The shadow disappeared.

When I was peeling the skin? Or when I was dealing with the tumor on my face?

The bloody words reminded me to always keep my shadow,

But how can people control such things?

The shadow disappeared without any reminder or movement.

Dong...Dong...Dong...The continuous knocking on the door interrupted my thoughts,

The knocking came from the door opposite me,

There are only two doors in this room, one is the door I came from,

The other is the exit, which is also the door in front of me and I will pass through.

The bloody curse of the Zhang family reminded me to keep going forward, avoid the door with knocking sounds, and always pay attention to my shadow.

Now, the shadow suddenly disappeared.

There was another knock at the door ahead.

It seemed that all my ways out were cut off in an instant, as if I was trapped in this room.

Dong...Dong...Dong...Someone was still knocking on the door opposite.

I pulled the corner of my mouth helplessly and muttered: "Even if you knock, I can't go."

Just as the voice fell, the door suddenly shook,

A crack in the door that revealed black and red opened.

I was shocked.

The door opened? What's coming out?

A white hand first stretched out from the crack of the door and rotated to hold the door frame.

Then something pushed the door open, and the whole figure of the man came out from behind the door.

I looked at the man and was slightly stunned.

There were four black pupils hidden in his eyes, a clear scar on his left eyelid, a knife box and a backpack on his back,

The Chaofeng dragon pattern was clearly attached to his left arm, and he held a bronze horizontal sword in his right hand.

He sneered at me, and the Pulao dragon pattern on his tongue looked very strange.


The person who came out from behind the opposite door was me, a person who was the same as me, whether in clothing, magic tools, or dragon patterns.

He had everything I had, even double pupils.

He continued to sneer: "Who are you? How dare you pretend to be me, Zhang Asi?".

I found it funny when I heard it: "You are Zhang Asi? Then who am I?".

He raised the horizontal sword, clenched his hands and pointed the blade at people:

"I am Zhang Asi, you are a fake!".

His eyes widened, and all four pupils stared at me, the dark pupil color seemed to pull me into the abyss.

I couldn't stand showing weakness and confronted him with my double pupils, but we didn't get any benefit from staring at each other.

He rushed out like a phantom, and a startling green shadow remained on the blade.

I barely avoided it by brushing against the edge, and looked at the other me with confusion,

That me was exactly like me, with double pupils, and the bronze sword was exactly the same as mine,

All I could think of was the disappeared shadow,

He should be related to my shadow, my shadow ran away without permission, and then came back to kill me, the original owner?

I couldn't help but laugh when I thought about it.

He proudly waved the bronze sword, and used his double pupils wantonly:

"With a great treasure, double pupils, and three dragon patterns, I, Zhang Ah Si, am the most unusual person in the world"

"You, a fake, also want to imitate me? If you, a fake, are killed, there will only be one Zhang Ah Si in the world."

He shouted and used the Baxia Dragon Pattern on me, threw away the bronze horizontal sword, and clapped his hands up and down in front of his chest.

He suddenly opened his mouth, and the totem on his tongue came to life.

A roar drilled into my mind and stirred wildly.

My body couldn't move, and the thought was stopped by the roar of the Pulao Dragon Pattern.

He took a step forward, and his figure rushed over, untied the posture of the Baxia Dragon Pattern.

The Chaofeng Dragon Pattern on his left arm was bright and dazzling, and his five fingers grabbed me.

However, when he was about to catch me,

I suddenly fell down, and the whole person was like a discarded piece of clothing piled on the ground.

He grabbed nothing at once, and his face was full of surprise.

I stepped forward and grabbed his neck without skin, and the green fire on my five fingers burned him and twisted his whole body.

"Fakes are always fakes."

He howled miserably, trying to break free from my hands.

Although he had double pupils, three dragon patterns, and a bronze horizontal sword,

he could never completely copy it one-to-one.

How could he copy the soul flame from Li Youyou?

He also did not have the characteristics of a ghost in skin.

After all, he was just a fake.

He screamed unbearably:

"I am Zhang Asi! I am Zhang Asi!".

"I have double pupils and I have dragon patterns!".

"I am the real one, you are a fake!".

I muttered silently,

At this time, a blood-red figure appeared in my peripheral vision.

The delicate jade hands placed flat on the lower abdomen, the eye-catching red wedding dress, and

That strange way of appearing,

"Ma Qing?".

I was shocked,

How could she appear?

The me who was struggling in my hands noticed the appearance of Ma Qing,

As if he saw a savior, he shouted with joy:

"Ma Qing, you are here just in time, hurry up, help me kill him."

"He is a fake, kill him!".

Ma Qing ignored him and just stood there dignifiedly, which irritated the me,

He shouted angrily: "Didn't you hear? Kill him!"

"He hurt me, didn't you see? Shouldn't you kill him?".

I looked at Ma Qing calmly, she moved, I couldn't see if her feet under the red skirt moved,

The whole person moved towards this side as if moving horizontally.

He saw hope: "Yes! Kill him, kill this fake!".

Ma Qing raised her jade hand, and the five fingers hanging down suddenly bounced open,?

The me that I had been holding was extremely deformed, like a piece of plasticine being kneaded by someone,

It exploded in the next moment.

I slowly lowered my raised hand,

It seemed that this guy had impersonated me and offended Ma Qing,

Before I had time to thank Ma Qing,

Ma Qing grabbed with her backhand, and the door in front of me was torn open, revealing the next room,

The doors of the rooms behind were also torn one after another, and several rooms were torn open in succession,

A black shadow flew through the air, as if it was caught by something and passed through several doors, and slammed hard against the wall next to it,

The black shadow twisted into a ball and fell to the ground, and then gathered together to form a human shape,

This is a ghost, without any appearance or clothes,

It is just a simple black shadow, like a shadow.

After getting up, it opened its mouth and roared angrily: "What are you going to do!".

"Why are you here!".

Ma Qing tilted her head slightly, and I could feel the endless gaze.

She said softly and simply: "He is the only one... there is absolutely no second one."

'No one can imitate him.'

"Crazy woman," the black shadow yelled angrily.

I finally understood. My shadow disappeared,

another me appeared, and it was the black shadow who created the other me.

It created the other me to deal with me, but it didn't expect to touch Ma Qing's bad luck.

Ma Qing doesn't allow the existence of a second me, and doesn't allow people like me to exist.

Even if it's fake.

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