Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 84 Amulet-Ambition for the Cooperative

Liu Sen was also very touched after hearing Lu Lu's words. The three girls have been working very hard since they followed him.

Liu Ying and Yin Dan should be better off and can always stay with him. As he grows up, the two girls will also grow up.

But Lu Lu was completely different. He went out on his own very early and was solely responsible for Mulinsen.

He wasn't very concerned about Mulinsen, after all, it was just a random thought.

But for Lu Lu, Mu Linsen was given to him by Liu Sen, and it was everything to her.

She had to run Mulinsen well, so he kept enriching himself and learning more knowledge so that he could manage Mulinsen well.

She looked at the rapid progress of Yidian, and was afraid that she would not be able to keep up, causing her and Liu Sen to drift away.

The psychological burden leads to changes in thinking, so I no longer want to develop slowly as I did at the beginning.

She directly called some of her sisters from a dormitory at the university to come over to help her. After a short period of adaptation, the four sisters began to develop on a large scale.

The boss Yuan Yuan is directly responsible for the development and inspection of the milk tea market, confirming the number and addresses of stores in all cities.

The second child, Guo Shan, took charge of setting up a decoration team to decorate stores in various cities.

This not only reduces the cost a lot, but also allows the decoration team to know every detail of the Mulinsen store. After all, milk tea shops of the same brand are similar. This way, because they are all experienced people, the time to decorate the store is more than doubled.

Deng Yunxiang, the third child, is responsible for all recruitment and training, and the general direction of recruitment is contemporary college students.

As long as current college students have good projects, everyone is actually willing to participate and start a business. Everyone undergoes unified training, and store development no longer worries about insufficient personnel.

This enabled the number of stores to open to more than 200 in about half a year.

This kind of efficiency is really amazing.

Lu Lu herself uses her own expertise to continuously develop new products. She will also ask Liu Sen if she has any questions and get some inspiration from Liu Sen.

Liu Sen also lamented that Lu Lu was indeed under a lot of pressure, but fortunately she had some capable sisters.

"Lu Lu, thank you for your hard work. If you have any questions next time, tell me directly. Don't take everything to heart, and don't put so much pressure on us. Our relationship will not change because of these things."

Holding the beauty in his arms, Liu Sen kept comforting her.

It's really his fault that he didn't discover it in time. Most of his energy was focused on Yidian Company.

"Well, it's not hard."

Lu Lu shook her head and continued: "Brother Sen, my three sisters came to help me without any hesitation when they heard my difficulties, without any requirements. But I still want to express that I want to get from my shares, Can you give them some?"

She had actually wanted to give her three sisters some shares for a long time, but her shares were given by Liu Sen, and she had to ask for Liu Sen's consent.

She took this opportunity to put forward the idea of ​​dividing shares.

Liu Sen saw Lu Lu staring at him with big eyes, and was afraid that he would refuse.

"You little fool, you only have 5%, how can you get enough points?" Liu Sen touched Lu Lu's head.

Lu Lu was a little silent when she heard Liu Sen's words. She was about to say that it was already a lot, because based on the current profit, the monthly dividend is estimated to be 1.5 million. When there are more stores by the end of the year, the monthly dividend is estimated to be 10 million.

But before Lu Lu could say anything, she heard Liu Sen's next words.

"I didn't give you more shares at the beginning, just to let you drive for fun, and that was your pocket money. But you worked so hard and took the milk tea shop as your career, so I will transfer 15% to you, and then I'll give you another 15%. Give 5% as Mulinsen’s reward to the top management.”

"You can arrange the 5% shares yourself. These should attract many talents to help you, so you can relax."

"Brother Sen, I don't have to. I already have enough money and can't spend it all." Lu Lu refused after hearing this.

"Don't refuse, it's decided." Liu Sen didn't listen to Lu Lu anymore and made the decision directly.

Then, Liu Sen told Lu Lu about the current situation of the agricultural cooperative. New vegetables and fruits have been planted for some time and should be harvested soon.

At that time, Mulinsen can use fruits from the cooperative, which can further improve the taste, and create a new slogan, using specially supplied special fruits, which will make it easier to build a brand.

These fruits and vegetables are definitely at the top level in the world, both in terms of yield and taste.

In this way, you can produce and sell your own products and have greater profit margins.

This will also allow the agricultural cooperative to balance its revenue and expenditure as soon as possible, and then the scale of the cooperative can be expanded to surrounding counties and cities again.

The next day, Liu Sen took Lu Lu to the cooperative to inspect. They walked through orchards, wheat fields, and rice fields. They were all full of fruits and growing very well.

The staff of the cooperative who were following me on the side were also introducing them constantly.

The expected output of these fields this year will exceed the current social output per mu.

And all the farmers smiled sincerely. They felt particularly at ease when they saw the crops growing so well.

The output of these fields was completely beyond their knowledge, but it made them feel that their work was fruitful and that their cooperative could continue to operate in the long run.

The collapse of cooperatives will not cause them to return to their previous state.

For these reasons, many migrant workers have returned to the countryside.

In recent years, the loss of rural population has become more and more serious, so there are many left-behind children and elderly people, and each village seems to be in decline.

However, in the past two months, there has been a change. The rural population has increased, children and the elderly have more smiles, and their families have returned to their side.

There are more young and middle-aged people who were not seen in the countryside before, and the abandoned land has been re-cultivated and planted with crops.

"Xiao Han, you are here to inspect again. I have some water here. Do you want to drink some?" An old man who just came to the field to drink water asked Han Sanren with a smile.

Xiao Han, Han Sanren is the cooperative staff member who accompanied Liu Sen on the inspection this time. After the last incident, he has found a way to deal with farmers and is very good at his work. Some time ago, he was promoted to team leader because of his outstanding ability.

"Uncle Song, I won't drink the water. I am here to accompany the leader to take a look this time." Han Sanren replied.

"The leader is here, hello, hello." The old man Song immediately greeted Liu Sen on the side.

"Uncle Song, are you doing well now? Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Very good, very good, I didn't expect that I could live such a good life now, thank the leader for providing us with a way out."

Uncle Song really wanted to thank him. He didn't make much money a year before. Now he farms at home. When it's time, he goes home to look after the kids and drink a little wine. He still gets more than 4,000 yuan a month. His life is so comfortable.

Together with his wife, he has a disposable income of more than 8,000 yuan a month, and there are all kinds of insurance. According to the current situation, he can work for another ten or twenty years, and it is no problem to work until he is 70 years old.

When he retires, he can also get a pension.

And his son and daughter-in-law are coming back. They earn about 4,000 yuan a month outside, and they don't have as complete insurance and provident fund as him. It's better for them to come home and join the cooperative, so that the whole family can be together, and the grandson doesn't have to think about his parents all the time.

Liu Sen was very happy to hear Mr. Song's thanks. His goal at the beginning of his business was to drive everyone to get rich together and drive the progress of society and the country.

This time, I saw the results with my own eyes. With the report from the staff of the cooperative, I also know that this has brought about great changes, and this model can also maintain a balance between income and expenditure, and even have some profits.

It seems that we need to speed up the promotion of this model. Now cities are also driving older migrant workers back to the countryside.

The source of income for these farmers in the later period is a problem, and his cooperative can accept and solve the problem.

And this is also a talisman for him.

After all, you should not have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others.

The profits obtained by Yidian in the future will exceed everyone's imagination.

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