The death by jumping off a building is extremely miserable.

The flesh will be broken first, the internal organs will bleed, and then the bones will penetrate the skin.

The head will explode like a watermelon falling to the ground.

This is how Qiangzi's body made me feel.

The smell of blood rushed over me, and I touched my face and it was covered with blood.

Qiangzi's head was broken, but his eyes were still there, and his broken head just stared at me.

Qiangzi is dead........

He was still sleeping in the dormitory when I left, but now he jumped from the dormitory building.

I immediately thought of the rumors about the old teaching building.

That building was built on a mass grave. Supernatural events kept happening there. Didn't a large number of students jump off the building ten years ago?

And Qiangzi and Fatty had just returned from there...

Sure enough, they still couldn't escape the bad luck of the old teaching building. If I had followed them, wouldn't it have been a dead end?

If I went back to the dormitory, I would be assassinated. If I went to the old teaching building, I would be infected with bad luck. It was almost like a dead end.

I cursed in my heart.

Suddenly I thought of something and looked up in the direction of the dormitory.

I immediately rushed into the dormitory building.


Qiangzi had already jumped off the building, and Fatty would definitely not be able to escape.

The old teaching building they went to together, he was also infected with bad luck.

I climbed five floors in one breath. The noise of running woke up many students and they cursed.

I came to the door of the dormitory and kicked it open.

The smell of alcohol had dissipated, and I immediately looked at the bed.

I saw that the fat man's bulging quilt had been lifted up, and the fat man's slippers were gone.

And the quilt on Qiangzi's bed was bulging.

Jump off the building...jump off the building...the sixth floor rooftop!

The fat man was not on the balcony of the dormitory, so if he wanted to jump off the building, he could only jump from the sixth floor.

I was about to leave,

Suddenly I realized that something was wrong, it was inconsistent...

I moved my eyes back to the bed,

There was someone sleeping on Qiangzi's bed wrapped in a quilt, rising and falling with his breathing...

My pupils shrank sharply, how could it be possible? Qiangzi just fell to his death in front of me!

The person on the bed is definitely not Qiangzi!

Who is he?

I hesitated and stepped forward, subconsciously reaching out to lift Qiangzi's quilt.

"Someone is going to jump off the building!",

A Turk shouted at the stairs outside,

I was awakened instantly, and my hand was already on Qiangzi's quilt.

I bit off the tip of my tongue to wake myself up, turned around and ran out of the dormitory and headed straight for the sixth floor.

Five students on the rooftop of the sixth floor were desperately trying to stop the fat man, and the fat man walked to the edge of the rooftop like a demon.

The fat man was so strong that the five students were dragged away by the fat man.

Seeing this, I also rushed up to lock the fat man's neck and tried to wake him up in his ear,

But the fat man turned a deaf ear to what was happening outside the window, and continued to walk forward with one foot on the edge of the rooftop,

I glanced down,

Qiangzi's body was right below, and at this height it looked like a small red dot.

Just a glance at the dizziness of fear of heights, and the feeling of losing control in the lower abdomen came wildly.

A student hugged the fat man's thigh and wailed: "Fuck, what did this fat man eat to grow up? How can he be so strong?"

Another student yelled: "Isn't this the son of the school director? Why are the sons of the school directors jumping off the building now?"

I locked the fat man's neck tightly, and even though his face turned red, he didn't slow down at all.

At this time, I somewhat understood why so many students jumped off the old teaching building ten years ago, and human power could not stop these people from jumping off the building.

If they don't let go of their hands, they will jump off the building with him.

The other five students were already scared.

In my anxiety, I thought of something,

The dark green flame!

Maybe this thing will be useful to the fat man, and it could even burn the paper man at the beginning.

Unconsciously, I have mastered the trick of the dark green flame. As long as I recall the feeling of the first two times,

the flame will burn on my index and middle fingers.

The strange flame ignited on my fingers again, and I directly grabbed the fat man's neck with my burning fingers.

The fat guy reacted this time, and he trembled all over as if he had encountered something.

Within three seconds, the fat guy stopped moving, and then his body fell down like a mountain.

The six of us quickly stepped aside and let the fat guy fall to the ground naturally.

It was right for us to fall down after working so hard.

The other five students were also exhausted. I told them that this was my roommate and I didn’t know what was going on.

After all, we couldn’t say that he was possessed by evil spirits, right?


I asked five classmates to carry the fat man back to the dormitory, fearing that he would suddenly wake up and start jumping off the building again.

When I returned to the dormitory, I was still worried. What was that thing lying on Qiangzi's bed?

Qiangzi was already dead, what was hidden in Qiangzi's quilt?

However, this time when I returned to the dormitory, my brows were furrowed again.

Qiangzi's bed was opened!

There was nothing on the bed.

Did that thing go away?

We left the fat man on the bed. I definitely won't stay in this dormitory anymore.

First, I will lock the balcony completely, and then prepare to pack up.

When I turned around, those people were still talking about the fat man.

I looked around and asked in confusion: "Where are the two people?"

A classmate was at a loss: "What are the two people? Aren't there just four of us?".

My face suddenly changed: "Four? What do you mean?"

"The rooftop where we went just now?".

Another classmate also asked in confusion: "There were four of us, and we were dragged away by the fat guy, and we carried the fat guy back together."

"You don't remember it?".

I couldn't help but look a little gloomy.

I'm sure there were six people who went to the rooftop. When I went to the rooftop, there were already five people on the rooftop!

But now these three people are the same, three people...

Before I went to the rooftop, there were only three people!

The boy who just shouted that someone jumped from the rooftop was not here at the moment, and the other person was not here either, maybe that was not a person.....

Except for me, the other three people gave the same answer. There were only four people who went to the rooftop to pull the fat guy back.

There was never a fourth or fifth person.

Instead, I was the one who occasionally talked to the air.

In their eyes, I was the one who was crazy.

The three students immediately felt that there was something wrong with our dormitory, and no one wanted to stay here.

At this time, screams came from downstairs:

"Ah! Someone jumped from the building!"

"Someone's dead!".

I think Qiangzi's body must have been discovered, and the three students fled in panic.

I also hurriedly packed my things, and I would not stay in the dormitory today even if I slept on the recliner.

My bed was on the lower bunk, and I hid the bones of the wronged soul inside the bed.

When I was packing my things, something gave me a chill.

Red evil box!

I remember very clearly that the box fell out of my backpack and was stuffed back, and now the box appeared inside the bed.

The zipper of my backpack has also been opened.

Was it someone else's doing? Or did the red evil box escape by itself?

I climbed onto the bed to take back the box, and suddenly found a sentence on the wall where the box was blocking the wall

"Open it and you will die!".

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