Burning Passion

Chapter 128 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


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Arriving in the warehouse, Matt and Theo make a careful move. They enter the warehouse through a window. Waste no time. They studied all the movements inside. But it looks like everything is normal.

In a low voice, Matt contacted his brother. "Have you found anything, or suspicious movement, Dylan?"

"I see nothing that is a threat. I cannot detect any heated objects like firearms or anything. I cannot locate Brandon Hale as well inside that warehouse."

"What? Then where is he?" Matt whispered.

"Where is Nikki?" Asked Theo. He was anxious about her and their child. "We need to find them!" It also worries him if Lucy was in stable condition.

"We have to calm down. Kevin Hale just arrived at Shang Manor. We need not do anything yet." Shun warned everyone. He added, "The Section 13 and Section 14 are in pursuit of Senator Lu. And Matt's agent entered Garry Shang's House. They will stay put in the area for further orders. Let's proceed!"

"Copy, boss!"

* * *

Meanwhile, Theo cannot wait. He's eager to check the truck from the footage to see if Nikki was still there. Or they move her in any of the rooms of this warehouse.

"We have to wait for David, Theo," Matt told him after observing him being restless.

"I know. But I want to find Nikki as soon as possible!"

He could see how Theo worried about Nikki. He truly loves her. So then Matt contemplates and decides. "All right. Let's disguise ourselves as workers here."

Theo and Matt went to the staff room to look for an unused uniform. They wore it to not be questioned roaming around and hide their faces with the company cap they were wearing. Good thing, there are no other workers, but the security guards going rounds.

"Let's split up from here. I will go search that way, and you go this way, Theo."

"Okay." Theo followed the aisle leading her toward the south part of the warehouse where the office was located. He enters the room. But it was empty. He's about to get leave when he could hear a faint cry. It was from a closet.

Theo's heartbeat so fast. Fear, at the same time excitement, crawled in every nerve of his body. Slowly, Theo makes silent a step closer. He reaches for the handle of the closet and opens it.

"Hmm!" A woman tied inside, covered her mouth with a cloth to silence her from making any noise.

"Where is Nikki!?" Theo shouted with rage at the woman. It was the one who brought the cart to the staff room and brought it to the laundry room after. Now the woman tied and hid in the closet. He takes the cloth and lets the woman speak.

"I'm so sorry, Master Shang. I have to do it."

The woman's face flooded with tears. Her voice is stammering and chasing her breaths. How many hours since Nikki was gone? Have they tied her up as well?

"Where is she now?" He asked the woman one more time. Still, he cannot imagine what Nikki has to get through being inside that pushcart.

"After we arrived here, they tied me up and put in the closet. I don't know what happens to Nikki. Please, they will kill my family too."

Theo presses his lips. Nikki has nowhere to find! He heaved a furious sigh and told the woman, "don't worry about it. The police have now checked your family."

"Please, don't harm them!" she pleaded.

"Do you think we are that kind of people? And you have guts to put her in danger?" Theo is controlling his anger. Still, it is a woman.

"I'm so sorry, Master Shang!" The woman apologized while continuing to cry.

"Now, tell me how Nikki abducted? How did you do it?!" Theo is determined to interrogate the woman.

"I received a call that I should watch Nikki Lindsey and give details about the hotel. And then this morning. They gave me instructions on what I should do."

"And you have no conscience? Do you know her mother is still in the process of recovery?"

"It didn't cross in my mind that they would also kidnap her mother," the woman continues crying. "I don't know what they talked about over the phone. I just follow what was told to me. I have to!"

"They threatened her, that is why she is playing along!" He is frustrated not to yell.

"I realize it after. The reason I tried to escape and plan to confess to Director Isagawa. But they tied me after I failed to escape, to ask for help."

Theo heaves a sigh furiously. The door opened, and it was Matt. "Theo? It looks like they left already. No trace of Nikki elsewhere." He closes the door of the office after he looks around so that no one catches them.

"Damn it!"

Meanwhile, continuing monitoring any progress of the search and listening to Theo and Matt's conversation with the woman, Shun came up with something.

"Let us check and search all the trucks that leave the warehouse. Also, someone must take the Vice President of that Ming Company and interrogate him for his participation in this incident." Shun ordered.

Back to Theo and Matt. They waited for David and the SWAT Team for a better search in the entire warehouse.

"Matt, we have to see their CCTV footage," Theo told Matt. They are still inside the office, peeping outside the window through the blinds. No other suspicious movements outside.

"Yes. Once David arrives, we will review their CCTV and interrogate all the security guards here," he replied. "Someone is coming. Let us hide."

Matt steps away from the window and positions near the door prepared to attack the guy. But the person is just passing by the office.

"David, where are you now?" Matt queried the SWAT team.

"We are in position. We will come in sooner."

"All right..." Matt said he glances at the woman when the door opens.

"Who are you?" asked the warehouse worker.

Matt grabs the man and puts him to sleep. Good thing it's not a security guard. Not long after, the SWAT Team entered the warehouse and ordered all the workers to gather. The team searched the entire warehouse and found nothing but the pushcart that Nikki hides.

David and Matt check the CCTV footage.

Theo's heart sank when he saw Nikki in the footage that came out from the truck. He doesn't know what they talk about, but Nikki slaps the man. After, he dragged her to a car. His desire not just to punch the guy but beat him up for laying a finger on Nikki.

Forcing Nikki into the car; the vehicle went inside to a huge trailer truck and loaded with mattresses to hide the car.. The trailer truck left the warehouse and headed south.

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