The old man was so tired that he was not able to see the truth.

Grandpa's existence is indeed a residual image, appearing in this place mysteriously, with a sneaky purpose.

I turned my head: "Will you tell me?".

Grandpa: "I have nothing to hide."

My mother came out with a plate: "The dishes are here."

Soon there were several dishes on the table, and the dishes were all vegetable roots, leaves and the like.

My mother wiped her hands on her apron: "I'm sorry, there are only these things at home, and only these things can be eaten in this place."

I picked up the mixed vegetable roots casually: "Very good."

The bitter taste that slowly melted in the mouth and the astringent feeling made me more certain of my guess.

My mother and sister are still alive. This is my mother and sister, but there are some problems with their memories.

At present, in their memory, I am dead, and they live here very naturally, as if they have lived here for a long time.

I wanted to get some words from my grandfather, but when I turned around, my grandfather was gone.

My sister looked at me eating and asked curiously: "Who are you? This is the first time I see people other than us."

I asked back: "Have you lived here for a long time?".

My sister:

"You will definitely not believe me if I tell you, just listen to it as a story."

"We haven't been here for long. At first, we lived upstairs, until something happened to my family more than half a year ago. The ghost in the ancestral tomb came to the door and almost took our lives."

"We hid down here according to the instructions of the ancestral tomb, so we can survive."

At first, we lived upstairs, and came down more than half a year ago. My eyes flickered and I continued to ask:

"What was the name of the village you lived in before?"

"Niuma Village."

"What happened to your brother? You said your brother died a long time ago."

I don’t know if it’s the effect of the ghost story or something else, but whenever I ask a question, my sister will answer it, even if it’s a question that’s close to torture.

When this topic is mentioned, my mother’s face is gloomy,

while my sister explains with a slack brow: “My brother is a poor boy, he died just a few hours after he was born.”

“My family has two older brothers, and my brothers have a harder life. They finally grew up. My eldest brother was well-educated and went to the city with full of fighting spirit, but he drowned in the river.”

“My second brother encountered a vicious beast when he went up the mountain to chop wood, and only half of his face was left when he was sent home.”

“At that time, I was the only one left in the family, Du Ding, and this was also the fate of the Zhang family.”

“Later, my father used his life to dig up the ancestral grave, which improved the fate of my family.”

“The fourth child of the Zhang family, my brother Zhang Asi, was born, but unfortunately my brother didn’t survive. He didn’t cry when he was born, but only laughed. That laugh was like a ghost’s howl, and his body was blue and purple. He died before he lived for four hours.”

When she mentioned the sad things in the past, my mother couldn't help sobbing slightly.

My sister sighed: "Originally, the family suffered such a great change. Two children and husband died. My mother was so depressed that she relied on the child in her belly to support her. As a result, my brother died just after he was born. This has always been a headache for my mother."

I didn't respond, racking my brains to think about the past events my sister talked about.

From the development of the matter, generally speaking, a large part of their memories are correct,

Niuma Village, the four children of the Zhang family, etc. are all correct.

Even the ghost in the ancestral tomb is consistent with my mother's previous memory.

The only surprise is that in their memory now, I died after I was born.

It seems that the part where my grandfather risked his life to save me did not exist.

But there is one thing worth noting.

That is what my sister said at the beginning, that they came here to avoid the ghost in the ancestral tomb according to the instructions of the ancestral tomb.

In fact, this memory can be considered true.

The ghost came to my house and wanted to harm my mother and sister. The ancestral tomb noticed it in advance and gave a hint to save my mother and sister.

The paper figure in the ghost's hand that housed the souls of my mother and sister was fake.

"Shouldn't you thank the Zhang family?".

The three elders of the green, red, and blue tribes appeared behind me and spoke together.

"The Zhang family saved them."

"It was the Zhang family that helped them escape a disaster."

"But you also changed their memories," I asked in a low voice.

The three elders laughed humorously and did not speak.

"How do they restore their memories?" I asked again.

The red-clothed elder: "She thinks her son is dead and she can no longer recognize you."

The blue-clothed elder: "If you want to restore your memory, you can only change it.

Change the original facts and reverse the existing memories".


Change the original reality and reverse the existing memories, so as to create loopholes in the memories.

In general, as long as it is proved that their sons are not dead, their memories can be restored.

But I am not prepared to restore their memories.

From the current situation, it is better for me to die than not to die.

I don't know how long I can live. My mother has been sad several times. I definitely don't want her to experience the pain of losing her son again.

Isn't it enough that they are still alive?

After dinner, my mother went out in a depressed mood, and my sister was washing dishes.

Wang Zhi looked at me deeply and stood up solemnly:

"Your current state makes me feel uneasy and unacceptable."

"Maybe there are really things here that I can't see, and that's why I am always uneasy."

"In short, this is your Zhang family's territory. If I had known that you were from that Zhang family, I would have killed you the first time! ".

"I came here to confirm whether the Zhang family's ancient house is really here, but I didn't expect that I would come in by myself. Now I have confirmed it."

"The Zhang family is indeed buried here."

"I am from the Wang family."

I nodded: "I know."

"You won't kill me?"

"If they want to kill you, why should I do it? It doesn't matter to me whether you live or die."

Wang Zhi felt horrified and helpless because he couldn't see the Zhang family here.

As the rumors about the Wang family said, the people of the Zhang family are all this kind of people who want to be beaten, looking for death, and can make people angry to death.

"Since you don't kill me, I will accept your kindness and keep my mouth shut forever."

Wang Zhi turned around and went out. It might be that I always talked to the air, which made him feel uncomfortable, or it might be that he was afraid of the Zhang family.

After he left, I turned around and asked the elders: "Why don't you kill him? ".

The blue-clothed elder said: "Killing him is useless. The golden blood on his body will also pass on the information after his death."

"Compared to this, aren't you curious about where your mother went?".

I stared at the elder and asked my sister.

My sister responded while washing dishes:

"My mother? She must have gone to the copper coffin at the end."

My brother is buried in that copper coffin. Every time my mother thinks of my brother, she will go there to see him."

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