After leaving the original dormitory, I randomly found an empty dormitory to lie down in. There were still many empty beds on the fifth floor. It was safer than staying in the original dormitory. As for the fat man, I had locked the dormitory building. I guess there would be a lot of people in the dormitory later, after all, Qiangzi was dead. How could I worry about other people's lives now? I had walked through the gates of hell myself. If what was written on the red evil box was true, I was just a little bit away from death. "I will die if I open it!". This sentence was still written with fingernails.

It was undoubtedly a reminder for me not to be naughty.

This should have been written before, but I didn't see it.

If that student hadn't shouted, I would have opened the quilt.

What would happen to me?

I have a better understanding of the Red Evil Box. Although I can't open it actively, it seems to leave a prophecy and warning every day.

If I had paid attention in advance, it wouldn't be so thrilling.

I can't ignore the Red Evil Box anymore. This thing is always running to my side like it's alive.

Even if it's in my schoolbag, it can come out by itself.

The two students were also very strange. One student shouted that he happened to save me, and I didn't have much impression of the other one. I just remembered that he had dyed yellow hair.

I closed my eyes for a while, and then a group of people called me up.

It was still familiar people,

Law Officer Wang, as well as the leaders and tutors of the college.

The people who rescued the fat man together before were also there.

I yawned and got up. I knew this was inevitable.

We were in the same dormitory. One of us jumped off the building and died, and the other attempted to jump off the building.

It seemed that I was the only good person in the dormitory.

In the Municipal Bureau

I took great pains to write a record again. The law enforcement officer in charge of recording couldn't help asking: "What happened in your dormitory?"

"One stole and killed, one jumped off the building, and the other attempted to jump off the building. After waking up, he kept running out."

I said calmly: "The fat guy didn't jump successfully."

The law enforcement officer was also shocked: "He was ridiculously strong. Three or four of us couldn't hold him down."

"We can only lock him up."

"You are the only one who is safe in these things."

I immediately refuted and showed my arm that was scratched by acne face before: "I am still injured, okay?"

"The abacus is mine. I just came back from the bureau about Qiangzi's incident. It has absolutely nothing to do with me. I saved the fat guy."

The law enforcement officer curled his lips and said, "I don't understand. I'll be in charge of recording. If you have any questions, you can tell them later."

This time it took several hours again, and I didn't come out of the police station until about five or six o'clock.

It wouldn't be a problem just to calculate one thing,

But now it's related to Qiangzi and Fatty. Fortunately, there is an alibi.

As for the cause of Qiangzi's death, Fatty's illness is still under investigation in the police station.

I won't be stupid enough to tell them that Fatty and Qiangzi were possessed by evil spirits.

On the way back, I received a call from the Taoist priest in white.

The Taoist priest in white said excitedly, "I know what that dark green flame is."

I shook my head and dispelled the trapped insects: "Master, have you found it?"

"Well, I found it in an ancient book. I have read it before, but I have forgotten it for a long time. After reading it again, I can be sure what the dark green flame you described is."

"That flame is called soul flame!"

"The origin of soul flame is unknown, but some of its abilities are described in ancient books. As the name says, soul flame is a kind of flame that targets the soul. Mortals who touch it feel like being burned by thousands of fires and experience the pain of burning souls!"

I naturally thought of the abacus touching the dark green flame.

It was indeed much more painful than ordinary burning, and it instantly made him throw away his knife and roll on the ground.

The Taoist in white continued: "This soul flame cannot be seen by ordinary people. Ordinary people cannot see your flame. Soul flame should also be a token given by the Yin Marriage Covenant."

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing. Your right eye seems abnormal to us, but it cannot be seen through in the eyes of ordinary people. In other words, you don't have to care about that eye. Only people in the industry or evil spirits can see the weirdness."

I breathed a sigh of relief. This eye was actually a big problem. I had been wearing sunglasses for several days.

Although the excuse was that the eye was injured, the criticism and discrimination were a big concern.

I didn't want to attract attention at all.

Taking this opportunity, I said to the old Taoist: "Master, something happened to me recently.

Some strange things?"

"Oh, strange things?".

I told him about the rumors about the old teaching building and the things about Qiangzi and Fatty.

The old Taoist said after a while: "It seems that the building is indeed not simple. I will rush over in the next few days. Before that, you must not get involved in this matter."

"You already have a Yin marriage contract with unknown variables, and the Yin energy is very heavy. Once you get involved in this matter, it will be out of control."

Me: "Then I'll trouble you, Taoist priest."

The Taoist priest in white: "No problem, we have to find a way to get rid of the old teaching building, otherwise it will harm people in the future. Wait for my news."

After hanging up the phone, I felt a little relieved.

At least I figured out one more thing,

Hun Yan...

I started morning reading at 6:30. After returning to the dormitory building and sleeping for a full 20 minutes, I hurried to the classroom.

It was not yet completely light. Although I didn't sleep much the night before, I was still very energetic.

With I followed the crowd to the new teaching building.

Just when I walked to the door

"Zhang Ah Si!"

Someone suddenly called me from behind.

I looked back and was stunned. There was no one behind me.

But I did hear it, and the voice was familiar.

The voice sounded like the classmate who called me when I was about to lift the quilt in the dormitory.

I looked around hoping to find him.

Finally, I saw a person jumping away from the back on the side road.

The figure was getting smaller and smaller in the mist, becoming slender like a little girl...

I turned my eyes back to the teaching building in confusion, my heart trembled suddenly, and my hair trembled.

I was not going to walk into the new teaching building, but the old teaching building!

I was running to the old teaching building!

And I was just one step away from entering.

My first reaction was to step back.

"Ah Si! ",

Someone called me again, and suddenly someone bumped into me and grabbed my shoulder,

I was about to get angry and scold him, but I was much less angry

"Qi Qi is you".

Qi Qi is a girl from the next village, and we are childhood sweethearts.

Qi Qi's voice was very gentle: "A Si, why are you so nervous, and where have you been these days?".

I grabbed her arm: "Let's go, let's talk about it somewhere else, we can't stay here"

Qi Qi was puzzled: "Why? What's wrong with this place".

"This place...", I took her away and my movements were stiff,

It was difficult for me to say the next words, because Qi Qi and I had already entered the gate of the old teaching building!

Because of Qi Qi's bump, we inadvertently moved forward,

Just crossed the floor dividing line representing the outside and the old teaching building!

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