Burning Passion

Chapter 147 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey

CHAPTER 147: SAVING NIKKI (Twenty) and the Past 


(This chapter contains an act of violence.)

* * *

Hale Villa

Theo regained consciousness as they dragged him out of the car. They were entering a house, and he wondered where Nikki was.

Two men carried him taking the stairs until they reached the second floor, and they shoved him on the floor when they came to a room that stands as a lounge area. He tried to get up, but a strong blow hit him in the back. They pushed him back to the floor, where his face pressed hard as a foot stepped on his head.

Theo struggled to look up, scanning the place while making plans on how he could escape from there. He noticed a man seated on a long settee, and Nikki was lying beside him, remained unconscious.

He called out for her to wake up, "Nikki!" 

He fixes his gaze at the man, who grinned with mockery planted on his face. He need not guess; this is the person who assaulted Nikki as to how his blood boiling just to stare at the man.

Theo felt how his anger surges to every nerve in his body. He gets up to land a punch to that man. But before he could have a grasp of him, someone dragged both his arms and a powerful blow on his stomach by a knee.

Theo slumped on the floor, coughing. However, he ignores the pain he receives; he did not bat a glare at the guy who only laughs maniacally as enjoying the show.

He said. "It made me wonder… as appeared to me, you know each other. And it looks like you have an obvious concern to this girl." Brandon gestures his hand in an attempt to hold Nikki's body

"Don't touch her!" Theo warns the guy. He narrowed his gaze and clenched his fists. At this moment, he badly desired to beat him up.

Brandon rested his back to the settee. He sees this man react when he does something to the girl lying next to him. She's still unconscious. Which his eyes glowed every time he scanned the young girl's body, and excitement crept into his system. 'This is fun!'

Brandon beamed and said, "she's a beauty, is it?" He then strokes Nikki's knee, climbs upward to her thigh. 

Theo's voice echoing in every corner of that room. "Take your filthy hands off from her!" 

Brandon laughed. "I see. I guess right. She seems special to you. How if?" He gapes at Theo before he leans over to place a hickey on Nikki's neck. 

"I'm going to kill you!" he strangles from the two men holding his arms. He can get free. Promptly, he threw a powerful punch at one guy and a kick to the other. But he paused. 

"Hmm, I don't think so," Brandon uttered, pointing a knife at Nikki's neck. 

Standing in the middle of that room, he was helpless with nothing he could do to protect Nikki. His action would reflect her safety. 

Even after four guys beat him up, he could only accept their punches and kicks and restrain himself from returning to their attacks. He kneeled, supporting himself with both of his palms pressing against the cold floor: beaten up, and his lip swelled. He spits the blood in his mouth, but his glare did not change at all.

"Nikki..." he gritted his teeth. What could he do to save her? He has to think of a plan and take Nikki away from this place. But he is uncertain how many men he has to take down one after another. He guesses that there are more men below, aside from six men inside this room.

Aside from that, once he makes a foolish move, that fucking guy will harm Nikki, and he cannot allow that to happen. The guy is such an animal. It seems he was into this kind of game several times. The look of him is a scumbag person. Theo wishes to beat him badly. 

"I don't like the way you glare at me," Brandon said. He looked at Theo with scorn in his eyes but tore a grin in his mouth. He sat up from the settee to take off his leather jacket and throw it on the nearby single couch. He unbuttoned a few of his shirts. 

Theo could picture what the guy plans to do. He shouted, "Don't you dare to touch her! I'll kill—!" 

"Shut up!" 

One guy shouted at him, kicking him in the stomach. 

Theo bent his body, resisting the pain, he groans. 'Dammit!' He wanted to use all that he learned at the Camp. But Nikki's safety was on the table. 

Holding his stomach, a furious glare Theo shoots at Brandon, who raises a brow and phrases, "Even after they beat you up good. Do you still dare to show me that kind of look? You're really something. No wonder your family wants you dead." 

"What? My family?" Theo's forehead wrinkled to what he heard. It shocked him.

Are they chasing them not because of Nikki, but someone in the clan? Theo narrowed his gazes and said, "Does your true target be me, and my brother?" 

"Well, yeah…" answered Brandon, who was twirling the knife in his hand. 

He growls, "Then, leave Nikki alone! She's not part of my family affairs!" 

"NO!" Brandon shouted back. He pointed the knife at Theo. "Your case is a job. But hers is my personal matter." he smirks and goes on, "I'm just lucky that you're with her... What a delightful bonus. Earlier, the fun was spoiled by my uncle, so I'm going to continue." he grinned wickedly.

Theo gritted his teeth once again as he felt the outrage surging in his chest. Now is part of his fault that Nikki was in danger. Someone wants them to die, and Nikki happens to get involved. 

What's bad news is the man who assaults his girlfriend, is the same man, paid to kill him. 

Scrutinizing at Brandon, Theo never left his gape at the guy.

Brandon meets Theo's glare, which irritates him. "The color of your eyes pissed me. How if I will take that out of your face?" he threatens, but added, "Anyway, let's do that after I finished with the fun. You have to witness—"

"I swear, I'm going to kill you if you touch her!" 

"Tsk. How would you do that when you are a cold dead body later?" 

Without batting a glare, he threatens the guy. "Then, I will ascend from the dead, come back, and make you pay!" Theo sharpened his glare upon phrasing these words.

Brandon was amused by his speech. He laughed and even clapped his hands. "Bravo! How would you do that if I burned your body?" 

"I will assure you to bring you down to hell with me and deliver you to your own kin, satan."

Brandon's laughter echoed down below the first floor, where more men were waiting for orders. They look at each other and grin. It seems the fun began.

After Brandon quiet down, he told Theo, "I like you! It was more fun than I imagined!" 

Brandon dropped his bottom back on the sofa and peered at Nikki, then returned his gaze at Theo. He picked up his knife and drew close to Nikki's clothes.

"Shall we start?" Brandon said while the knife slashes the buttons in Nikki's denim jacket. One by one, the buttons rolled down the floor.

"Stop! Leave her alone!" Theo shouted, gritting his teeth. 'Fuck!'

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