The old man was so angry that he had to jump off the building.

Qi Qi actually agreed to help me solve my doubts, which surprised me.

I lay on the table: "Thank you very much."

"First question: Why didn't you kill me directly? You could have easily killed me many times, but you let me go. Instead, you let me jump off the building and die in this troublesome way."

"I guess there is a reason why you can't do it to me directly?".

Qi Qi looked out the window and said, "The ghost next to you is a terrible guy. You can't imagine how terrifying she is."

"You have noticed these days, right? She will attack anyone who hurts or offends you."

"Not only humans, but also ghosts."

"If I attack you directly, I may be able to kill you, but it will definitely attract that guy to appear. No ghost wants to see that guy. It is really difficult to let you die without being able to touch you."

"Two years ago, even if I had any thoughts about you, it would attract that guy's attention. She would wipe out any ghost that wanted to kill you, so I have been pretending to be a human until now."

"After two years, she seems to no longer show up on her own initiative, and I can finally start to act."

"I can't attack you directly, but I can do it in an indirect way, such as you break into the old teaching building, get cursed by the old teaching building and jump off the building to die."

"She won't show up unless you are injured, so I have spent a lot of effort to make you die normally and naturally."

Hearing Qi Qi say this,

I seem to understand some of the ghost wife's behaviors. I have always been confused before.

Based on recent events, the ghost wife is protecting me and helping me get rid of the hostility.

But when I was entangled by the ghost, she did not appear.

According to this, in fact, her appearance every time is regular, and it is always under the premise that I am injured!

Zhao Kang tried to kick me, and grabbed my collar, and the yellow-haired ghost got on me, not to mention the abacus and acne face.

It can also be understood in a game way. The ghost wife is my passive skill.

And the premise for triggering this passive skill is that I lose blood. It seems that it will not be triggered when I fall into a negative state.

Many doubts were immediately solved.

Why did the jumping ghost insist that I fall asleep, and why set such a big trap.

I smiled sarcastically and said, "Are you afraid of her? Afraid of her?"

"Just for this, you have been lurking for two years and set up so many routines?".

Qi Qi looked unhappy, but he didn't refute: "Being afraid of her is the normal reaction of ghosts."

"I have already said that her existence is more terrifying than you and I can imagine, unknown",

"What kind of mentality do you think I have to attack you? I have been planning for this for a long time"

"The first ghost... misled you to enter again... kept forcing you... deliberately let you get rid of the fake ghost but still failed to let you relax your vigilance"

"Finally, you came here again..."

Me: "You are afraid of her, but you still attack me?"

Qi Qi suddenly looked at me with burning eyes. This kind of eyes is not the first time I have seen it.

When the guard was caught by me, he also had this fanatical look.

"Although she is terrifying, the risk will also bring unimaginable benefits, and there will be endless benefits after killing you."

I was in a trance, and the guard also said this.

"Second question: Why do you have to attack me? What benefits will killing me bring to you ghosts?"

Qi Qi laughed excitedly:

"Why kill you? What kind of stupid question is this? Even a ghost can't stand seeing you."

"Benefits? Who knows? But I know clearly that I can get everything after killing you! Reputation, status, power, benefits that cannot be described in words."

My mouth twitched,

Hey, don't talk about people as if they are big prizes.

Why are you talking like this again?

It seems that this is why I am always targeted by ghosts. They are not targeting me, but want to kill me.

Killing me will have infinite benefits? That bastard said?

I shook my confused and dazed head:

"The third question, I am curious about why you, a ghost, can lurk among people like a normal student, and even the old Taoist can't see it?".

Qi Qi stared and asked back:

"I am also curious why I have been by your side for two years, and you can still suspect me first when something happens. Two years can't even get a little trust. What a ruthless and dull man",

"As for why I can be like

Like people, this is my characteristic. It's not that I'm good at pretending, but you believed it and overlooked some loopholes."

"It's also because of my characteristic that I wasn't wiped out by her two years ago."

My consciousness was so addicted that I could only bite the tip of my tongue to call back a trace of clarity:

"There is one last question. If jumping off a building will lead to death due to sleeping, then how come I was fine before?"

"Two years ago, it was because she protected me, but I also slept after I turned 18, and nothing happened. Instead, I took a nap after coming to school and came to the old teaching building."

"Range, the curse of jumping off a building will lead to death has a range limit. If you are too far away from the old teaching building, it will be difficult to affect it."

After answering, Qi Qi looked at me with an expectant and urgent look.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep."

I forced myself to get up and half leaned on the chair:

"That really disappoints you. I can't sleep now."

Qi Qi sneered: "Do you think your strong support can have any effect? ",

"You haven't slept for several days, plus the actions, thinking, and fatigue, even without the side effects of the nail soul, it would be difficult for you to survive this night."

"Now with the nail soul, your body is almost unable to move, and you can only wait here for your consciousness to fall asleep completely."

'How long can you last?'.

I held on to the table and staggered to my feet.

Qi Qi couldn't understand: "What do you want to do? Can you still move?"

"Thank you for your explanation. If I don't understand these things until I die, I will be very troubled." My half-drooped eyes hid some teasing.

My body suddenly fell, and a clanging sound rang briefly.

"Besides, I think it's you who can't move."

Qi Qi frowned: "You.....".

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly froze, as if the whole person was in a state of stillness.

Then her eyebrows seemed to be pierced by a sharp object, and one or two red rivers flowed along the groove of her nose.

But they disappeared when they fell to the ground, and they didn't exist.

Qi Qi noticed it, and her body trembled violently and couldn't move at all.

Her eyes were shaking, and her expression was angry: "Dinghun!"

"It's Dinghun! ".

I pulled out the ghost bone from my backpack and used it to support myself on the ground.

Most of my face was covered by shadows, and under the flashlight I could only see my thin, clearly defined chin,

and a smiling mouth: "Congratulations, you got the answer right, and I'll give you a big stick as a reward."

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