These things need to be considered.

"First of all, it's about money and material. Many people don't want to have children now because they don't have enough money. It's very expensive to have children."

"Yes, raising children now is different from before. In the past, you could just give birth to a child and that's it. What to eat and drink is actually not much different from what adults eat. At most, you just need to increase your food rations. But now, you need to give children the best food and drink, imported milk powder, various imported fruits, and even a lot of nutritional supplements, as well as other children's supplies and diapers. The expenses are huge."

"Many people have calculated that it costs millions of dollars from giving birth to raising a child to high school, and this is the cost of raising a normal person!"

"And now the risk of raising a child is very high. If a child dies, not only will you It is a huge economic loss, and there is even more emotional investment! "

"There is also the living environment. The couple works outside and rents a house, even just a one-bedroom apartment. How to raise the child? When the child is young, it is still possible. Once it is over 2-3 years old, there will be a big problem with the privacy of the living space. "

"As for some people saying, why don’t you buy a house? Isn’t this bullshit? I won’t buy a house if I have money. Don’t they want to live in a better environment in their own house? "

"There are many who may think that these hardships can be overcome, spend less money, live in a worse environment, learn from the older generation, and always be able to raise the child! But they have never thought that the current society has changed. If the woman dares to get pregnant, she may lose her job. As for legal protection , many bosses of companies don't care at all! The better ones will directly fire you and give you some compensation, while the worse ones will directly transfer you to another position, or assign you the most difficult job, assign you the most difficult work, and force you to leave! Even if you give birth to a child, when you return to the company, the position is gone. "

"Once ordinary people lose their jobs, how can they ensure their lives? You have to know that there are still hungry children at home, and even a huge mortgage that needs to be repaid on time!"

"These reasons directly make the difficulty of having children a vicious cycle, which will only become more and more difficult!"

"Well, for example, if you want to get married, you have to buy a house, a car, and a loan! It also costs a lot of money to hold a wedding! This directly leads to many people being penniless or even in debt. "

"If you need to have children later, Who can afford to have children at this time? Who still has the courage to have children! "

"Ordinary people don't dare to have children, so now those who can have children are those who occupy social resources, those who have regular positions, and those who are rich. Only those who dare to have children, even dare to have two or three children! "

"If this continues, it will be very bad! Think about those who have social resources, wealth, and those who occupy important national positions. When they give birth to many children and grow up, they will occupy more wealth, more rights, and more resources again because of their elders' various relationships and rights. You must know that these resources should have been divided equally among the next generation, but they are occupied by more upper-class people. "

"This will become a vicious cycle. There will be fewer and fewer people at the bottom, and the resources they get will be fewer and fewer, and finally the bottom will die out. "

"In the end, this society eliminated the bottom people in an unfair way of distribution, and achieved an equal wealth society in an alternative way, because there were no poor people at that time, and the bottom jobs were eventually replaced by robots. "

"This is actually a manifestation of the merger of various means of production by the aristocratic chaebols in history! "

"It's just that modern society is more hidden and difficult to detect. ”

“Forcing the lower class people to leave the countryside and move into the city is actually annexing the means of production!”

“What land belongs to the country, but the right to use it has been concentrated in the hands of some people, and they got it at a very low price.”

Liu Sen saw all this.

He actively wanted to make changes in this regard. The agricultural cooperative he established allowed countless rural people to participate in it and stopped the annexation of means of production.

Let the lower class people have a relatively stable living environment.

Several people talked about the current fertility issues, and finally even talked about institutional issues.

Liu Sen stretched out his hand and pressed his forehead, then said: "That's enough... Well, the future will be better. Now let's talk about what measures are there to make everyone willing to have children! Of course, you must know that you can't stimulate the people who already have the intention, but make the lower class people more willing to have children! ”

Lu Lu immediately said: "The simplest way is to subsidize the lower class people, one level of subsidy for each child, another level for two, and so on! "

Liu Ying said: "How much is appropriate? After all, we can't let everyone have children every day, not work, study, and just think about having children to cheat subsidies!"

"First of all, it must not be a one-time subsidy, otherwise someone will think of crooked ideas!"

Yin Dan nodded, "Well, just like the new energy subsidy policy launched by the country before, one by one, instead of working hard to make good cars so that everyone is willing to buy them, one by one, they made a lot of garbage, and then cheated on subsidies! From left hand to right hand, all the cars are parked there and rot. "

"It's the same with having children!"

"If we don't make relevant policies, some people will probably think of throwing away their children after giving birth and receiving subsidies. If they can't throw away their children, various accidents may occur. In this way, our policies will harm those children again!"

After hearing this, several people present were silent.

They are not children anymore. They believe in the glory of human nature and the love of parents.

But they also dare not underestimate the evil of human nature.

Lu Lu thought for a while and made a proposal: "We will give everyone who gives birth to a child some funds every month to ensure the normal life of the child, and promise that when the child reaches the age of 18 and has his own independent living ability and thoughts, he will give his parents a one-time fund of 300,000 yuan. They can decide how to use this fund as shown in the figure. They can use it themselves, or use it as funds for their children to go to college, practice social practice, or start a business!"

Yin Dan kept thinking in her mind, and a lot of data appeared in front of her, and finally formed a data table.

She immediately shared this data.

"300,000 yuan at a time, won't that be too much pressure on us? I have statistics showing that there are about 1.5 billion people of childbearing age now. If they all have children, we will have to spend 450 trillion yuan a year in 19 years, and this figure will definitely increase year by year."

Everyone looked at the table in front of them.

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