Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 839: Too advanced to be displayed, answer questions and solve problems

Qian Shuyi's treatment is special, and there is only one in each province.

The other people in a province are picked up by the Flying Bird.

Of course, this is because the body-building contest has just begun. The future champions will probably be selected in the body-building contest, because the body-building contest is powerful, and the IQ will also be much higher.

At this moment, Liu Sen looked at the live camera again.

"Everyone, the school's opening ceremony has been completed, and the first student has also arrived at the school."

"If you want to enter the first college in the universe, then please practice the body-building contest well!"

"The results of the future body-building contest will be the decisive factor in entering the first college in the universe!"

"The content behind is too advanced to be displayed, so this live broadcast is about to end!"

Liu Sen had just finished saying all this when the screen in the live broadcast room suddenly switched to a long and short lens.

In the screen, you can only see the floating school in the sky of Zhannan flying towards the next provincial capital city, and the city's construction and mountains in the distance.

From time to time, planes can be seen taking off and landing in the floating school.

The specific details can no longer be seen.

At this moment, countless barrages flew over the live broadcast room.

[Fuck, the shock today is too great.]

[What are you seeing? If the things around me hadn't changed, I would have thought I had traveled through time!]

[Far ahead! Absolutely far ahead!]

[Huaxia is really a magical country. Is this an ancient magic? I want to learn!]

[Why doesn't the Universe First Academy accept people from outside China, and even those who haven't taken the college entrance examination? This is discrimination! I protest!]

[Fuck, why is this happening! I went abroad just to go to a good university. Why did this Universe First Academy suddenly appear? I don't even have the qualifications to apply!]

[I really envy those who got into the Universe First Academy this time. They will probably be written into history.]

For a while, countless people were discussing in the live broadcast room, and even began to extend outside. There were several forums dedicated to discussing the Universe First Academy.

# On the strength of the Universe First Academy

# How many far-leading technologies did the Universe First Academy show at this time

# Yidian Technology has surpassed the world's strength and is a unique technology company in the world.

# Liu Sen's influence and wealth

# The impact of the technology displayed by the First Academy of the Universe on the world

# The symbol of the new era

The discussion of these terms has reached hundreds of billions, and the number of participants and speeches is still rising sharply.

On the other side, in the First Academy of the Universe, which was flying steadily in the air, the leaders saw the end of the live broadcast and finally couldn't help asking Liu Sen questions.

"Asen, you are flying, floating, and guiding students to fly to the school. How do you achieve this?"

"And can you fly directly into space!"

"Wouldn't it be better to add some defensive measures on it? After all, this is such a big target in the air. If it is attacked by Western countries, the loss will be too great."

A leader expressed his concerns. After all, a small group of the best people in the country will be gathered here.

At the same time, this floating school will definitely become a symbol of China.

If there is a problem, China's strength will be questioned and its image will be greatly reduced.

"Is this technology? Or...?" One of the leaders asked, wanting to ask if this was magic, but he felt it was a bit outrageous, so he stopped talking.

Liu Sen laughed after hearing what they said.

"You have thrown out a lot of questions, and I don't know which one to answer first?"

"Come with me, you probably don't want to leave at this time, let's go to the conference room, drink tea and chat!"

A group of people laughed when they heard it, and followed Liu Sen to the conference room quickly.

Everyone sat down, Liu Sen drank a sip of tea, and then said: "Everything here is technology, there is no magic!"

"This school can float, just because this school is a whole, the base is cast as a whole, and the floating is completely using the force field engine!"

"This stand engine, you should all know it."

"In the previous Guardian Base, there are microgravity training chambers equipped with stand engines in the rocket launch base."

"Our space station in space and the giant space platform under construction are also equipped with it."

Everyone nodded after hearing it.

They knew all this, after all, there were space stations and space platforms with astronauts from many countries on them.

Liu Sen started relatively late in the aerospace industry, so there were many astronauts that the country asked for.

At the same time, national astronauts were allowed to work, train, and conduct research on them.

"We know about the stance engine, but it can't do this, right? You know, reducing gravity is very different from anti-gravity, not to mention such a large school!"

Someone immediately asked again.

"This is our technology that has made another breakthrough. At the same time, we also thought that we had nuclear fusion technology and there was no problem with energy, so we can do it like this now."

"Then how do we control human flight?"

"This is also an advanced artificial intelligence. He can use his powerful computing power to control the microgravity of the entire school, making it very easy for people to fly."

"As for me not speaking, I can fly around directly, this is because I have completed the precise interpretation of brain control. The glasses I wear are of a special type, which can read my vague thoughts in real time and fill in the details through calculation."

When Liu Sen finished speaking, everyone immediately thought of it.

The AI ​​model that has been discussed all over the world recently.

Others are still studying or in the initial testing stage.

Liu Sen has already directly applied it in depth here, or combined with brain control.

"As for the safety issues you are worried about, I have considered it from the beginning, so I installed laser devices in the floating school for a week."

"The first academy in the universe with unlimited energy can be said to be completely invincible."

Hearing Liu Sen talking about the laser device, everyone was immediately relieved.

They knew how abnormal the laser weapons made by Liu Sen were. They had all seen them installed on the Guardian tank. The cooling time of the laser was 0.01 seconds.

With Liu Sen's matrix satellite and the new generation of detection system, no attack could be concealed from Liu Sen.

"And the force field engine is not only used to control the force field, generate microgravity control, and allow people to fly, it can also form a force field shield!"

"Force field shield!"

"Oh my god, did I hear that correctly?"

Everyone exclaimed at once, this is too surprising.

This force field shield has a wide range of uses. It can be said that with this, you don't have to worry about safety issues during space travel.

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