The construction of Rongcheng is in full swing.

The convenience of wireless power transmission is gradually being reflected.

Each city has arranged municipal personnel to come for inspection. Chen Tianxiang of Rongcheng has been very proud recently and has a lot of face in front of other cities.

The former 13th-tier small city is now well-known nationwide, and he has also been praised by the upper-level leaders.

In the past, he could only follow behind Jinling and ask for some benefits.

Now he dares to stand up and pay homage to the famous county-level city nationwide.

When introducing it, there is no need to say Jiangnan Rongcheng anymore, you can just call it Huaxia Rongcheng.

You can ignore the vinegar, and Jinling from the Thirteen Taibao came, and he dared to say a few words.

They Rongcheng are not willing to lag behind, they have stood up now.

Don't call Xiaorong in the future, call Rongge in the future.

Recently, Rongcheng has not only received personnel from other cities in China, but also some foreign personnel to inspect.

The fruit company has cooperated with Yidian, and they have made a lot of profits. The wireless charger directly made them earn hundreds of billions of dollars.

In the last press conference of Yidian, it was announced that through cooperation with Fruit, foreign countries have earned tens of billions of dollars.

After people abroad saw the news forwarded by the media, the stocks of Fruit Company were instantly highly sought after.

The stock price also rose by 7% on the same day, and the company's market value rose by more than 200 billion US dollars, and the market value has been rising slowly in the following period of time.

This made people in the whole Lighthouse Country boil, and more people stared at Yidian.

And Yidian Technology's reputation has also gone international, and many companies hope to cooperate with Yidian.

The shareholders of Fruit Company also support cooperation. Originally, they thought that if the cooperation could not be achieved, they would lobby for sanctions.

But the result of the last communication was not bad, and Liu Sen agreed to cooperate.

Although they paid a lot of benefits, they earned more. They don't care about the country, they only care about benefits.

At the Fruit Shareholders Meeting.

"We must maintain good cooperation with Yidian this time, so that we can make more money."

"We should reach an agreement as soon as possible to introduce wireless public power. After all, our own people have studied it and cannot copy and crack it."

"Other companies must have ideas, but with our influence, we can definitely cooperate. After all, there is a basis for cooperation before."

"Don't be too happy too early. The introduction of this technology will not be so easy. The government will not approve it."

"This wireless power cooperation project is too big and involves a lot. We still need to pull a group of allies to lobby the government together."

The final result of the discussion was to send a team to Rongcheng, China for inspection.

Today, Chen Tianxiang and Liu Sen took a fruit-based inspection team to check the application of wireless power in Rongcheng.

"My God."



Various exclamations came out of these people's mouths. They really had too many surprises.

The scope of use of this wireless power is so wide that it has touched various industries and various places in life.

"This is a subversion of the entire traditional way of power transmission and use."

Everything they saw made them want to reach a cooperation with Yidian even more. They smelled the scent of US dollars, and in large quantities.

"Mr. Liu, we have seen the application of new technologies. Next, let's talk about cooperation."

In the conference room, the leader of the other party, Pierre Olsen, said.

"Of course, your intention is to seek cooperation, but whether it can succeed depends on your sincerity." Liu Sen said very bluntly.

He accompanied the inspection team from the Lighthouse Country today, in fact, he wanted to promote his technology abroad, which is equivalent to promoting the RMB to the world.

But he knew that such a goal was very difficult, because wireless power involves many industries, and it will definitely affect the interests of many large companies.

It's okay in China. As long as there is innovation, the country will support it.

There are big capitals abroad that will definitely oppose it, and even the government will not agree.

After all, the control of electricity by the whole people will not be so easy to release, and energy control is very important.

As long as there is a reason that endangers national security, you can't enter the market.

Therefore, he would accompany the group led by the fruit company to inspect this time, hoping to use the influence of the fruit company to influence the government policy of the Lighthouse Country and enter the Lighthouse Country.

As long as the Lighthouse Country agrees, there will be fewer obstacles when advancing to other countries.

"We want to obtain the right to use your patented technology abroad." Pierre Olsen said to Liu Sen.

He did not say to acquire Yidian or buy technology. Everyone had a basic understanding before coming.

This technology is definitely impossible to sell.

"I don't know how much you are willing to pay. You should already know that the cooperation conditions between us and Huaxia Power Group are 10% of the fee." Liu Sen did not offer a price, but hoped that the other party would offer conditions.

"Mr. Liu, we know your conditions in China, but we can't afford such a high fee." Pierre Olsen said directly after communicating with the person who came.

"You also know that our foreign governments are unlikely to let you in. After we reach a cooperation, we need to operate and lobby the White House. To do this, we need to unite many consortiums, so it will cost a lot, so we can't pay such a high fee." Pierre Olson was full of sincerity when he spoke.

"I know it's difficult, so how much can you give?" Liu Sen looked at the other party's Oscar-worthy performance and decided to cooperate with the other party.


Pierre Olson tentatively reported a number. You know, the annual electricity consumption of the Lighthouse Country has reached nearly 4 trillion kWh, with an average of 8 cents per kWh, which is 3.2 trillion US dollars. Therefore, every point of decline will have 32 billion US dollars. This is a huge profit.

Even if not all wireless power is used, and half of it is used for wireless power transmission, then every percentage point can also have an income of 16 billion US dollars.

If they eat up 2 percentage points of profit after returning, they will have 32 billion US dollars, and the expenditure on building wireless power transmission base stations is almost negligible. If it is fully popularized, it will be 64 billion US dollars.

Hearing this offer, Liu Sen was actually very happy, this was completely above the price in his mind.

"Mr. Pierre, if you want to reach an agreement, you must first agree to two conditions. The settlement of the worry-free electricity APP must be in RMB. Second, all operations will be handed over to you. We will not participate. All policy and legal risks generated in the later period will be borne by you."

When Pierre Olsen and his team heard these two requirements, their faces turned a little bad.

Second, they wished that all the management and operations would be managed by their people, so that the data would be easy to control in their hands, and lobbying the White House would be much easier.

But the first one was really difficult for them to agree.

"Mr. Liu Sen, the second one is fine, but the first one is impossible."

"Mr. Pierre, do you think this is possible? The recharge system can use your US dollars and RMB, and the payment of electricity bills can be settled in both."

Liu Sen made certain concessions and did not want them to agree at the beginning.

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