The sound of the bells was so loud that the bells were swaying.

Starting with Chen Zhenren's golden bell, he shook his arm

Swish... Dingling... Dingling... Dingling,

More than a dozen Taoists followed closely and rang the bells, Dingling... Dingling... Dingling

The overlapping ringing sounds seemed like a sudden wave,

Not only resounding in the outside world, but also resounding in my mind and heart...

It only took a few seconds for me to feel that I was overwhelmed by the ringing sounds of the bells,

The overlapping and blending bells did not give you any breathing space at all, and they would only become stronger and stronger.

It should have been a very pleasant sound, but in their hands, another unbearable sound rang out.

I covered my ears tightly. Every time I rang the bell, it was like tearing my soul apart. My eardrums...

Ding-ling... Ding-ling... Ding-ling

The sound waves seemed to have become real, and the shocking waves that covered everything knocked me over.

My heart rate had already been messed up, my thoughts could not be gathered, and all my thoughts were scattered.

In just one minute, my back was soaked with sweat and my face turned pale.

I forced my eyes open, but found that everything in my sight was shaking and doubled.

It seemed that the whole mountain was experiencing a major earthquake.

No, it was my vision that was astigmatizing.

The sound of the bell was like a devil's sound filling my ears. What tortured people was not the size of the sound, but the noise that poured into the soul.

Ding-ling... Ding-ling... Ding-ling...

The bells were ringing in all directions, and I was suppressed and couldn't raise my head.

At this time, I understood what Master Chen meant by forcing it out.

This method, let alone that thing, even people can't stand it.

I glanced at the Taoist priest with two beards. He was also covering his ears, but not as painful as me.

He stared with red eyes: "Zhang boy, why are you like this?"

"If that thing doesn't come out, I feel like I'm going to shake you to death."

I covered my ears and shook my head desperately, trying to shake out the chaotic and tormenting sounds in my head, but it was unrealistic.

I could only step back and leave the temple. As the sound decreased, the pain also decreased accordingly.


I caught a discordant sound mixed in with the lingering bell sound.

Something came out!

Chen Zhenren and others raised their hands and looked at the entrance. The shaking of the Taoist bells in their hands became more regular.

Easily picked out the uncoordinated footsteps.

I saw a figure slowly rising at the entrance, and the figure swayed on the steps.

Everyone's heartstrings were suddenly lifted.

The two Taoist priests with beards ran out and stared at the entrance.

Master Chen held the Taoist bell in one hand and pulled out the wooden sword on his back with the other hand.

I also drew out the ghost bone and took the initiative to surround him and enter the temple again.

Even if the Taoist bells have not stopped ringing, it would be useless if I can't stand even a little sound at this time.

The two Taoist priests with beards looked at me and then looked at themselves, feeling very entangled.

I swallowed a big breath and followed with the talisman dagger.

The figure gradually walked up from the entrance, and the black veil on his body was destined to be dispelled by the moonlight.

The upper body was exposed first,

Hiss... Master Chen and I were stunned at the first time.

That face that was not familiar enough, when it came into view, there were mixed feelings.


My hand holding the ghost bone turned white because I was too strong, and my attention was rarely focused,

Skinned ghost! Seventeen years later, the person who will peel off the skin of the real Taoist Chongyang and send me back to the village,

is also the culprit who has been around me these days and deliberately plotted to kill me!

My mother and my sister's disappearance is related to it, and Taoist Chongyang's inability to recover is also related to it!

Chen Zhenren's breathing became heavier. Even at his age and with such experience,

he saw the culprit who peeled off his skin, and the evil spirit who peeled off the skins of his five junior brothers just now.

How could he not be excited?

Chongyang walked out of the entrance quickly with a pale face. For some reason, he was not afraid of us.

After seeing us, a touch of surprise appeared on his face.

It was very strange, it was obvious that it had no way to escape in this situation.

Chen Zhenren had not given any orders yet, but the dozen Taoists who were meditating around him could no longer suppress their anger.

It was a great shame for them to be invaded by the evil spirit in Longhu Mountain. What was even more hateful was that the evil spirit dared to walk around here in front of their disciples.

The dust like thousands of long silk threads was thrown on his neck, and the dust quickly entangled his neck tightly.

In addition, two dusts entangled Chongyang's hands.


Instantly, three Taoists bound it tightly with floating dust

Other Taoists took this opportunity to attack,

Several talismans of different colors were pasted on Chongyang's head, back of the head, chest, back, etc.

Three or four long swords stabbed out almost at the same time, and the cold light of the swords flashed through each of our eyes in the moonlight.

Chen Zhenren looked through Chongyang and looked directly at the dark entrance, raised his eyebrows,

Feeling something wrong, he shouted: "Wait a minute"

His voice accompanied the sharp long sword through Chongyang's body,


After Chen Zhenren finished speaking and the long sword was stained with blood, there was a dead silence in the temple, and everyone was dazed,

Only the blood dripping into everyone's heart and stinging their eyes could bring back some thoughts.


Chongyang is bleeding?

The three Taoists' dust subconsciously loosened, and Chongyang looked at us in disbelief.

That hand seemed to be reaching out to each of us.

Chongyang fell down... and we understood.


The Taoists just shouted but did not dare to step forward. Perhaps they thought they were not qualified.

What qualifications does the murderer have?

The bones of the wronged soul in my hand fell to the ground. The last thing I wanted to see happened.....

Chongyang Taoist priest died... The one who died just now was the real Chongyang Taoist priest...

The skin-covered ghost returned the skin to Chongyang.

Returning the human skin is as simple as peeling the human skin. There is no flaw at all.

Why? Why did it peel off the human skin wantonly and now it is wantonly returning it?

Even if Chongyang came out and refuted that he was not a skin-covered ghost, would anyone believe it?

If it were not for the scene in front of me, who would believe that the skin-covered ghost could return the human skin?

Chongyang's skin is already an anchor of suspicion. No matter who it is, we can't easily believe it.

The skin-covered ghost took advantage of this and killed Chongyang through our hands.

He didn't die at the hands of the skin-covered ghost, but at our hands.

Chongyang is not a skin-covered ghost?

Then who is the skin-covered ghost?

Where is it?

When Chen Zhenren was about to approach Chongyang, he stopped abruptly and gritted his teeth and said:

"Don't get close, this is the trick of that evil spirit!"

"This is the real Chongyang, the evil spirit hasn't appeared yet!".

We froze in place and watched Chongyang's blood flow.

Those Taoists were even more desperate.

They knew where they stabbed, and Chongyang's weak body had no chance of survival.

I picked up the wronged soul bone again and was extremely angry.

That evil spirit was so sneaky that I couldn't guess its purpose and couldn't figure out its characteristics.

It didn't dare to confront Longhu Mountain head-on, but sneaked in secretly.

Chen Zhenren suddenly looked at the entrance and shouted: "Be careful, something is coming out again!".

At this time, everyone was filled with anger and pain. Several eyes converged, hoping that it was the evil spirit that could let them vent.

One figure rushed out first, followed by another figure.

After the previous incident, the Taoists naturally did not dare to act rashly, but the person who came out still surprised them.


Two figures were exposed in the moonlight, one fatter and one thinner.

After the two came out, they understood the situation by scanning the surroundings, and then pointed at each other and said:

"It is an evil spirit! It peeled off my skin!".

The fat Taoist said to the thin Taoist gloomily: "Evil spirit, you dare to wear my skin."

The thin Taoist sneered and retorted: "You are wearing my skin, is it interesting to catch ghosts?".

I was confused by this scene, and the Taoists led by Chen Zhenren also frowned.

At this time, two people walked out of the entrance, one person, and the other was dragged out.

The bald Taoist dragged a Taoist with one eye blind, panting: "No, he is the evil spirit!".

"This thing wore my skin and stuffed me into the skin of my junior brother. My junior brother has been harmed by him."

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