The ghost came to the mountain, but it was too late.

A chill rushed to my brain, it's coming!

The blood on my face quickly faded, and my mood was indescribable

It's coming, the skin ghost is coming!

It's actually coming to Fulong Mountain to kill me?

Before, it always pushed my death from the side or led me into a trap, but this time it was very straightforward,

The skin ghost is going to break into Fulong Mountain...

What frightened me the most was not the news that the skin ghost was coming,

but the prophecy of the Red Evil Box. In the past, the Red Evil Box always reminded me not to do something or predicted my death.

But this time it was different, completely different,

The Red Evil Box actually wanted me to escape?

There was no warning, no prophecy, just letting me run away...

After staying for a while, I immediately made a decision, run away!

Run away! I must run away, otherwise I will die.

The Red Evil Box has already given a warning.

If I continue to stay here, I will not only harm myself but also the Taoist priests here.

It's okay if I have bad luck, but I can't let others run into ghosts together,

Not to mention the terrifying thing called the skin ghost.

I hurriedly packed up my things, stuffed the bones of the wronged soul into my backpack and went out.

Of course, I must talk to Master Chen before going down the mountain, not only for courtesy but also as a reminder.

Even if the skin ghost comes for me, it may not be harmless to the people of Fulong Mountain. Who knows what it will do?

So I must give Master Chen a heads-up first.

I came to Chen Zhenren's door at night and knocked several times before the light came on in the house.

Chen Zhenren simply put on a coat and came out. When he saw me, he was very curious:

"Mr. Zhang, it's so late, what do you want?".

I adjusted my breathing and said solemnly: "The skin-covered ghost is coming, it's coming to Fulong Mountain"

"Please don't ask me where I got it from. I, Zhang Asi, swear to heaven that I won't lie."

"The purpose of that thing is not pure. Please let everyone take precautions."

Chen Zhenren's eyes were inevitably shocked.

A few hours ago, they were still discussing the skin-covered ghost.

Now suddenly, the skin-covered ghost is coming?

Chen Zhenren noticed the backpack on my back: "Where are you going?".

I said with some guilt:

"I must have led the skin-covered ghost here. How can I stay in Fulong Mountain if I led it here?"

"I'm going down the mountain now, hoping to lead it away."

After saying that, I turned around and left.

Master Chen pinched his white beard and thought, and suddenly called me: "Donor Zhang, please wait a moment."

I stopped and turned around: "Master, is there anything else?"

"It is not necessarily the donor's fault that the ghost came here. Donor, don't blame yourself. If you are sure that the ghost will come, then you don't have to leave. In fact, I have a plan."

"I don't have to leave?"

Master Chen spoke faster and said: "Since we already know that the ghost is coming, we can lure you into a trap."

I guessed some of the meaning; 'Does the master want to take this opportunity to get rid of it? '

Master Chen: "I never thought it would dare to come to Fulong Mountain. If it wants to come, Fulong Mountain will naturally keep it."

"Otherwise, this evil spirit will come and go as it pleases. Isn't my Fulong Mountain a decoration? Besides, Fulong Mountain has grievances with that thing."

"It is Fulong Mountain's responsibility to subdue the evil. If it doesn't get rid of it, Fulong Mountain will no longer have dignity. Chongyang's skin is also on that thing."

"It's just right to clear everything up tonight."

Master Chen's words easily aroused my emotions. Getting rid of the skin ghost is something I dream of.

Of course I don't want to miss this opportunity, but I don't want to see anyone being harmed again.

I worriedly said, "Master, I think this matter is too dangerous. What if something goes wrong...".

"Haha, you underestimate our Fulong Mountain, don't you?" Chongming, smiling, appeared behind me at some point.

"I told you before, don't underestimate Fulong Mountain."

"How can Fulong Mountain not deal with an evil spirit? Let's not talk about my generation and my master Master Chen. We have a Heavenly Master in Fulong Mountain!"

Heavenly Master? I am curious about this title that seems to have appeared in TV dramas.

But from what Chongming said, the status and Taoism of the Heavenly Master should be above Master Chen.

After all, he is in charge of Fulong Mountain.

Master Chen put on his clothes and told Chongming:

"Go and inform everyone that disciples under five years old should stay indoors, and disciples over five years old should be on alert without sleep."

"Disciples over ten years old should form teams to patrol on their own."

"Inform your other brothers to guard important checkpoints such as the mountain gate,

I will go and inform your five uncles".

"The Heavenly Master is in seclusion, they will sense it themselves".

After he finished speaking, Chen Zhenren had already started, leaving only the vicissitudes of life and the fluttering of the elegant Taoist robe.

I was completely shocked by Chen Zhenren's actions.

It was just a word from me, but Chen Zhenren believed it so much that he did not hesitate to alarm everyone in Fulong Mountain.

Why didn't Chen Zhenren doubt me?

Can he even tell the truth from the false?

Indeed, in front of Chen Zhenren, I felt naked, as if nothing could be hidden.

Chongming patted my shoulder and comforted me:

"Don't be nervous, this little movement is enough to deal with the evil spirit".

"That evil spirit can't be sloppy, but if it doesn't come better".

"With the Heavenly Master here, there will be no accidents in Fulong Mountain".

I tried to ask: "How confident is the Heavenly Master in dealing with the evil spirit?".

Chongming looked at me and smiled: "How confident, I don't know, but you can tell that those Heavenly Masters are older than my master".


Then the whole Fulong Mountain became lively

The houses lit up one by one like the stars in the night sky, and the Taoist priests in white robes came out trembling with energy.

Chongming took a few middle-aged people to the mountain gate,

And I saw the two Hu Taoist priests again,

He was wearing big slippers, and his Taoist robe was hanging on his body in a mess,

As soon as he saw me, he asked in a panic: "Where is the ghost? Where is the ghost?"

"Damn it, Xiao Chenzi suddenly ran over and told me that a ghost was coming, and almost scared me to death".

I said angrily: "It should not have come yet, but I'm curious where you have been these two days, I haven't seen you"

"Do you know how I got in? I think some of the remaining money can be deducted."

The Taoist priest suddenly became anxious: "Stop it, don't you already know everything? "

"It was Little Chen who didn't let me intervene. I couldn't do anything about it. He basically has the final say on Fulong Mountain."

I twitched my lips. The Taoist priests' name for Chen Zhenren was very interesting, Little Chen.......

I was getting more and more confused. The Taoist priest was so lame, and any Taoist priest on Fulong Mountain was more like a Taoist priest than him.

Deducting money was just a lip service. I honestly transferred the remaining money to him.

Zhen Zhenren Chen originally wanted to let the two Hu Taoist priests go to the basement to inform Chongyang and others,

But the Taoist priests were afraid of ghosts and didn't go, so they finally asked a Taoist boy to inform them.

In the basement

The Taoist boy walked down the dark steps,

Several old Taoist priests didn't even look back,

The Taoist boy: "According to what the donor Zhang said, it seems that there will be evil spirits tonight. Zhenren asked me to remind all the uncles."

An old Taoist priest said in a deep voice: "Well, I know."

"It seems that someone will die tonight..."

The words fell as before, But this time it was not ordinary,

Several old Taoists suddenly turned back at the same time, their eyes were horrified,

The Taoist boy put his hand on the light switch, click...

Just before the light completely disappeared, they saw it!

The Taoist boy's skin suddenly swelled, as if air had entered it,

The next second, a complete human skin gradually fell off,

The person inside put on a weird smile,

He was the Taoist Chongyang in white!

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