The old man was very angry.

Just when I had the idea of ​​escaping from Longhu Mountain and leading away the skin ghost,

Chen Zhenren's palm slapped me on the shoulder, and a warm and masculine breath spread throughout my body

"If you go out, you will fall into its trap!"

"Its target this time may not be you."

'We can't turn the initiative into the passive, the fact of death cannot be changed, we can only accept it further'

Listening to the teachings, I pinched myself,

Reminding myself that now is not the time to blame myself, the crisis has not been eliminated.

"Zhenren, the skin ghost may pretend to be the Taoist priests in the basement."

Chen Zhenren nodded: "It's possible, I will notify others now."

"It seems that it is more troublesome than I thought."

"I have never seen such an evil spirit. It actually took the initiative to break into the sacred place of Longhu Mountain, and it is very strange."

"Longhu Mountain is blessed by the Heavenly Lord. Generally, evil spirits are terrified. There is no way to survive after entering. The Heavenly Lord cannot sit idly by and watch the evil spirit, but that thing sneaked into Longhu Mountain and killed my four junior brothers."

I was silent for a while and said, "Human skin!"

Chen Zhenren's eyes were like torches: "It is a man in human skin! It is really an evil thing."

"It sneaked into Longhu Mountain in human skin, and even deceived Tianzun. It is the same as ordinary people in human skin, and it is almost the same as Chongyang in Chongyang's skin."

"Its purpose is not simple, and it must not be allowed to leave Longhu Mountain alive!"

Chen Zhenren walked out of the formation, and more than a dozen Taoists around him also stood up suddenly.

The two Hu Taoists were panicked: "Xiao Chenzi, what are you going to do?"

"If you leave, what should we do."

Chen Zhenren put his hands behind his back, as if he had made up his mind.

There was a determination and anger in his words to avenge the four old Taoist priests.

"We can't let that thing do evil in Longhu Mountain anymore."

"Set up the altar and perform rituals to find it!"

A dozen Taoist priests suddenly stood up and formed a circle.

A Taoist boy brought a copper basin and placed it in the middle of them.

The Taoist priests and I also went to see it, mainly because it was safer to be with Chen Zhenren.

The copper basin was filled with about half a basin of water. A dozen Taoist priests each made a seal and muttered something in their mouths.

Chen Zhenren held a rectangular wooden stick with scales and gourd patterns carved on it.

The stick gently knocked against the edge of the basin.

Suddenly, a wave appeared on the calm water surface. There was no wind.

This weak wave was like a sentinel leading the way. Circles of water waves like the annual rings of a giant tree spread out.

Small waves frequently hit the edge of the basin, and some water droplets splashed on the floor.

Chen Zhenren threw a broken leaf into the basin.

The leaf falling into the water produced a strange phenomenon. The uneven water surface was suppressed and calmed down abruptly, only at the moment the leaf fell.

The horizontal leaf rotated slightly and slowly went deep into the water, but it floated in one direction in the dark.

Chen Zhenren glanced at the basin and asserted: "It's still in the basement!".

A dozen Taoists looked at each other and stood up immediately. Chen Zhenren looked at the two of us and also moved:

"You stay with me"

'You can't be alone'.

The two Hu Taoist priests were timid: "Otherwise, I'd better hide in this side of the formation."

Chen Zhenren sighed and said: "You know this formation? It was originally intended to block it."

"But we guessed its purpose wrongly. Staying in that formation is just waiting to die."

"We must not let it hurt any of its disciples again."

Chen Zhenren said so, and the two Hu Taoist priests did not dare to stay in their original positions, and hurriedly followed Chen Zhenren.

Chen Zhenren asked the disciples at the gate of the mountain to retreat to the square to ensure that no one was left alone.

We rushed to the basement,

led by Chen Zhenren, and there were more than a dozen other masters.

This lineup was almost the main force except for the Tianshi mentioned by Chongming.

If this can still overturn, it can only be regarded as a ghost in disguise.

We came to the temple for worship. The statues of the gods worshipped were very tall and could not be seen in full at night.

And the entrance to the basement had been opened.

A deep and bottomless passage was presented in front of everyone.

Chen Zhenren's face was solemn: "Let's start."

"Well," a dozen Taoist priests came to the entrance and sat down suddenly.

They surrounded the entrance.

The two Taoist priests were at a loss: "Little Chen, aren't you going to kill it?"

"Why don't you go in?"

Chen Zhenren stood at the entrance of the temple and said calmly: "If you go in, won't you fall into its trap?"

"A seventeen-year-old who could easily strip the

"It killed Chongyang and killed four of my junior brothers seventeen years later. Do you think we can track it so easily?" "It killed people but is still in the basement of the temple. It was easy for me to track it. It is obvious that it wants to lure us in when we are angry." "Once we enter, we will be completely trapped." "My four junior brothers are very capable and have defeated countless evil spirits in their lives. I think that thing must have used some trick to kill them." "It used tricks, so we will use them against it." I looked at the entrance and couldn't help but admire Chen Zhenren's wit. It turns out that the old ones are the best. He always puts caution first and will not be impulsive even if he is angry. A Taoist boy brought a some things,

Master Chen threw me a short knife: "Use it for self-defense first, don't you know what will happen later?"

As for the two Hu Taoist priests, they had already taken out a dagger wrapped in talismans from somewhere.

Master Chen only had an ancient wooden sword on his back,

The wooden sword is quite suitable for the identity of a Taoist priest, but the effect is unknown.

But in Master Chen's hands, even a wooden sword should not be ordinary.

I thanked him and accepted it. Compared with the short knife, the ghost bone is more handy,

The short knife can also be kept first, just in case it is needed.

Master Chen's accuracy The preparations were not complete.

He brought a jade bowl, which seemed to contain only ordinary water.

He used a wooden sign to dip the water and stamped it on the foreheads of me and the two Taoist priests.

"Donor Zhang said before that the evil spirit could use paper figures. Paper figures are a kind of Taoist method in Longhu Mountain. Chongyang is the best at this technique. He used paper figures to confuse you many times before."

"Now, with the nectar water and the magic order, you can see through the paper figure technique and not be confused again. Of course, you can also see through some of the little ghosts' tricks."

I didn't dare to touch the watermark on my forehead that was about to disappear. I was worried that the skin-covered ghost would use paper figures to cause trouble again. It seems I thought too much.

The paper figurine method is what Taoist Chongyang is good at, and Longhu Mountain certainly has a way to deal with it.

We and the two Hu Taoists need nectar water and decrees, but Chen Zhenren and others don't need to borrow these at all.

Chen Zhenren was not prepared to wait for him to come out, but wanted to force him out.

They inserted rows of red and white flags around the entrance, and then took out a kind of bell.

The head is in the shape of a trident, the tail is a copper bell, and the copper connecting rod in the middle is just enough for one hand to grasp.

Chen Zhenren also has a golden Taoist bell in his hand, which is more exquisite than theirs.

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