The ghost is a ghost! This is a code name I simply gave to the thing that peeled off human skin and covered with human skin. Although I don’t know what that thing is, I know that it is definitely not a human, nor an ordinary ghost. Looking at the appearance of Taoist Chongyang in white, he seemed to have no ability to resist the ghost when he encountered it. Even Chen Zhenren was very afraid of that ghost. But such a troublesome thing entangled me. It has been entangled since I was born. In fact, the behavior of the ghost is also very strange. Seventeen years ago, when I was born, it did not take my life, but sent me back to the village. Seventeen years later, it tried all kinds of ways to kill me. Why is this? From its purpose, the only difference between me when I was born and me now is the ghost marriage contract.

Originally, I would not live for more than four hours,

but my grandfather used the ghost marriage contract and the ghost wife protected me and let me live for so many years.

Explained in this way, the behavior of the skin ghost is very reasonable.

When I was born, I was an ordinary baby. At that time, it would not kill me, but send me back.

Its purpose is to see me who will be carrying the ghost marriage contract in the future, and then kill me.

The reason may be the temptation in the mouths of other ghosts. In the eyes of ghosts, I am a prize that radiates temptation crazily.

Other ghosts will do anything for this, just like Qi Qi.

It is not surprising that the skin ghost does this.

In fact, the real temptation of those ghosts should be the ghost marriage contract. I am not so conceited that ghosts like me very much.

Without the ghost marriage contract, I am a poor boy who can't even live to one year old.

No wonder the skin ghost wearing Chongyang's skin said to me in Qinglong Temple,

The fate of those who carry the ghost marriage contract will be more miserable than death.

Suddenly thinking about it, I really feel that death is quite easy,

I won't step into one mystery after another, and be targeted by one unknown thing after another.

I smiled bitterly and shook my head. Before my family is rescued,

I can't die so easily.

No matter how terrifying the skin ghost is, I have to find a way to take my family back from it.

I am not alone, the ghost marriage contract, family, the blood of the Zhang family...

Now I am carrying everything of the Zhang family to live as my grandfather said, but I didn't expect my future to be so heavy.

And now I strongly suspect that the skin ghost is the same ghost in my family's ancestral tomb. It is not a little ghost, an unknown ghost...

Thank Chongyang again,

Chongyang always thought it was nothing, and he asked me if I encountered the skin ghost.

I nodded:

"It must be him, he used your skin to deceive my family and deceived me several times"

"But he disappeared after the attempt to kill me failed".

"It was not until a few days ago when I returned home that I found that my family had been replaced, and he left a line of words on my door: If you want your family, commit suicide..."

Chongyang said solemnly: "You must not do this, you must not let him succeed!"

"Although I don't know what he wants to do, his purpose must be terrible."

I spread my hands lazily: "Don't worry, I won't let him manipulate me. Before I die, my family will never die before me."

"I guess he is trying to kill me now."

Chen Zhenren sighed: "Mr. Zhang's character is seriously different from your age. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse."

"But please be careful, Mr. Zhang."

"If you need him or find his trace in the future, Mr. Zhang can call Fulong Mountain for help."

"The cause and effect between Fulong Mountain and the donor is difficult to separate. Fulong Mountain has a serious grudge with that thing. Fulong Mountain will also try its best to find him and get rid of him."

"Bring back Chongyang's skin!".

I am not very interested in whether Fulong Mountain will help, but the last sentence aroused my interest.

"Does Chen Zhenren mean that if Taoist Chongyang's skin can be brought back, Taoist Chongyang can still recover?".

Chen Zhenren said calmly: "The skin has always been alive on that thing. As long as it is brought back in time, Fulong Mountain will naturally have a way to help Chongyang recover."

I have more fighting spirit in my heart.

I am not unrelated to the fact that Taoist Chongyang has fallen into this state.

I was supposed to die, but I lived for seventeen years. However, the Taoist priest Chongyang, who was originally traveling around, was skinned alive and hid for seventeen years in this place, neither human nor ghost. When I learned the truth, I felt so guilty that I could hardly breathe. Now that Taoist priest Chongyang has recovered,

I will definitely not let go of the hope.

As long as I can get the skin back from the skin ghost!

In his current state, Taoist Chongyang has to stay under the red cloth for most of the day to maintain his life.

Although it is very difficult, it is already a miracle.

Who would dare to believe that a person without skin on his body has lived for seventeen years?

Taoist Chongyang was covered with a red cloth, and there was no need for me to stay any longer.

I said goodbye to Master Chen: "I am grateful to Master Chen for meeting you today and letting me know the truth of seventeen years ago."

"Since I have figured out what I want to know, I want to go down the mountain and continue to track down the skin ghost."

Master Chen: "If you want to leave, leave tomorrow."

"It's already night, and there are many empty rooms on the mountain."

I thought about it and agreed.

It's so late at night now. Even if I have the relic to protect myself, I can't help but feel scared. Who knows if the ghosts at the mountain gate have left.

After coming out of the basement, a Taoist boy took me to the guest room.

Hard bed board and some dried bedding, other than that there are only some wooden tables and chairs.

Pour yourself a cup of tea, look out through the window at the scenery outside with clouds circling thousands of miles and night covered with veils,

Living in seclusion in the mountains is also a good life,

No disputes, no noise.

Drinking tea, I sorted out my next step,

After going down from Fulong Mountain, I must continue to track down the skin ghost,

In fact, there is no need to track him down, maybe one day he will take the initiative to find me.

I don’t know if the ghost wife can beat the skin ghost, but she should not be weaker than him,

Otherwise, the skin ghost will just kill me directly.

Thinking of the ghost wife, I suddenly shouted to the empty space in the room:

"Are you there?".

I feel that the ghost wife should be with me,

But every time I see her, she is either killing people or I am about to die.

I shouted a few more times but there was still no response.

I touched the wound on my throat and murmured: It’s really not that easy to see her.

I put my backpack on the table, and the bones of the wronged souls were still beside me even when I was sleeping.

It had almost become a habit.



The sound of a mouse gnawing something kept lingering in my ears. I was woken up from my sleep.

I looked at the source of the sound with a bad temper and woke up with a shudder.

A red box was lying flat on the ground, and a withered hand stretched out from it and carved on the ground.

The red evil box came out!

At this time, I was not sleepy at all.

How could I dare to doze off? Once the red evil box came out, it meant that my life was in danger.

It was clearly placed in the backpack, but it could crawl out by itself and leave words.

When I walked over, the red evil box had been retracted.

And there were two clear and simple words on the bluestone ground.

"Run! Run! Run! Run! It's coming!".

"It's coming!"

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