Burning Passion

Chapter 146 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey

CHAPTER 146: SAVING NIKKI (Nineteen) and the Past 


* * * 

Theo glances at the side mirror. 

There is a truck ramming their car. He speeds up. 

Worried, he asked Nikki. "Are you okay, Nik?" He shouted. 

"Yes!" She replied, even though her heart is pounding loudly. Who are they? Why are they ramming into our car? 

Nikki turned her head, scrutinized the vehicle that was trying to smash into them again. 

"Theo, they're catching up!" Yelled Jeremy as they approached another car his brother wanted to overtake. 

"Go to hell!" Theo mumbles and steps on the gas. 

Nikki struggles to look at the passenger, she yells. "It's him!" 

Theo listens as Nikki starts yelling. "What did you say, Nik?" 

Hysterically, Nikki yells. "It's him! Jonathan's brother!"

"What!?" Theo doesn't understand as he was concentrating on how to shake the cars chasing them.

"Theo, don't slow down!" Jeremy understands what Nikki meant to tell them. He realizes the guy who attacked Nikki is the one following them. "It's the person who assaulted Nikki!"

Theo wants to stop the car and meet this man to beat him severely, but their situation tells him they must get out of this city safely. 

The truck that follows them is now too close to their car. 


Nikki's hysterical voice caught his ears, so he drove faster. He could see that it scared Nikki.


Theo turned at the next intersection and then onto the next street. Feeling that they're lost, he told Jeremy. "I'm not familiar with this area! I think we're lost!?" He yelled at his company. 

"What? Then what should we do?" asked Jeremy. It's great that the car has a GPS. Unfortunately, they are not familiar with this city. It is a disadvantage to them and an advantage to their pursuers. 

"Aaah!" Nikki screams when the truck rams them. 

Theo grips the steering wheel and speeds up. "Shit!" he cursed. "I don't know this area anymore." He glanced at the rearview mirror. Nikki might be in a panic again, experiencing a more traumatic situation. 

"Nikki! Hold on! Bend your body and put your hands on top of your head!" Theo yells at Nikki, preparing for the worst.

Nikki nodded and did what Theo told her. She heard the brothers making plans to get out of the city. She then remembered there is another place where they might be safe. 

"We should go back to Remy Town! We should go back to Grandma!" she suggested.

Theo agrees it's the best idea. Besides, it will be closer. "Jeremy! Set the GPS toward Remy Town!" 

"Okay!" Jeremy changed its destination. 

He was now receiving instructions from the GPS. Theo tried to lose them, but the cars that followed them were much faster and newer cars than the one they rented. If it weren't for his driving skills from years ago doing street racing, they would have already been in an accident. From his experience in those early years, he could save their lives. At the current moment, he's determined to lose these people chasing them, until they pass the exit and now they are going out of the city, headed to Remy Town. 

However, a loud crash was heard from a distance. 

* * *

Jeremy groans, he can't move his foot without severe pain.

He cried out as the pain was too much. He struggled to open his eyes. He sees that Theo has lost consciousness. Then the car door opened with a loud creak. He tried to move his neck, but pain filled his head. He tried to get a glimpse into Nikki's direction. He could see the silhouettes of men. Even though it was too painful, he struggled to see how Nikki was. 

"Theo! Wake up!" Jeremy raised his arm and shook Theo's shoulder. He could feel the pain every time he moved or used force.

Slowly, Theo started moving a little, then quickly reached for his head and remembered about Nikki. 

"Nikki!" he yells and peers at the backseat, but Nikki wasn't there. He opened the car door, but he was still in a daze and fell to the ground and groaned. He had to save Nikki! He was about to get up; two men grabbed and dragged him. 

"Where is Nikki!" Theo yelled. He was still in a daze and tried to resist.

"Shut up!" 

A guy shouted at him and hit him on the nape of the neck.

"Boss! How about the other one here? It looks like this guy is stuck underneath and too difficult to pull him out." 

"This one looks dying!" said another guy.

"Then leave that one! We won't be able to have fun with him." 

It was the conversation Jeremy heard. They took Nikki and Theo. He groans. He has to do something. He pretended to lose consciousness, but the pain throughout his body makes it hard to breathe. 

Jeremy gasps for air. He tries to move and reach for his phone. He dialed Rubin's mobile number set at an emergency. 


"Young Master? Why do you sound like that?" 

"Rubin… help Theo…" 

"What happened, Master Jeremy!" 

Jeremy gasps a breath before continuing. "Someone is chasing us… they took them…" 

However, Jeremy stops talking, and Rubin is now panicked. "Young Master? Young Master?" 


Shang Holdings Inc., Mainland City 

Rubin rushes toward the office of Harry Shang when he receives no response from Jeremy. 

Inside the President's Office, Harry was in a meeting with a few business associates and his cousin, who is the Vice President of the company, Garry Shang. 

Rubin strode toward Harry and requested for a talk in private. Harry excuses himself and follows Rubin to a secluded room beside the President's office. 

Harry knew it was important as this man dared to barge in his office when he had an important meeting. No delay, he asked Rubin. "What is it? Have you known their whereabouts?" 

Rubin nodded, he replied. "Master, I received a distress call from the Young Master." 

Surprised, Harry instantly perceives that his sons are in danger. "Where are they now? What happened?" 

"It looks like they are in danger. The Elder Young Master phoned me, but he lost consciousness halfway. He said, "Someone chased them, and they took them." 

"Prepare the car, Rubin. Let's find them." 

Rubin bowed and left, heading to the elevator. 

Harry inhaled deeply before going back to his office. He apologized to his guests and rescheduled the meeting. He was about to leave when his cousin Garry Shang approached him. 

"What's the matter, cousin?" 

"Nothing. I have important business to attend to." Harry replied coldly. He also flashes a glare at his cousin. Honestly, he always senses dangerous energy whenever he sees Garry. And that he cannot trust him fully.

Meanwhile, Garry could feel the chill on his back every time his cousin flashed a glare at him. It was clear to him that Harry, and he was not friendly to each other, but just a name as they belonged to the same family.

He knows that his cousin won't share anything with him. Later, he expressed, "Ah. I'm sorry. It's none of my business. I won't ask anything now."

Harry did not spare a glance at him until he left the office. Left behind, Garry smirked. He took out his cellphone place inside his pocket and phone someone. 

"How did it go? My cousin just left the company, and it appears troubled," Garry queried the other line.

"Don't worry, Master Shang. My men got them." Answered by a man who none other than is Kevin Hale. He added, "It seems your eldest nephew is fighting for his life. The crash got him good."

"Good! But my cousin probably is on his way." Garry warned the guy.

"No worries. I know my job." 

"Wonderful! Let's take the next step! I will contact you again." Garry told Kevin Hale between his evil laughs. He felt glorious tonight. He wanted to celebrate, so he called his friends. 

"Hello, Congressman Lu. How about tonight? Of course, it's on me! Haha! At the Empire Dragon hotel! Yes! We can talk about business and success!"

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