Burning Passion

Chapter 190 - Story Of Nina Li


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Once again, it was summer. Nina would turn eighteen years old soon. As the usual, she spends her Saturdays at the Shang library. Sometimes, Korin would join her to learn how to speak in English, so Nina tutored her. She has a low score on this subject, and she wants to improve her grades. 

The Shang main restaurant was always filled with foreign customers, and Korin wanted to communicate with them during the times she was helping in taking orders. 

Nina often comes over to Korin's house, or the girl spends overnight in the Li Manor to learn the said language. Some days, both Nina and Korin help in the restaurant after doing their homework and projects. The two treated each other like sisters.

But starting this week, Korin begins her serious training. Now that she turned fifteen, she had to spend her summer and weekends learning the secret recipes of her grandfather.

That is why today, Nina is alone. She is already missing Korin. But she was happy for her, who is determined to follow in her grandfather's footsteps.

Nina is crossing the bridge when she saw Lilian standing in the library's courtyard. She ignores her and walks past the girl. However, before she took a step on the stone staircase, Lilian blocked her way. 

"You are here again?" Lilian uttered arrogantly to Nina. 

"What is wrong with it? I am welcome to read books in the library," she replied coldly. Nina ignores Lilian and moves forward. 

Furious that she was only ignored, Lilian followed behind. She grabbed Nina by the shoulder to face her. She raised one brow while gaping at Nina with hate in her eyes, "Like I didn't know the reason you keep coming here!" she scoffed.

But Nina has no plans to waste her time arguing with Lilian. She shrugged her shoulders to get free, but Lilian tightened her grip. Nina glanced at the hand holding her shoulder before she looked straight into Lilian's eyes. 

"What did I do wrong, and you hated me like this, Lilian?" she asked idly. 

Before Lilian replied, she scanned Nina from the head down to her beautiful flat shoes. She cannot take her eyes off, staring at Nina's beautiful dress. She happens to know how much the dress cost is.

It was the same dress she was dying to buy. But her parents had limitations on how much they must spend. Her mother loves to buy fancy things to show off to her friends, but they could not buy everything they want, like Nina and her mother Dona who has everything.

Today, Nina is wearing a yellow knitted blouse that fitted into her body, showing her small waist while her floral silk white skirt was a trend this season. A famous brand from Italy sold this design, which the GUCCI brand is too expensive even for her being Shang.

Unlike Nina, who doesn't like to attend every gathering at the High Society, she could always buy what is new in the stores. Nina is the princess of the Li Empire, the only heiress to inherit such wealth. 

Lilian gaped at Nina with scorn. She asked her, "Tell me, Nina. Do you like one of my cousins?" 

Nina suppresses herself to display any emotion. She's guessing that Lilian would think this way. Although it was true, she need not admit it to the girl. 

She replied, "What are you afraid of, Lilian? I don't see any reason to hate me just because of your childish behavior." 

"What did you say? How dare you call me childish!" Lilian furrowed her brows, gaping furiously at Nina. "You should be more respectful than me! I am older than you!" 

"Then act like one," she mouthed that made Lilian in rage.


Lilian is about to grab Nina by the hair, but she halted upon remembering what her grandfather told her. She should not harm Nina, or else she will face her great-grandfather's punishment. So then, she has to control temper and treat Nina well which she hated more.

Lilian pressed hard her lips from anger she has to suppress. She was enraged, but she must not hurt Nina even how much she wanted to beat her up.

"Because of you, my boyfriend broke up with me!" she blurted out.

Astounded, Nina snapped it, "And why is it my fault? How childish you are to point it out to me that I am the reason? I have nothing to do with your relationships. Besides, don't you have another boyfriend?" 

Lilian grabbed Nina by the arm, she sneered, "How did you know that!?"

"You should not do such a thing," said Nina meaningfully, shrugging her arm from Lilian's grasp. She added, "Is it you rather be glad if one of your cousins whom I like? In that way, you don't feel the pressure that I am your rival in every man you like to date whom they were only after me to marry instead." Nina sounded like she was provoking Lilian and this made the girl explode in anger. But Lilian can do nothing to hurt her.

Left alone outside, Lilian clenches both of her fists. She ponders… 'How did Nina know about it? Could it be someone told her? Then who could that be?'

They arranged for her to marry the eldest son of Gu's family. But she is still dating the second son of the Zhou family because she loves him. But the guy broke up with her because he wants to pursue the Li daughter instead. She dated both guys so that either of them she can boost her status not only in the Shang family but also in society. 

Lilian recalled her conversation with her High School boyfriend. 

"Lilian, we should stop seeing each other." 

"What do you mean, Lester?" 

"My grandfather wants me to pursue the Li daughter." 

"What!? Are you telling me you were breaking up with me because of Nina Li!?" 

Lester nodded. He watches Lilian flashing dark glares at him. Honestly, she only dated the girl because she would sleep with him. He likes Lilian, but he doesn't like her attitude at all. But Nina Li is such a prize to win. She was a modest young woman. Smart and well-behaved. Not to mention, she is the heiress of Li's wealth. She is also a beauty you can boast to every man of this world. 

"How dare you compare the Shang's wealth to Li's! We are more powerful than Li!" 

Lester replied, "That was true, Lilian. But they arrange my older brother to marry your older cousin. Your status in the Shang is lower than your cousin. But if I become Li's son-in-law, I can inherit the entire Li Enterprise after marrying their daughter!" 

Lilian's right hand landed into Lester's face. They just finished having sex, but her boyfriend broke up with her. And worst, he was blabbing about marrying someone's daughter and becoming someone's son-in-law! 

"Get out!" Lilian yelled at Lester. 

He shrugged his shoulder and left the bed to gather his clothes. Lilian left in great shock. In her mind, Nina must pay for the rejection she receives at that moment. 

"Lower status? F*ck her!" Lilian cursed Nina in her mind. 


Nina headed straight to the third floor of the library. She heaves a long sighed and released them furiously.

She hopes Lilian would leave her alone after today's encounter. Although she expects Lilian to continue hating her, she prayed she would leave her alone from now on.

Lounged on the couch, she close her eyes to calm herself. Her body shivering from the emotion overwhelming inside her chest. She never wants to quarrel with someone. But she has to defend herself against the likes of Lilian, who loves to make fun with others.

Later, Nina sits up from the couch to get a book that could distract her. She takes turned to the right corner, but it surprised her to find someone lying on the floor, sleeping. There is a book covering on his face, so Nina wondered.

'Who is this?' Nina asked herself. Now she was worried he overheard her argument with Lilian. 'No way! Could he be Lilian's cousin? Ah! How if he heard what I told Lilian just now? Then that was embarrassing!' 

Nina slowly takes a step backward. But then, she heard someone shouting outside.

"Harry! Are you there?" 

'Harry? The one sleeping on the floor was Harry? And the person outside is Steven!'

Nina was in a panic. It frightened her to think Harry would see her, and she doesn't like Steven to see her either. 

Nina made an abrupt turn, in which she ended up hitting the jar on the console table. 

A broken jar sound echoed from the third floor of the library, Steven looked up. He starts climbing the stairs on the second floor as he was calling his twin brother.

"Harry, is that you?" 

No! Nina freaks out. Harry was now awake and looking at her with astonishment. His gaze shifted to the broken ancient vase, then back to her.

Clearly, she broke an ancient vase from the Ming dynasty. It cost a tenth fold of millions or more than she could imagine!

Nina bites her lower lip, debating inside her head what to do at this moment. The footsteps are coming closer, Nina runs toward the table and hides under it to avoid seeing Steven. She later realized she did a stupid action.

'Why am I hiding under the table?'

Now Harry thinks she is weird! Nina felt too embarrassed. How she could face Harry?

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