Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 1171 The world's largest capitalist appears

At the same time, he can lead the Earth's space age, so the value of the star coins he controls will only grow.

Everyone will recognize it.

Because star coins represent the future, the space age, and unlimited space resources.

After all, Yidian Group now controls the Earth's access to space, and all space development needs to be approved by Liu Sen.

This is almost the exclusive right of space.

Space is already equivalent to Liu Sen's back garden.

Liu Sen saw that although the big leader supported his decision, he still had many doubts in his heart, just because he trusted Liu Sen.

The other party thought that Liu Sen didn't say it, so he didn't ask.

Liu Sen thought about it and decided to say some specific intentions.

After all, trust is mutual, and he doesn't want to have a gap.

In the future, many aspects of Earth governance still need more cooperation from the big leader. He mainly focuses on the general direction and the development of science and technology.

He said solemnly: "I strongly promote the population growth plan. In fact, there is a very important reason!"

Hearing Liu Sen's words, the big leader also raised his spirits and made a listening expression.

"If future technological development wants to advance by leaps and bounds, then there must be a huge computing power that can keep up with the development."

"Because all future technologies will tend to develop in space, the various data involved in the entire space technology will be extremely large."

"Through the analysis and simulation of big data, the current computing power growth cannot match the future technological development speed at all."

"Because the lack of computing power will affect the development speed of the entire earth."

"For example, the current computing power increase speed is 1, and the technological development speed is 1. Under normal development, the relationship between the two should be proportional, so that they can develop normally."

"But because of me and Yidian Group, the two that could have developed normally for hundreds of years before conflicts occurred will have a development speed of 2 and a technological development speed of 10 in a short period of time."

"This directly caused a huge deviation between the two!"

"This directly led to the need to stop the development of technology after one year due to computing power reasons! It will take 3-4 years for computing power to develop before it can move forward again, and it may take half a year to advance, and then wait for a few years again!"

"In fact, the earth has experienced this situation, and more than once."

Hearing Liu Sen's words, the big leaders were a little confused.

What's going on? How can there be such a big difference?

Have you experienced it before?

More than once?

"In fact, scientific theories have always been ahead of the times. Many new products now actually use theories that appeared a hundred years ago."

"Why was there no large-scale application at that time? Even if the finished products were manufactured, they were eventually abandoned and eliminated."

"A large part of the reason is that there was no breakthrough in materials. It was either difficult to popularize, or it was expensive, or there was no corresponding application environment!"

"This led to many scientific theories at the time being just some conjectures and theories that could not be verified, which directly led to the stagnation of scientific development."

"Only when many materials appear now and many scientific theories are verified will they develop again."

"Many of these represent periods of technological leaps, such as the industrial revolution caused by the emergence of steam engines, the second industrial revolution caused by the invention of generators and the popularization of electricity, and the third was actually a breakthrough in materials, which directly led to the development of aerospace, electronic information, etc. And the fourth time later..."

Through Liu Sen's explanation, the big leader immediately understood the relationship.

At the same time, he understood Liu Sen's role in this more.

Some other industrial changes were bottlenecks that accumulated for decades before they broke through.

But Liu Sen is unreasonable here. The bottleneck may appear in one year or even half a year.

He did not doubt Liu Sen's ability.

Because this has been proven.

Liu Sen started a company from scratch. In just two or three years, he developed from a start-up company to a super group that can sweep all national forces on the earth.

It directly broke through the future information age and brought it to the human information age and space age.

The big leader nodded and said, "I agree with these, but what does it have to do with population increase?"

"Well, my core era is not only used as a human chip terminal. The human brain has great potential. Under normal circumstances, most of our daily use is not used."

"Therefore, there is a lot of waste, so my core era chip can call on unused areas to become a provider of computing power."

"In this way, the more people there are, the more computing power will be gathered!"

"In this way, the computing power and technological development can narrow the gap, even be equal, or even surpass, giving a boost to technological development!"

"That's why I launched this population policy, hoping to stimulate the birth of all people and increase the population!"


When the big leader heard this, a lot of words appeared in his mind.

I didn't expect there are so many things here.

This turns everyone in the world into your computing resources, and they all work for you.

This is very similar to the movie made by the Lighthouse Country before.

That Skynet controls the world and directly keeps people all over the world in captivity, making them live in the virtual world and recharge through human bioenergy in reality.

Thinking of this, he thought that he had also implanted the Core Era.

Damn it.

I have become one of them myself!

Liu Sen's company is also too big.

Thinking of this, he tried his best to control his emotions, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

After all, no one wants to become someone else’s computing power provider for no apparent reason, or become a wage earner.

And he is still a free wage earner.

Liu Sen is the biggest capitalist of the century. If everyone in the world works for him, it will still be a waste of time.

This is definitely a feat that has never been done before or since.

After Liu Sen finished speaking, he stared at the big leader closely.

Seeing the changing expressions, he sighed.

Alas, a great leader is indeed a great leader.

Such self-cultivation!

Such magnanimity!

It's really different.

Liu Sen thinks he can't compare. If he knew someone was doing this to him, he would have scolded him long ago.


Liu Sen coughed a few times, and then said: "At present, only Liu Ying and I know about the big boss, and now you are included! I hope this will be kept secret!"

"Of course, you don't have to worry. I had these two modes in Core Era at that time, one was the normal mode, and the other was the super god mode!"

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