The bronze coffin! This striking word instantly pierced my heart like a needle. My sister continued to nag while washing dishes: "Although my brother is young, the bronze coffin he was buried in is not small, and it is not ordinary." "It was handed down from our ancestors. It is extremely precious just by looking at it. It is usually hidden under this tomb." "In the past, my two brothers and I would be scolded if we just asked about the copper coffin, but it was not until my brother was born that the copper coffin became useful. Grandpa first mentioned the coffin. "He said that my brother would be buried in that coffin after he died." "My grandfather also came here to bury my brother. The copper coffin was very heavy. Last time, my mother and I wanted to see my brother's body, but we couldn't move it at all." "So my mother can only go to the copper coffin to accompany my brother. My mother sees the copper coffin as if she sees my brother." "My mother, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. She pinned everything on my brother. As a result, my brother died a long time ago, and she was so sad that she was mentally abnormal." "Sometimes she said that my brother was talking to her in the copper coffin, and there was someone talking in the copper coffin." "How could there be something in that broken copper coffin?" As for people, there is not even a crack in the coffin. If someone was there, they would have suffocated to death."

I listened carefully.

The information was clearly listed one by one.

The copper coffin of the Zhang family has been placed under this tomb.

In my sister's memory, Zhang Asi was carried down to the tomb by my grandfather after his death.

But the reality is that I was carried to the Zhang family's ancient house by my grandfather, and the Zhang family used the power of the whole clan to extend my life.

There is an obvious memory error here, and the impression is broken.

My life and death have been rewritten.

In their memory, Zhang Asi is dead, and he has never appeared in their lives since his death.

That copper coffin may be the key... That copper coffin is not right.

Looking up to sort out the clues, the Zhang family also mentioned the topic of the copper coffin in the ruined temple.

I stared at the red-clothed elder fiercely, and he pretended to be ignorant and asked:

"What's wrong? Why do you have this expression? Angry or complaining?".

"What is that copper coffin? What role does my mother play here? ".

The elder in green laughed strangely behind me, and his sharp fingers scratched my back,

drawing very clear and distinct words.

"Yin Yang Copper Coffin!" .


I sat up instantly, twisted my body and grabbed the head of the elder in green, mocking the bright dragon pattern,

the old head was half copper and white paper shattered together.

Then I drew my knife and cut the elder in red and blue into two pieces.

After the chopping, I didn't hesitate, and immediately rushed out of the door and rushed to the end of these mahogany houses,

the location of the copper coffin at the end described by my sister.

It was indeed the case, that copper coffin was the Yin Yang Copper Coffin, the treasure of the Zhang family!

Combined with what the Zhang family said, if it is true.

The Yin-Yang copper coffin did not contain a corpse at all. It contained the Three Nothings!

The Three Nothings included No Skin and No Soul.

I am not dead. The fact that my mother remembered that her son was buried in the coffin did not exist at all.

She only knew that her son was buried there, but where was the person in the coffin?

The Zhang family once said that they used the copper coffin to seal the Three Nothings, and the No Skin escaped from the copper coffin.

My sister just said that

My mother often went to the copper coffin to feel sad, and she could often hear someone talking in the coffin.

This is not It's not that my mother is mentally abnormal, maybe the three-nothing in the coffin is deceiving and misleading my mother.

In short, I must never let my mother get close to there again.

It is also obvious that this was done by the Zhang family, who modified my mother's memory and made her think that the ghost in the coffin was her son.

This forced me, the real son, to get close to the copper coffin.

The Zhang family always doesn't give people room for choice... On the surface, it seems to give in to me... There is no interference.

But when I look back, I will find that the road I took was supported by the Zhang family below!

Following the road pointed by my sister, I came to the end of those mahogany houses,

It was also the end of the space under this tomb, and a cliff wall was sunken into a large groove.

The copper coffin made of chaotic colors was placed there,

It was the size of two people, and countless black shadow curtains were scattered on it.

There were still some dried blood on the coffin.

A woman sat crookedly beside the copper coffin, leaning on it, and her depressed face showed some rare joy.

She seemed to be chatting, as if

Chatting with the bronze coffin, with a smile on her face,

I haven't seen my mother smile so happily for a long time.

While my mother was chatting with the bronze coffin, she suddenly stood up, put her hands on the coffin board of the bronze coffin, and leaned forward to push it.

It's a pity that several pushes were fruitless.

I slowed down and walked over without hiding the movement. The loud footsteps attracted my mother's attention.

She turned back in surprise.

I asked her: "What are you doing?".

My mother continued to try to push the coffin: "My son is in here, I'm letting him out."

"It's just that the lid of this coffin is too heavy, I can't push it alone."

As she spoke, she looked at me with a particularly pitiful look and begged:

"Please help me, please help me."

"My son is here, he is here, as long as this coffin is opened, he can come out."

"Please help me push it open."

I mercilessly exposed the truth, which was an obvious truth in her memory:

"Your son is dead, have you forgotten?"

This sentence was like a heavy hammer hitting the heart of this middle-aged woman,

She was shocked and her eyes were blurred:

"No... He is not dead yet"

"How can you talk nonsense like this?"

"He is really not dead yet."

As if to prove it, she pointed to the bronze coffin and argued:

"He is in this coffin, and he just talked to me!"

"He said that he was locked in by mistake that year, and he is not dead yet."

"He... He said it was so stuffy here... so dark... He wanted to get out."

"He begged me... My son begged me to let him out."

"He often talked to me, and now he wants to get out."

"Your son is dead!"

To be honest, it is not a pleasant thing to deny that you are still alive in front of your mother.

My mother didn't listen to me at all. Seeing that I had no intention of helping her, she continued to push and try to open the copper coffin.

I could only go forward and pull my mother open. Whether it could be opened or not was one thing.

The problem was that her son was not inside, not even the body.

Once it was opened, the truth would be revealed.

My mother's memory would be restored, and she would only suffer more grief in the future.

And Sanwu couldn't be released again.

One Wupi had caused a mess outside.

What would Wuxin and Wuhun do if they came out?

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master said that the meaning of Sanwu's existence was not a simple, plain thing like killing people.

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