Burning Passion

Chapter 189 - Story Of Nina Li


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Nina missed seeing Harry again. By the time Shang visited and had lunch with her parents, she stayed in her bedroom, as she avoided sharing a table with them. It worries Nina, they might get her cold were she sneezes constantly. 

After a few days, the Shang brothers went back to the States.

And summer days had gone by swiftly. Nina was in her second year in Senior High School. She studied well as she made college plans. She wants to take her degree in the States.

Once she gets high scores and excels in her class, she wants to take the entrance exam in the same university Harry attends. Although, she hasn't discussed it yet with her parents. But she is determined, waiting for the perfect time to open up with them. 

Nina admits she was doing this because she wants to follow Harry in the states, and it became her dream ever since. Also, she wants to be independent and live on her own without doting parents.

With the plans she had, her visits to the Shang Library have become often, to read books about America including other countries around the globe.

Shangs has various collections of books and information about those countries. It also helps to improve her grades in history and social studies. 

Today, she will go to the Shang once again. Nina steps inside the car when her mother calls out her.

"Nina, bring this tea and give it to Madam Mei." 

"Okay, ma!" 

Nina cheerfully takes the wrapped wooden box her mother prepared as a present for the Shang elders. It was the gratitude of the Li couple to the Shang for accommodating their daughter well every time she was staying over at the Shang's Library.

Li has successfully entered the International market with its liquor business. And the happiest person for their success is the Shang. They couldn't wait for the two families to unite soon. It will take great advantage to enjoy each other's prosperity and glory. 

The car parked outside the Shang Mansion, Nina carefully steps out of the vehicle, and the Shang butler greets her on the lanai. 

Every Saturday is the day set for Nina to visit the Shang. Madame Mei delighted to receive the highest class of tea found in the market. Li is very generous to them, and they return the favor of treating the daughter well. 

"Nina, join me in the afternoon to have tea." Madam Mei told Nina.

"It's my pleasure, grandmother Mei," Nina replied cheerfully, bowing to the old woman Shang. 

Sometimes, Nina read a story from an English book, and she will translate it into Chinese. She has an English tutor, and now she is fluent in English like Harry and his brothers. 

Remembering Harry, she couldn't wait to see him again. Even though their father, Jerome Shang, is staying in Zen City to run the Shang Empire, the four brothers were living in the states to finish their college. She heard from Mely that Harry and Steven attend the college in the next school year. It means the twin would not come home but prepare for their entrance exam. 

It made her sad. But she hoped that someday, she could go to the US and study at the same university Harry would attend. 

She was curious to know, but Nina felt shy to ask Mely. She has no courage to ask the woman. 

Nina crosses the bridge toward the Shang Library. She gaped in wonder at the Magnolia trees that produced sprouts. In a few weeks, those trees would bloom abundantly. 

She loves magnolias. They were generous to share their beauty and the tree is passionate, bringing joy to the people who look at them. 

Nina entered the library. She places her bag on the table and rushes upstairs. She couldn't wait to continue reading the novel she didn't finish last week. 

The novel is about a Love to Eternity. It was a Historical novel about a woman waiting for her love. She immersed herself in reading the book, and she didn't notice that it was lunchtime. Three maids brought her food to the library, Nina thanked them. They bowed and stood outside the library, waiting for her to finish eating. She then noticed a girl peeping behind the door outside.

Nina met her before. She is a Shang too, but according to what she heard, the old Shang cut the family ties, because the eldest son put up a restaurant rather than help his father to manage the Shang Empire. 

That son received a hotel to put up his restaurant. But as he could not have agreed to the price he must return, he left the Shang household. The old Shang wants him to marry the daughter of their business partner. He would rather start from scratch, as long as he would marry the woman he loves. 

Through the years, the restaurant has bloomed and grown. It was now famous. Then, the Old Shang reconciles to his oldest son. He offered him a huge amount to put up another branch of restaurants around the city.

The food that served during the old Shang's 90th birthday is prepared by his eldest son, Oliver Shang. The food was delicious, which she truly enjoyed. Her parents brought her to the restaurant occasionally, and her favorite place by then. 

Nina sits up from the chair and approaches the girl. She greeted her and invited inside.

"Hi! Come in!" she smiled warmly, gesturing her hands. The girl is hesitant at first. Slowly she entered the library. 

"Have you finished eating?" Nina asked the girl. She guessed she was fourteen years old, and a very shy girl. 

The girl nodded and smiled timidly. Her eyes roamed in the entire library. It looks like she hasn't been there before. Nina wondered if it prohibited her to wander around, or she was just shy to attend a gathering with the Shang. And it would not surprise Nina about it. She knows someone in the Shangs makes fun of others. This girl must be a victim as she appeared timid even to open her mouth to speak or meet her eyes. 

"What is your name? Would you mind joining me on the table while I am eating, and we talk?" Nina asked the girl. It thrills her to have a new friend. She only has a few close ones, and it was rare for her to spend time with them as she has her world. Staying inside the Shang library every Saturday is what she preferred rather than going out.

Meeting this girl makes Nina look forward to knowing her. She is patiently waiting for the girl to answer. 

"Korin…" the girl replied.

Nina holds Korin in her hands and dragged her toward the table where her lunch is waiting. "Nice to meet you, Korin!" she said earnestly. "My name is Nina Li," she introduced herself after then.

"I know," Korin said to Nina. 

"What do you mean by that?" Nina asked curiously. 

They are now on the table; seated across from each other. Nina wrinkled her forehead, waiting for Korin to reply. She was sipping the soup. She put down the spoon and picked up the chopsticks to put a piece of sliced chicken in her mouth before she began eating some rice. 

Watching Nina eating, Korin pushes a smile before she answers. "Um. They always talk about your family." 

"Oh. Is it bad?" she's hoping that they don't slander her father's name behind his back. 

Korin shakes her head and replies. "Not really. In fact, they were praising your father. I heard they were making a deal with my grandpa. Your family will produce excellent drinks soon." 

"Oh, I see. It seems our family would become business partners. Then we should become friends!" 

Korin gleamed her eyes. She was delighted to imagine that she has a new friend. However, Nina perceives that Korin has hesitancy to make friends with her. 

"Korin, may I ask you something?"

"Okay, go ahead." Korin nodded at Nina.

"Are you afraid to make friends with me?" Nina asked Korin. She caught the flash of fright in her eyes. She could tell something is bothering the girl, and she was eager to know. "Why?" Nina asked afterward.

Korin fell in deep thoughts before she timidly replied to Nina. 

"Sister Nina… sister Lilian told me that if I make friends with you, you will slander your friends and gossip their secrets." 

"Would you believe in her?" asked Nina. It's not surprising if Lilian said something like that to other people.

"Well, the truth is… You are pretty, sister Nina! I am shy to get close to you. But your friends must be bad ones and deserve to slander!" 

Nina chuckled. Korin sounded and looked too innocent. Then no wonder she easily believed what Lilian planted inside her head. 

"Korin, my friends are good people. Even if they have secrets. It's not my right to gossip about them. It was their life. And if I know something, I won't slander them behind their backs." 

"Oh. You are right, sister Nina! I know sister Lilian who lied to me! Can we keep that as a secret, sister Nina?" 


"What do I tell you what sister Lilian told me? Also, she was envious of you, because you are so pretty!" 

Nina giggled, blushes. "I have no reason to talk to her, though. She doesn't like to see me, nor talk to me." 

From then on, Nina found a new friendship through Korin. And she learned one thing from that talk. Before the class ended that school year. She lost one of her close friends. Now she has answers why Lisa accused her of telling her secrets. But nothing she could think of…

She knows less about Lisa's family. And she doesn't put a label on their friendship. It looks like Lisa listened to others instead. Nina doesn't like to point out someone. But it looks like Lilian who encouraged Lisa to end their friendship and accused her of passing words that destroyed her name in the school. 

In the next few days, Nina's family headed to the restaurant to sign a deal with Korin's grandfather. 

"Sister Nina!" Korin cheerfully meets Nina at the entrance. The two girls hugged and Korin dragged Nina to the second floor of the restaurant. 

"I didn't know those two are close. My Korin seems to like your daughter, Master Li." 

"That was great! Nina has no siblings, and she doesn't like to go out a lot. I am happy that she has your granddaughter as her friend." 

"It made me happy also, Master Li.. Then, shall we? I'm thrilled to start a partnership with you."

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