The skinless man speaks slowly and with difficulty.

He hesitates for a minute to form a sentence

"Seventeen years ago, it took me a skin off..."

And it was just one sentence that made all my thoughts snap, my neck felt cold for the first time in a long time, and my heart couldn't help but beat.

This sentence contains too much...

Who is it? Whose skin did it take off?

Seventeen years ago?

I couldn't figure it out, I couldn't understand it, I could only continue to listen to the skinless man in front of me continue to talk

Bare teeth collided up and down, tongue rolled up and stretched out, it was hard to understand why he could speak like this

"I am Chongyang, 17 years ago in Niuma Village I saved a pregnant woman"

"That day I noticed a strange phenomenon in Niuma Village, it was raining heavily in the clear sky, so I went over and happened to see the villagers trying to send a pregnant woman to the hospital"

"Unfortunately, it rained heavily, and the muddy ground blocked the carriage. Since I went there, I naturally wouldn't stand idly by. I helped the carriage out of the mud pit, and the mother and child were also sent to the hospital."

I subconsciously held my breath, my expression was unprecedentedly throbbing,

Niuma Village is the name of our village, and the pregnant woman is my mother

He was telling the story of my birth, exactly the same as what my mother told!

The tone of the skinless man suddenly became heavier, and there was horror, fear and anger in his tone.

"I thought too naively. It was not only that the heavens did not want people to have their will, but also that the ghosts wanted the lives of the mother and child. The mother and child were dragged away by the ghosts. I only realized this after returning to the village and immediately chased them."

"I successfully took the mother and child back from the hands of those little ghosts. At that time, the pregnant woman was about to give birth, and she gave birth to the child in the carriage."

"That child is wrong, there is something strange! He doesn't cry, but his eyes are clear and pure when he is born."

"I predicted that his future would be extraordinary when I saw the child for the first time."

"And I encountered it after the child was born!"

"It was it that peeled off my skin and made me look like a ghost now."

Saying these words seemed to have used up all the strength of the skinless man, and he gasped for breath.

Chen Zhenren said on his behalf: "The skinless man in front of you is Chongyang, the Taoist priest in white who went to Niuma Village seventeen years ago."

"And seventeen years ago, when Chongyang fled back to Fulong Mountain, he managed to survive without a skin and returned to Fulong Mountain. We were able to help him survive until now."

I couldn't help but take a breath, and my scalp was numb.

What they said was true. The real Taoist priest in white was skinned when I was born.

Who was the Taoist priest in white who sent me back to the village at that time?

Who has been appearing in front of me from seventeen years ago until now?

It put on the skin of the Taoist priest in white!

What kind of thing can peel off human skin and put on human skin, and even the mother who has seen the Taoist priest in white can't see any flaws.

And it can also use magic tools, almost exactly the same as the real Taoist priest in white.

Now I seem to understand why Chen Zhenren didn't let me know the truth.

It's too scary, and it's terrifying to think about it carefully.

The truth was overturned seventeen years ago. The Taoist priest in white who sent me back to the village seventeen years ago is no longer a human being.

The thing wearing the Taoist priest in white is still active outside...

I pinched my hand hard to stop myself from thinking further.

I asked calmly:

"My next words may offend the Taoist priest, but I still want to say it. Taoist priest, do you have any way to prove that you are Chongyang? It is hard to believe what a skinless person says."

The skinless person said: "I understand. I am glad that you can be cautious."

Then he stretched out three fingers:

"Three fingers stained with blood, the Heavenly Venerable can see it. In the name of the Heavenly Venerable, I swear here that what I say is true, and what I say is true in the past. If there is any adulteration, if there is a lie, the disciple will be splashed with blood on the spot, and the thunder will destroy his soul!".

Chen Zhenren explained silently: "This is a kind of oath in Fulong Mountain. This oath is irreversible. The words are spoken by the gods. If it is violated, the consequences will be seen."

"People from Maoshan and some of you so-called insiders know it. You can go and verify the truth."

I stood up silently,

Plop...kneeled on my knees and slammed my head on the ground: "This is to respect the Taoist priest's heart of kindness and righteousness."

Plop "This is to thank the Taoist priest for saving my mother and my life."

Plop "This is to apologize for my rudeness many times before."

The skinless Chongyang didn't say anything, but that

He helped me up with his bloody hands.

Hesitantly, he said:

"I don't regret saving you and your son."

"I didn't before, and I won't now."

Chen Zhenren sighed:

"It was Chongyang's own intention not to let you know the whole story and not to let you see him."

"He didn't want you to come into contact with that thing in someone else's skin again. That thing is too dangerous."

"Even we have never seen or heard of it."

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