bullet with strange talismans engraved on it brushed past my forehead.

Old Liao's eyes were bloodshot, and he kept firing the gun.

I dodged the bullet and moved forward. The dagger turned at my wrist and stabbed into Old Liao's throat with a precise cold light.

Sizzle...blood kept flowing out of Old Liao's throat.

But Old Liao did not cover the wound immediately.

Instead, he continued to shoot at me.

I stared at his movements with my double pupils, and stabbed the knife deeper with my other hand and stirred it.

I didn't take two steps back until the blood in Old Liao's eyes slowly faded and the fleshy face on his left shoulder slowly flattened.

Lao Liao knelt on the ground, blood dripping.

The bloodstained dagger in my hand naturally fell, and I felt very complicated.

Lao Liao was still affected by the tumor face. The tumor on his face was dug out, but he had another tumor on his shoulder.

Digging it out is not a solution at all, and of course killing is not a solution.

But killing Lao Liao is the only way at present.

Lao Liao has a wife and children, but he was stabbed to death by me.

Is it my fault? Should I blame myself?

I think my self-blame should only arise after I really help Lao Liao get revenge and find the cause of the tumor face.

It was not me who really made Lao Liao and the Taoist priest of Fulong Mountain suffer such a thing.

What I can do is to remove the source of the tumor face and prevent such ominous things. Happened again

When I was thinking about the tumorous face, something strange at my feet attracted my attention.

I saw that the blood shed by Lao Liao did not spread randomly,

but flowed in a planned way, as if outlining words,

I have seen this method more than once, it is the intervention of the Zhang family curse on me,

The blood flowed into a line of words:

"Keep going to the room in front, if you encounter someone knocking on the door, you must avoid that room, always make sure your shadow is still there".

This sentence only has so much information, but it is the most practical for me who is confused and lost.

I think the Zhang family curse will not let me wander around here,

I am different from them,

I am the only one who can enter the Zhang family's ancient house, how can I get in without some privileges.

Listen to the blood words


I pushed the door in front and walked in,

This is another identical room, following the blood words to move forward,

After I opened about three or four rooms in a row, I finally saw something unusual,

This room has four doors, in addition to the door I came in, there is a door on the left and right front.

There was a knock on the door on the left after I came in,

After I noticed it, there were several knocks on the door on the left,

It seemed to attract my attention,

The blood words reminded me to avoid doors with knocks and always pay attention to whether my shadow was still there,

Just when I looked back, under the red light through the window,

My shadow was not much different from my real body, and it followed me obediently.

There was a knock on the door on the left, so I had to avoid it.

So I could only choose one of the two doors on the right and in front.

According to the bloody words, I continued to choose the door in front. I walked over resolutely.

I put my hand on the door and was about to push it open. Before I could exert any force,

I heard a creak and the door opened a crack by itself.

There was some red light mixed in the dimness, and a hand like a dead vine suddenly stretched out from the crack of the door and clung to the door.

A pair of vicissitudes of life appeared from behind the crack of the door.

I stepped back slightly, and before I could move, the person behind the crack of the door spoke first: "Wait, where are you going?".

The voice sounded very old, just like the age reflected by the hand that stretched out from the crack of the door.

"Wait, this place is not for you to stay"

"How did you get into this damn place?".

I asked curiously: "What is there to be unforgettable about this place?".

This old man should not be in the same group as Sitong Tianshi and his gang, which is interesting.

This man is the first thing I met in this tomb after entering.

The old man behind the door said nervously: "How can we treat people in this place? There are ghosts in this place!".

Me: "Are there ghosts?".

The old man said with great fear: "This place not only has ghosts, but also ominous things'

"Anyone who enters here will either encounter ominous things or run into those guys and die."

"People who break in here will be infected with the evil spirit in this tomb, and faces will grow on their skin and flesh. There will be more and more of those faces. People who are infected with ominous things will become less and less like themselves. No one who grows that kind of face will have a good end, and no one can survive.".

He should be talking about the tumor face, and his words are basically the same as what Lao Liao mentioned.

People who enter this tomb will encounter ominous things and thus have tumor faces. This old man obviously knows a lot.

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