The classroom was terribly quiet, but compared to the darkness and emptiness, the narrow cat-eye pupils of the scarlet paper man were even more creepy. Even if it was just reflected by the light, it was always watching me. It was completely dark outside, and the flashlight in the classroom was the only light source. The sharp black object pressed against the paper membrane. As the force increased, the paper membrane was dented. But it was surprisingly tough, and even felt like it was wrapped around the coffin nails. My breathing rhythm was also disordered. It was wrong. It was too wrong. According to my thinking, this paper man should be easy to pierce, but when the coffin nails really pierced the paper man,

It was like piercing the skin of a living person, soft touch, elastic flesh...

But I couldn't stop at this moment, even if it was a living person, I had to pierce it.

The force doubled, and the sound of piercing... accompanied the movement of the paper man,

The paper man moved!

Yes, it was moving!

Like a child who felt the danger,

Struggling hard under the coffin nails, a pair of clear pupils made people feel pity...

In the clear cat's eye stone, I seemed to see what I looked like at this moment, a hideous, vicious, red and bloodshot monster,

In a trance, the paper man under the coffin nails also looked like Lin Ying,

Blood had seeped from her eyebrows, and her pitiful eyes kept begging.

I finally understood what the old Taoist said before he left.

"Don't hesitate after dark, pierce the paper man immediately!"

It's worthy of being something I made. It's really realistic. It's really pitiful.

With a sarcastic remark in my heart, the coffin nail suddenly broke through the paper between the eyebrows and pierced in.

The dark inverted triangle vertebra was half inserted inside, and the red color spread at the eyebrows.

The eyes of the paper man dimmed a little bit, and the limbs stopped moving.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Before I felt relieved,

My heart trembled suddenly, and the pupils contracted and expanded in a very short time...

The strength of the body seemed to be quickly withdrawn like a thread, and the mental state was instantly hazy, and the consciousness was low.

I realized that my consciousness had shrunk and depressed as never before.

The whole person was in an extremely, extremely exhausted state.

It felt like I had done it seven times in one night. I had no strength in my body. The sleepiness seemed to be invaded by a mad demon. No matter what I did, I couldn't stop the sleepiness.

I propped my elbows on the table to prevent myself from falling. I struggled to open my eyes.

"What's going on?"

"There should be nothing wrong with the paper figurine... Lin Ying's clothes are also fine..."

"Everything you did was right, and the paper figurine was made perfectly. If Lin Ying was still here, she would definitely be pinned down by you. It is because you did everything right that you are like this." Qi Qi, who was half hidden in the darkness, suddenly spoke.

This time her voice was unusually mature and cold.

I moved my eyes and locked onto the woman: "Did you do it?"

Qi Qi: "I didn't do anything. You did all these things."

"Every step of the paper figurine was right, and pinning down the soul was also right. I just didn't expect the side effects to weaken your spirit like this."

"But it's amazing enough. You haven't slept for several days, and you keep breaking into the old teaching building and chasing ghosts... I even doubt whether you are a human being."

I caught a word, side effects!

The old Taoist said: "The method of making paper figures. It hurts the harmony of heaven, harms people's life, and cuts off their virtues."

If you can nail ghosts from a distance, the person who nails the ghosts will naturally be affected. It turns out that it will make me so weak.

If I can really nail the ghost, then everything is worth it.

But the situation in front of me is very clear. Qi Qi is a strange woman. She is the ghost of the old teaching building.

She is really cruel. Not only did she put the blame on Lin Ying, but she also blew herself up. Putting the blame on Lin Ying was probably what she had planned from the beginning.

From the perspective of human nature, people will naturally suspect the person they have the shortest relationship with, so she made Lin Ying disappear and leave no evidence.

The ghost that the guard said at that time should be Qi Qi, who was also outside at that time.

Not only that, this way many places are connected.

Qi Qi's first appearance was after I accidentally broke into the old teaching building.

Secondly, she was also bumped into the second time I accidentally broke into the building. She was also pretending on the rooftop that night. She was fine at all!

When Yang Can, Lin Ying and others tried to jump off the old teaching building, she suggested that I go down first.

Later, she took the initiative to admit that she was a ghost and revealed that she was

Get rid of the suspicion that I am the ghost of the old teaching building,

All of this made me nail the wrong person, weakened my physical strength and spirit,

The final result was either jumping off the roof in sleep or dying in her hands,

This guy really played a big game of chess.

I reluctantly took out a chili from my pocket and stuffed it into my mouth, grinning and asked: "Where is Lin Ying".

Since Qi Qi is a ghost, Lin Ying must be a person,

But she disappeared, which reminded me of the blood stain downstairs.

Although I guessed that she was unlikely to be alive, I still tried to find a topic to delay time.

Qi Qi Hanzang's dark face showed a strange smile:

"Of course she is dead, her death is much more miserable, and there is no soul left."

"Before I took action, she had been taken by other things in advance, and there was not even a trace of soul left."

I smiled indifferently and asked, "Why did you waste so much time?"

"You have been lurking beside me for two years. During this period, you had countless opportunities to attack, but you didn't move. You were a student honestly, and now you attacked me."

"Let me think... Was there something that prevented you from attacking in the past two years?".

This seemed to poke Qi Qi's pain. She gritted her teeth and shouted fiercely, "If it weren't for her, you should have died two years ago. You would have jumped off this building on the day you entered school."

"If it weren't for her, why would I waste so much time and effort?"

"But everything is worth it. Now you have no way to escape?".

I said weakly, "Since you want to kill me so much, do it quickly."

Qi Qi snorted coldly, "I won't touch you. I will watch you fall asleep and watch you jump off the roof."

I raised my eyelids and smiled self-deprecatingly:

"Since you can't kill me now and I can't escape, talk to me"

"There are many things I don't understand. After all, we have been together for two years. You can always satisfy my dying wish."

Qi Qi stood up and walked to my seat.

One elbow was placed on the table, and he stared at me with his cheek in his hand and said:

"I finally got what I dreamed of. This kind of joy is really uneasy."

"You are really better than I thought. The first ghost didn't fool you, and you immediately suspected me."

"Ask whatever you want. As your classmate, I can tell you."

"Let's spend this interesting time together"

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