After Chongming shouted, the two Taoist children also felt more and more gloomy, and ran in after realizing something was wrong. I couldn't help shivering as I sat at the gate of the mountain. Those ghosts were getting closer and closer to me. In fact, I was the one who should be afraid. These dirty things were all coming for me. I was already a super popular person. Now I took off the relic. I was wandering around the temple for several times at the foot of the mountain. It would be strange if they didn't notice me. So wherever I am, they will flock to me. This is a risky move. He used his own life to lead the ghosts to the gate of the mountain, and borrowed the power of many ghosts to break into Longhu Mountain again. Although these ghosts are lonely ghosts, they are very powerful. Chongming no longer smiled, staring at me solemnly: "What did you do?".

If he can't see the clues now, he is a fool.

I spread my hands helplessly: "Master Chongming, I have no choice. Since you won't tell me and won't let me in, I'll have to borrow these ghost friends to explore Longhu Mountain."

Those ghosts were getting closer and closer to me, and I could be buried by them in less than ten seconds.

I still stared at Chongming, without any fear on my face.

Chongming scratched his hair with both hands and said irritably: "Don't you want to die? Come in."

I rushed out like a rabbit, as if I had been prepared,

took out the relics buried under the stone not far in front, and then ran into the mountain gate.

I panted nervously: "Thank you, Master Chongming."

Taoist Chongming glanced at me: "Do you really think these lonely ghosts can threaten Longhu Mountain?".

I laughed:

"It's impossible. Where is Longhu Mountain? With these ghosts, Taoist Chongming alone is enough."

"But I'm not using these ghosts to force the Taoist, but my life."

Taoist Chongming cursed secretly: Crazy.

I continued: "I'm using these ghosts to bet on my life."

"I bet on Longhu Mountain, I bet Taoist Chongming will not watch me being killed by these ghosts."

"Now it seems that I bet right."

Chongming didn't respond, but was just unhappy with me.

"Alas, donor, are you still unwilling to give up?" The figure of Master Chen slowly walked from a distance.

I put away my playful smile and bowed deeply:

"It was my idea to attract all the ghosts. Everything was done by me. I knew that this would offend Longhu Mountain. Zhang Asi will accept any punishment afterwards."

"After finding my family, even if I have to be imprisoned in Longhu Mountain for the rest of my life, Zhang Asi will have no complaints."

"I just hope Master can tell me the truth!"

"They are my last relatives!"

Chen Zhenren sighed sadly: "I didn't tell you for your own good, and part of the reason is Longhu Mountain."

"Some things can't be investigated deeply, and you, the donor, will be hurt in the end."

"The matter about him is obscure in Longhu Mountain, and only a few people know about it, so I refused many times before, and I asked Chongming to stop you from coming in."

"But now it seems that the donor is investigating with the intention of dying."

I said seriously: "If I can find my family, I am willing to die to apologize for my mistakes today."

Chen Zhenren shook his head: "No need to do this, it's because we pushed you too hard."

"Even if the donor has this determination, Longhu Mountain is naturally not afraid of losing face or anything, come with me."

Chongming's face changed suddenly: "Master!"

"Are you sure?"

Chen Zhenren threw down a sentence: "He is related to him."

Just one sentence made Chongming stunned for a long time.


Chen Zhenren took me to the depths of the Taoist temple,

I expressed some doubts: "Where is the Zhenren going to take me?"

"Take you to see him"


Master Chen's eyes were full of martial spirits, and his voice was full of vicissitudes: "The Taoist priest in white you mentioned..."

I was silent for a while, my thoughts and mood were all as messy as paste, sticky,

He wanted to take me to see the Taoist priest in white, and the Taoist priest had returned to Longhu Mountain!

After that, I hardly paid attention to the road ahead, and kept following Master Chen.

If the Taoist priest in white had returned to the mountain, who was the person who left the note on my door before?

Who did the ghost who pretended to be my parents report to?

Unknown, too many mysteries.

We passed through buildings and finally stopped at a temple for worship.

I couldn't see what was on the altar without lighting.

Master Chen lifted the floor in front of the altar to reveal a staircase leading down,

It was dark inside, but Master Chen walked in calmly.


I rubbed my face a few times, and then I followed him down with courage.

There were steps under my feet, but it was pitch black in front of me.

I could only hold the wall with one hand and use my mobile phone to illuminate with the other hand to go down slowly.

After a few steps, I looked up at Chen Zhenren, but found that he was already a long distance away from me.

You should know that Chen Zhenren had no means of lighting, and his hands were behind his back, and his steps were not at all chaotic.

But when he was in front of me, I caught up with him with my mobile phone.

In the end, Chen Zhenren deliberately waited for me for a while, and I finally caught up with him.

When I first entered, it was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers, but the further I went down, the darker it became.

When I got to the end, a room with yellow light appeared in front of me.

Chen Zhenren went down first to wait for me. I couldn't open my eyes at first.

It was so dark before, so it was hard to adapt to the bright place. After blinking a few times, my eyes could slowly accept it.

I looked around from left to right. The room was about 20 square meters.

In the middle of the room was a huge Bagua map. On the edge of the Bagua map, several old Taoist priests who were about the same age as Chen Zhenren sat around.

Compared with the immortal Chen Zhenren, they looked a little sloppy.

Big beards, messy hair, and white Taoist robes were not stained with anything, red and yellow.

In front of the old Taoist priests, that is, in the center of the Bagua map, there was a red cloth, and there seemed to be something under the red cloth.

I focused my eyes there,

The red cloth was moving, not the things inside,

It seemed to be a person!

Sensing the movement, the old Taoist priests turned their heads and looked at me.

The eyes were empty and stiff, as if they were not alive, and a chill rose inexplicably.

It felt like a person who had been dead for seven days was standing in front of your bed in the middle of the night, looking at you.

Master Chen said, "He wants to see Chongyang."

I caught this name, Chongyang... seems to be of the same generation as Chongming.

Indeed, the Taoist priest in white is not much older than Chongming, about 40 years old.

So, Chongyang should be the Taoist name of the Taoist priest in white.

Several stiff old Taoist priests were silent for a long time before speaking:

"Why does an outsider want to see Chongyang?"

"How did he know about Chongyang?"

"What is his purpose in seeing Chongyang?"

"Chongyang should not see outsiders."

Master Chen:

"The two of them have a connection, a very old connection."

"He came with the intention of dying."

"The one who was outside just now was him."

The old Taoist priests did not respond to the first two sentences,

but the last sentence seemed to poke their interest points, and they all looked at me,

After looking at me for a while, they nodded: "It can be seen."

The four old men kept sitting cross-legged and moved to make way for me.

Master Chen raised his hand and pointed at the person in the middle: "Go, he is there."

I closed my eyes for a few seconds, calmed my mind, and sorted out my thoughts.

No matter how excited or nervous you are, you must know what to do and not be dominated by emotions, otherwise it will be in vain.

When I opened my eyes again, I seemed to have a goal and walked to the red cloth.

The person under the red cloth was already sitting cross-legged.

I reached out and pinched a corner of the red cloth to open it. The old Taoists didn't say anything, but Master Chen frowned.

This is not curiosity, but necessity.

I will never believe these Taoists without seeing the Taoist in white.

Who knows who is under this red cloth?

Rely on listening to the sound? Haven't I been deceived by the sound many times?

The red cloth was opened by me little by little. Obviously I only lifted a corner,

But it seems that the things inside are very slippery, and the whole red cloth slides off with a brush.

I stared at the thing on the red cloth in a daze. Is it a human?

No! I don't know if it should be called a human.

The round white eyeballs barely hung in the blood-red eye sockets as if they would fall out at any time.

This face has no skin!

Without lips, the teeth are exposed like a skeleton.

The mouth is connected, and the brain, throat, etc. can be clearly seen.

The flesh and skin are exposed, and there is no skin or hair above or below.

The difference between him and the skeleton is just that he has more flesh and blood.

I can't imagine, and it's even more unbelievable that he is still alive in this state.

He suddenly moved, and he began to speak without the skin capsule.

The expansion and contraction of the skin, the movement of the tongue, etc., are clearly visible.

"Seventeen years ago, it peeled off my skin..."

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