Zhang Dashan was overwhelmed when he saw the comments in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, you are all old perverts, how come you saw the woman at first sight!"

As he said this, he walked forward faster.

Looking at the back of the woman, he was also very moved.

Soon he surpassed the other party, and he turned his head to take a look.

Then he quickly turned to the other side.

"Ahem, well, I just took a look, and the increase is very good!"

[Anchor, are you a liar or not? We can't see it at all! ]

[That's right, in the live broadcast perspective, the face was mosaiced! ]

[Fuck, this thing is too unfriendly to us netizens! ]

[It must be proposed to Yidian Group or Mr. Liu to open up this live broadcast permission, otherwise the so-called outdoor live broadcast will be directly scrapped! ]

[There is no problem with privacy protection in other aspects, but this is really unnecessary! ]

Everyone talked about it, and the resentment was really not small.

Why do many people watch live broadcasts? Isn't it just to see beautiful women?

Many people even like to watch those street shots, with countless beauties wearing all kinds of clothes.

At this moment, countless people flocked to the Yidian Group and Liu Sen's webpages, leaving crazy messages.

[Are you guys mentally ill? Can't you change your mindset? This is an algorithm of Core Era. Any picture you see will be mosaics for everyone else (except for investigations, evidence, etc.) except yourself. Can't you add an additional camera so that the pictures taken by that camera will not have any problems, and no one else will mosaic! ]

[What does the above mean? ]

[Oh my god, why didn't I think of it! The person who proposed this solution is really talented! ]

[Sure enough, there are ways to bypass the rules everywhere! There are policies from above, and countermeasures from below! The ancients never lied to me! ]

[Is it because my IQ is not enough, why don't I understand what you mean? ]

[That is, when live streaming, you can use a camera to shoot, and then share the camera picture to the field of view of Core Era to form a window, which is equivalent to the dual-window mode of the original live streaming! It is similar to live broadcasting games, with a live broadcast screen in the lower left or right corner! Of course, one is the normal view of the core era eyes, and the other is the window of other cameras. 】

[Fuck, I know it when you say that! This really avoids the privacy mode set by Yidian Group! After all, the screen used is from another device. 】

[Hurry up, host, hurry up and get your equipment, you must have it when you live broadcast outdoors! 】

Zhang Dashan looked at everyone's methods in the live broadcast room, and he immediately understood it.

But he still hesitated.

This is completely a loophole.

If Yidian Group finds out, will it directly block his account?

He may even be sued for violating the privacy rights of the person being broadcast.

He was struggling fiercely in his mind.

Fuck! Do it!

He was the first to do a live broadcast like this, which would definitely attract countless people, and then his live broadcast popularity and fans would even surpass the original height.

He has courage if he has traffic.

What's more, Yidian Group may not necessarily block his live broadcast room.

After all, this is a borderline case. They have achieved privacy protection, and it does not affect netizens watching the live broadcast, nor does it affect the quality of the live broadcast.

This is a win-win situation!

Yidian Group might turn a blind eye.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated.

"Everyone, I have seen your request! I will go back to get the equipment now, please wait a moment!"

He ran quickly and headed home quickly.

At the same time, his live broadcast was not closed.

At the same time, a new hot information on the Internet was rising rapidly.

# Yidian Group's privacy mode has been cracked and is being broadcast live.

Countless people saw this information and immediately clicked to watch it, and then were introduced to the live broadcast room.

[Fuck, I heard that someone here adjusted the authority of Yidian Group, come and watch! ]

[Really awesome, this is a hard fight against Yidian Group! ]

[Anchor, you are really brave! ]

[There is a cracked code, but I didn't see it! Is the anchor deceiving everyone! Is this a gimmick? ]

In an instant, people who just poured into the live broadcast room posted messages one after another.

Zhang Dashan, who was running at full speed, did not look at the bullet comments.

He was afraid of falling, and even more afraid of being hit by a car.

The people who had been in the live broadcast room immediately began to answer the newcomers.

[The anchor went back to get the equipment at this time, and started immediately, very quickly! ...]

Many people saw the explanation and looked forward to it.

You should know that people all over the world have suffered from the privacy mode set by Yidian Group for a long time.

You should know that the privacy mode of Yidian Group is not unique to Xinjiyuan, and it has been used on smart glasses a long time ago.

This directly led to many people who wanted to do something through the micro drone camera on smart glasses, and they hated it.

Countless anchors still have to use traditional mobile phones and cameras for live broadcasts.

Just when everyone was looking forward to the anchor test.

A bullet comment made everyone notice something.

[Didn’t you find that when this anchor ran quickly, the picture would be extremely stable. Could it be that the anchor’s head is also like a chicken head? ]

[Fuck, I really didn’t notice this situation just now! ]

【We are running fast, but the things we see are still a little jittery! 】

【This must be the AI ​​assisted enhancement that Mr. Liu mentioned, which makes our vision more powerful. After all, we can zoom in and out. There is much more to explore here! 】

【I heard a rumor that this Core Era actually has many modes. We ordinary people only have the ordinary mode, while soldiers, police or special personnel can open new modes. That mode is more powerful, like superman or even like gaining special abilities! 】

【Fuck, is what the above person said true or false! 】

【This should be top secret, after all, Mr. Liu did not introduce this function at the press conference! 】

【We ordinary people have this function code, can we charge money to open it? 】

【I really want to try it! 】

【Is this something we can hear and see? 】

【The above information is definitely fake news, it is spread everywhere! 】

【Although the Core Era is very powerful and epoch-making, it is absolutely impossible to have such awesome functions as you said! 】

Countless people were discussing the possibility.

However, at this moment, the live broadcast room suddenly went black, and then recovered again.

[Ah, why did the screen go black just now! Is it my problem, or the anchor's problem, or everyone's problem? ]

[My screen went black too, it flashed by! ]

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