Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 840: Indirect naturalization is impossible

"My design is to form a force field shield 1 km outside the floating school!"

"It can resist attacks from various artillery shells and missiles!"

"Of course, the explosion of nuclear bombs cannot be stopped at present!"

"Of course, the premise is that the nuclear bomb can fly near the floating school!"

When Liu Sen said this, he was very confident. He was very satisfied with the defense system he built now.

Otherwise, he would not dare to show it so ostentatiously now.

"This is really amazing!"

Everyone kept looking around, trying to find some clues from it.

But after looking for a long time, there was nothing unusual.

The surroundings were just normal air.

"The force field engine has many applications, and I will also give the country a copy of some basic principles!"

"Ah, really?"

Everyone was surprised to hear that Liu Sen was willing to give the country a copy of the relevant theoretical principles.

This is definitely the most cutting-edge technology.

It is completely monopolistic.

There is a very bright future for both military and civilian use, and it can even be said to be the key to future development.

"Of course it's true!"

Liu Sen didn't pay much attention to this technology, after all, it was just a preliminary version of the theoretical principle.

If you want to make progress with the country, you must make sure that the country has no shortcomings in basic theories in all aspects.

In this way, all his technologies can be used on a large scale in the future.

He is responsible for the most cutting-edge research and development, application and exploration, and the country follows behind to practice and master it. This is a complete system.

Otherwise, there will be a gap in basic talents, and the speed of his technological development will also be limited.

This is like modern society. Why can China develop rapidly? Is it just a simple demographic dividend and low personnel costs?

If you look at it this way, wouldn't India easily replace China's position in the world?

People who look at it this way are too superficial.

There is a very fundamental difference here, which is the overall quality level of the whole people. The vast majority of people in China have a certain level of culture. Now they have a high school degree or above, accounting for half of the population.

Among the remaining half, most of them are still young.

The illiteracy rate is only 2.67%, which is still declining.

And the adult illiteracy rate in India is around 30%.

They have no way to provide high-quality workers.

Of course, some people may think that India can reduce its illiteracy rate over time, after all, China also went through this.

Those who think so can only say that they don't know much about India.

India designated compulsory education 36 years earlier than China, but the results were minimal.

And their 30% illiteracy rate has actually been maintained for about 10 years, and there has been basically no change in the past 10 years.

Liu Sen knew this, so he would continue to give all the technical theories that have been mature and a little backward to the country.

Only in this way can the level of the country's overall people be improved.

After all, it is impossible for the people he recruits to have no basic knowledge at all and spend time relearning.

This will delay development too much.

Then with such a huge country behind, wouldn't it be useless?

Just like a modern factory now, running back to the ancient Stone Age to find a group of people to work, no matter how many people there are, it is actually not very useful.

Liu Sen looked at the eyes of the leaders and immediately took out a small silver plate from his body.

After waving his hand, it slowly flew in front of the leaders.

The leader glanced at Liu Sen, and then grabbed the hard drive suspended in the air with a trembling hand.

The moment he got it in his hand, he felt more at ease.

Just now, they were really afraid that what they saw was an illusion.

With this hard drive, the country can also conduct relevant research.

"Okay, it's almost time! I'll arrange a plane to take you back!"

Liu Sen stood up and said to the crowd.

Everyone nodded, and after Liu Sen's farewell, they got on the plane and flew to Rongcheng Airport.

After all, many of their entourage and transportation were there.

On the platform of the school square, the nine leaders saw that everyone had left.

He immediately said to Liu Sen: "Asen, we just received information that many countries are going to pay state visits to us, including the Lighthouse Country."

"From their performance, it is estimated that they were stimulated by what you have done recently!"

"I think this will be the best time for the unification of our country."

"Some time ago, our preliminary preparations were almost completed, and Wandao Island is basically under our control!"

"So we want to use this opportunity to directly complete the goal!"

"So at that time, some things may flow out, such as life evolution liquid!"

"Of course, the quantity will definitely not be much!"

"So we hope to get your support!"

The big leader said to Liu Sen with a serious face about some information about state visits they received.

Liu Sen thought for a while and said: "I will cooperate. After all, this is also our goal. Some life evolution liquid can't change much at all. It's good to let them have an expectation."

Liu Sen and a group of big leaders all know.

This body forging method and life evolution liquid were specifically designed for Chinese people when they were first developed and designed.

The effect of Westerners using it will only be half the effort.

The effect can only reach half of that of Chinese people, or even one-third.

And the upper limit will be much lower.

Even with the help of Life Evolution Liquid, the gap between them and China will only get bigger and bigger.

When the big leaders heard Liu Sen's words, they all smiled.

They were actually a little afraid that Liu Sen would not agree.

After all, Liu Sen has always been very strong, especially when dealing with foreign countries.

Once the Life Evolution Liquid comes out, those allied countries want some, and it is unlikely that they will not give it at all.

And if they give it to those allies, will they give some to the Lighthouse Country?

They know that this will definitely happen after thinking about it.

Therefore, it is better to let the Lighthouse Country beg them through this incident, and they will give some reluctantly and complete the unification.

I believe that the people of Wandao will definitely support this unification.

After all, only when they return to their motherland can they enjoy the treatment of citizens, obtain Life Evolution Liquid, and have relevant quotas in schools.

Only then will they have the opportunity to apply for the First Academy in the Universe.

Of course, they also need to take precautions now to prevent some people from taking advantage of the situation and suddenly becoming naturalized in Wandao at this time, and then directly obtaining Chinese citizenship.

Especially those who have given up Chinese nationality, don't even think about going back.

They will directly block this road.

You should know that they have actually controlled all the official institutions there not long ago.

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