The old man was so angry that he couldn't help but laugh.

"Just now you said there are ghosts here?"

"What do you mean?"

The eyes behind the crack of the door turned and peeked around, then whispered:

"This is the forbidden maze set up by the Zhang family, in order to trap a few ghosts."

"Those ghosts may be in some room. If you run into them, you will die. You must not run into them and must not attract their attention."

"Baby, don't run around, you will run into them."

I frowned and asked: "Will you die if you run into them? But aren't you a ghost?"

"You are one of those ghosts."

The eyeballs behind the door stopped moving, and a sneaky smile spread behind the crack of the door.

I narrowed my eyes, and the bronze horizontal sword wrapped with soul flames stabbed out, and the tip of the sword penetrated the door deeply.

The old man retracted his hand, and the sneaky smile retreated into the black and red dimness.

I pulled out the bronze horizontal sword. I felt it was stabbed just now, but the guy didn't seem to be injured.

The information it said was somewhat worthy.

Is this place the forbidden maze of the Zhang family used to lock up ghosts?

It sounds like there is more than one ghost.

If what it said is true, then the four-eyed Tianshi and I have broken into the maze.

No wonder there are so many rooms, and there is no end to the vastness.

I stood in front of the door and waited for a while, and pushed the door open again.

This time the room was empty, it should be that the maze has replaced the room.

In addition to the door I came in, there was another door in front of me.

I didn't go out immediately, but touched the back of my neck belatedly.

The skin under my fingertips seemed to be wriggling, and the obvious bulges were clearly reflected in my palm.

Something was moving in my palm, and something was moving under the touch of my fingertips.

It was a face!

A tumorous face also grew on the back of my neck. When I touched it, the face was smiling.

The old man's words just now reappeared in my mind again.

"People who break in here will be infected with the evil spirit of this tomb, and faces will grow on their skin. There will be more and more faces. People who are infected with ominous spirits are less and less like themselves. No one who has that kind of face will have a good end, and no one can survive."

I also encountered ominous spirits?

When I was shocked, I suddenly realized that something was provoking my emotional threads,

making any thought of mine bring extreme emotional ups and downs,

as if something wanted to invade my body.

I smiled sarcastically while touching the tumorous face.

What is going on? This is the ominous sign in the grave. Even I cannot avoid it?

It is a pity that it found the wrong person.

I stretched out my five fingers to hold the fleshy face and pulled it off easily, ignoring its struggle.

The skin on the back of the neck was not damaged at all. This was as simple as tearing off a plaster from the skin.

This tumorous face is no different from a plaster to me.

I can even tear off my own skin, so I can naturally tear off this tumorous face.

I did it once in front of Lao Liao before, but I still couldn't save Lao Liao. At that time, Lao Liao's condition was irreversible.

It's not as simple as digging out the tumorous face to recover.

He himself can't even realize that he is no longer himself.

Just like now I don't know whether this tumor will grow again.

This thing is as simple as pulling out a hair for me. I am afraid that it will regenerate like hair.

Fulongshan Taoist, Lao Liao, it's my turn now.

At this moment, I understood what the Taoist priest meant by the words he left behind.

You will also...meaning that I will also be infected with this ominous omen.

I threw away the tumor and continued to move forward.

I walked through several more rooms.

I stopped and looked at my chest.

A fleshy face was squirming against my clothes. I reached in and tore it off.

At the same time, I felt a little uncomfortable on my left shoulder. I reached out and touched another fleshy face.

I tore it off in the same old way.

Looking at the two withered tumors on the ground, I was a little curious about what the limit of this tumor was.

Looking up at the door in front, I continued to move forward.

When I came to the third room, I had to stop.

Because this tumor face grew on my left face, neck, thigh, and upper arm, the faces in those places laughed strangely together.

This tumor face seems harmless, but when you tear one off,

Next time it will appear in more ways and invade you step by step.

I took off my clothes and tore off the tumors one by one.

This time I didn't leave in a hurry,

Because the tumor face will appear again soon, if I don't find a way to deal with it, it will only get worse.

I just wanted to take advantage of the stop to see how this thing appeared.

So I put my hand on my chest,

My fingers slid gently on my chest, and a crack in the flesh appeared under my fingers, as smooth as the zipper of a dress.

I grabbed the skin with both hands, took off my own skin and laid it neatly on the ground.

I don't know if it's because I have the characteristics of a skin ghost,

I don't have any extra feelings about peeling off my skin now, just like taking off a layer of clothes.

I don't feel uncomfortable without the skin.

I stared at the skin with full concentration, waiting for the tumor to appear.

Not long after, my eyes focused on the position of my chest,

The tumor face had grown there before, but I pulled it out.

Now the skin is swollen again, bulging, and the swelling is gradually emerging like a human face.

A gleam of light flashed in my eyes, and I reached out to remove the flesh face and continued to wait.

Soon my right face became swollen. This time I was quick-witted and rushed over like thunder.

I pressed one hand on the slightly raised area.

Then I grabbed with my five fingers, and a gray face was pulled out of the skin while swinging my arm.

The face was illusory and translucent, and it looked the same as the tumor face. It struggled to escape between my five fingers.

The green fire on my five fingers was ignited, and my fingers were inserted into this illusory face with fire.

It was burned by the soul flame in its silent wailing.

I shook my hands and continued to watch the skin.

This time I waited for a long time, but no tumor face grew.

The so-called tumor face was caused by the thing just now. The thing was hidden under the skin and moved very quickly.

The tumor face was caused by that thing. Every time I pulled out the tumor face, the thing would escape and hide in other parts of the skin.

Wait until the next time to cause that tumor again.

And based on the feeling of catching it just now and the fact that it was burned by the soul flame, it can be concluded that it is some kind of soul body,

But it is not complete, it has no thinking ability, and only knows to cause the tumor on the human body.

I picked up the skin bag and dusted it off and put it on again. Without the confusion of the tumor face, my body felt a lot more relaxed.

If I hadn't taken off the skin bag, it would really be difficult to find the thing.

This also leads to another question, when did this thing run into my body?

While thinking, I accidentally glanced at my feet,

Suddenly found that my shadow... was gone!

I frowned and looked back again and again, and found that my shadow was indeed gone,

When did it disappear?

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