Burning Passion

Chapter 129 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


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"South? Could it be they headed to the port?" Matt mumbles while watching the video footage of the entire warehouse. "Brother Rudolf, Dylan, can you follow where this truck headed?" he asked afterward.

"Yes. I am replaying the footage. The truck headed to the port," Rudolf replied. He sends a few screenshots of the video footage installed in the entire traffic.

"All right. Somebody arrested Kevin Hale, Senator Lu, and Garry Shang. We have enough evidence for the crime they did, not only recently but including from the past." Shun ordered. He cannot wait to end this case as soon as possible.

"The arrest warrant is in process. A team is on its way to pick them up for interrogation," David informed them. The Chief of Police General phoned him and reported they are ready to arrest neither of the suspects.

"Ask Kevin Hale, where they hide Aunt Lucy. It was only Nikki they brought."

"Can they hide either Senator Lu's property and Garry Shang's?"

"Check all the property that possibly they are."

"I'm on it!"

"Okay, Mark. Keep us updated."

"Let's go to South Harbor!"

That night, David, Theo, and Matt leave the warehouse. At the moment, the Vice President of G Company is under investigation. He confesses that Kevin Hale is blackmailing him for an event in the past. He had enormous debts during the time, Kevin Hale's Resort and Casino running well three years ago. The G Company Vice President addicted to gambling and embezzles, the money from the company. He borrowed from Kevin Hale, and now he has been forced to help him as payment of his debts.

"We have another witness against Kevin Hale. He knew a lot about the illegal activity in that Island Resort and Casino."

"Great! Let's continue the search in Senator Lu and Garry Shang's house! Interrogate them thoroughly with what they know about the abduction, both Nikki and Aunt Lucy!" Shun ordered.

"Copy!" They replied at once.

Studying the footage, Rudolf finally has a conclusion. Quickly, he shared. "Matt, David… The truck wasn't going to South Harbor. They took an intersection and headed to Western South."

"What's with that direction?"

"Give me a minute…"

Kier is tapping his laptop to browse the residential data of Mainland City. "It was Senator Lu's villa. That direction is going to the coastal township with villas of celebrities and politicians."

"All right. Thanks, brother." David told Kier.

"We must go to that villa now! Maybe Nikki was there!" Theo is stressing out. They were getting closer to her, and he prayed that he could find Nikki this time.

"All right. Let's go!" David takes the lead. Half of the SWAT Team is joining them, and the half left for further investigation in the area.

"Damn it! It happens before we notice that Nikki is missing, and we scattered the checkpoint throughout the entire city." Daichi cursed from the other line.

"Everyone. The Mainland Police are sending a team to Senator Lu's villa." Attorney Karl Lawrence connected and informed them. He is the oldest brother before Kier. Next is David, Matt, Dylan, and Aldean, who is a Physician.

"Section 14 and Section 13 captured Senator Lu sneaking out of his mansion," he added. Karl and their father, Andrew Lawrence, are the ones to file a complaint and sued Kevin Hale to put in trial with all the crimes he committed.

"Great! Question him how they plan out everything," directed by Shun.

His command passes toward the Mafia Alliance agents through Daichi. Not long after, Daichi received good news from his gang.

"Listen up! Dale found Aunt Lucy! Senator Lu, hide them in the mansion's basement!"

"How is she?" Theo asked worriedly, relieved that Nikki's mother was safe.

"She was calm, but she was asking about Nikki."

"Bring her to the hospital and ask Ben to take care of Aunt Lucy. Tell her she must not worry. We now headed to where possible Nikki is," said David.

Meanwhile, at Senator Lu's mansion, Riley arrives.

"I'm here. I will accompany Aunt Lucy. You guys keep me updated."

"Oh, honey! Thank God. All right, I will share the search progress." Daichi replied to his wife.

"Okay, honey. I'm sure Aunt Lucy wants to hear the good news. Hoping it was sooner."

"We won't blink an eye from searching Nikki's whereabouts."

"I know you guys are. I'm taking Aunt Lucy now." Riley disconnected her call. She hugged Lucy and asked to come to the hospital for a checkup.

Then Donny, who knocked out from protecting Nikki's mother. He is now arriving in the area. "How are you, Mrs. Lindsey?" he asked the woman.

"I am fine. I'm glad you are alright. I'm worried when three men are fighting with you."

"I'm all right, ma'am. Your safety is above my life. Unfortunately, they hit me on the nape, causing me to lose consciousness."

"Thank you for your attempts to save me. Is it Theo who assigned you to watch us?" Lucy asked the man. She notices him moving in the apartment building weeks ago and has been greeting her and Jasmine. The two seem to like each other.

Donny nodded and confessed that he is working with the Shang family. Then, Jasmine apologizes also for hiding the truth, which the woman understood. Theo is doing his best to protect Nikki's loved one.

"I am praying Theo finds Nikki soon, and they have a heart-to-heart talk," Lucy mumbles while they head to the hospital.

Riley glanced at the rearview mirror and asked. "You knew already, Aunt Lucy?" It surprised her, impressed by Theo's honesty toward Nikki's mother. "So then, I need not break his neck once I see him."

"Oh, that child is kind like his mother. Spare his neck, would you? Nikki needs her husband. And yes, Theo confesses to me already. I know of his plans and I trusted him."

"All right. I will keep away from Theo's neck. Now it is to Theo to find Nikki. Don't worry, Auntie. All the boys are also helping the search..." Riley reminds me to be extra careful with her words. Lucy hasn't learned yet that somebody murdered her husband, and those criminals are also the ones that abducted her daughter.

"Nikki surely worries about you. So let us head to the hospital for Ben to check on you," Riley said afterward, avoiding bringing up anything again.

* * *

Back to Theo, Matt, and David. They were now nearing the coastal township. Theo has been restless in his seat. He wishes for the car to run faster than its speed.

"There is an exchange firing at Garry Shang's house. Kevin Hale tried to escape, but they arrested him after an intensive pursuit." A report from Kier. He added, "He got shot, so he needs to be brought to the hospital."

"Don't bring him to Mainland City Hospital. Might he plan to escape, it will cause trouble." David remarked. Not this time. They won't let him escape as he did three years ago. He is a pain up to now as the evidence they have back then is useless.

"Understood. I will suggest looking for a clinic nearby."

"Make sure that man won't escape no matter what!" Matt is also edgy to arrest him. Three years ago, Kevin Hale had to escape from his hand. Now no more and that Brandon Hale, who killed Nikki's father, will meet his end.

"Nikki, be safe." Theo's silent prayer.. They have to hurry.

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