The current international food shortage is not only due to foreign wars, but also partly due to the gradual deterioration of the natural environment and the reduction of food production.

Therefore, his rural layout is in line with national policies, and measures such as returning forests to farmland are being carried out across the country.

However, abandonment behavior is still increasing in various places. After all, people in rural areas also have to live. Thank God that ordinary farmers can maintain their capital by farming.

This has led to many rural people flowing into the city, but without good and stable income, and then the older generation continues to return to the countryside.

Conflicts emerge and need to be resolved.

The country had no good solution, and he just happened to be able to help.

On the way back to the company in the afternoon, I received a call from secretary Lu Xiu. Huaxia Electric Power Company sent someone and was now in the reception room.

It turned out that after receiving the email, people from Power Company held a high-level meeting the next day to study the wireless power transmission situation that appeared in the video.

Many people remain skeptical, but it is unlikely that the boss of Yidian will deceive them. After all, it is too easy to expose.

The email invited them to visit Yidian Company, which also showed Yidian’s confidence.

The high-level executives discussed are all enterprising people, otherwise they would not have reached the scale of China Electric Power after decades.

Be the first in the world and become the industry standard.

As long as you enter this industry, you must learn Chinese. It is really the only one at the moment.

During their meeting, they decided to send a team to inspect, consisting of Vice President Hou Yongtao, External Relations Manager Xue Zhijin, and Technical Director Qiu Tingshan to go to Yidian Company together.

The reception room of Yidian Company.

Lu Xiu, who was receiving them, immediately stood up and introduced them.

"Mr. Hou, this is Liu Sen from our company, Mr. Liu."

"Mr. Liu, this is Mr. Hou, the deputy general manager of the power company."

The two parties shook hands and then began to communicate. The other party introduced the names and positions of the other two people to Liu Sen.

"Mr. Liu, we are here just to see what appears in your video." The other party directly stated the purpose of this time without covering up.

"Okay, I believe everyone is busy, so I'll show you around." Liu Sen said with a smile.

After saying that, he first asked the company's personnel to send the updated version of the worry-free power consumption for internal testing to three people.

"This is our internal test version. If you install it now, you can experience the new features."

Hou Yongtao and the other three people looked at the three software they received and installed them without hesitation. After opening them, they followed the instructions and started registering accounts on their mobile phones.

After entering, you will see three tabs named Private, Regional Power, and a tab with Public Power Signal.

Click on Private, and you can see the wireless power bank, wireless charger, and Bluetooth headset that she has matched before.

For regional power, after entering, there will be many options to match, including refrigerators, lights, but they are all gray, and there is also one called wireless charging.

Click on the gray option and it will prompt that your request has been sent. Click on wireless charging and a request will also be sent.

The group's administrative staff was called and asked to take out his phone and show it to him.

Hou Yongtao saw two information prompts on the worry-free charging on the administrator's mobile phone. After entering, he saw the application information just given by Hou Yongtao and clicked to agree.

Hou Yongtao saw that his mobile phone showed that the application had been approved. Did you confirm to check the management of the refrigerator? After confirmation, you can see the power usage of the refrigerator, as well as some settings for power outages and power consumption.

After clicking on the wireless charging confirmation, the phone immediately started wireless charging. After entering, there were also some options and settings that were the same as when he used a one-to-one charger before.

Hou Yongtao tried turning off the power of the refrigerator. Sure enough, the test refrigerator on one side cut off the power and stopped working. He clicked on the power and turned it on again.

Seeing this, Hou Yongtao swallowed, and then looked at each other with Xue Zhijin, the manager of the external relations department, and Qiu Tingshan, the technical director.

I was shocked when I pressed it, but suddenly I thought about whether this control is controlled by a wireless network.

At this time, based on his thoughts, he disconnected his network, tried powering off and on again, and the same scene as before happened again.

He suddenly raised his head and took a deep look at Liu Sen, "Is this true?"

Liu Sen did not answer, but nodded silently.

The three of them tried it several times again, but the result was the same. They even pulled out the phone cards, but still got the same result.

I clicked on the public power tab again and saw only one option, which was called "Yidian Wireless Power." After clicking on the application, I received a text message. After entering the verification code, it showed that the connection was successful.

This time, they didn't see anything unusual. They raised their heads and looked at Liu Sen with some doubts.

Liu Sen didn't say much, and just took them to walk around the park.

Soon they discovered the difference. As they got farther and farther away from the building, all the power in the previous area had been disconnected, indicating that it was out of range.

However, the public power company could always see "YiDian Wireless Power". At that moment, he thought it was a spoof of YiDian. Liu Sen was carrying a power bank that could be used in multiple matches, but they soon rejected it themselves. Yes, because they have their own wireless power bank, but the device is only displayed in the private tab.

Soon, Liu Sen gave them a brief explanation.

Regional power is a short-distance power transmission that can cover 100 meters. Within this range, the maximum power transmission power is 120 watts, which can transmit power to some electrical appliances without power loss during the transmission process.

Moreover, the worry-free power account that all electrical appliances match for the first time is the main account, which has all permissions and can issue permissions to other applicants or revoke them.

The main account can actively give up the main permissions or transfer them directly.

This can ensure the safety of electrical appliances.

Public power is the latest technological breakthrough. It can cover a range of 10 kilometers and can transmit 30W kilometers of power. It can be used for mobile phones or weak current systems. The power loss during the transmission process is 1%.

Qiu Tingshan, the technical director of the power company, was very excited when he heard it. His hands were shaking with excitement. This is really a great invention and it is already in use.

Another point is the problem of power loss. You must know that the current power grid power supply city basically needs to lose 6%-8%, rural 10%-15%, and remote areas may reach 20%.

How much energy can be saved by neutralizing and calculating such loss? It can save 8%-10% of energy.

I can't even imagine it.

Although Hou Yongtao was very excited, he still restrained himself. Thinking that since Liu Sen sent a message to ask them to come, there must be something they need to do, so he asked: "Mr. Liu, you asked us to come, there must be a purpose."

Liu Sen smiled when he heard the question, "Mr. Hou, I won't beat around the bush, just say it directly, our Yidian company wants to cooperate with you to develop, so that we can better promote wireless power transmission."

"Mr. Liu, although we all use electricity, we really don't understand the technology of wireless power transmission." Although Hou Yongtao wanted to cooperate, he also consulted the technical director Qiu Tingshan in the company, and they didn't understand this knowledge at all.

Liu Sen brought the people from the power company into the conference room again and told the three of them his purpose.

It is to hope to jointly develop a new generation of electricity meters, wireless power transmission meters.

In this way, there is no need to lay wires in many facilities in each family.

In this way, household electricity use will be safer, and basically no fire will be caused by electricity.

Liu Sen also hopes to break through the bottleneck of low transmission power with the help of the power group's R\u0026D team.

As long as the transmission of unlimited power meters within 10 meters to 1000 meters can be completed, and all electrical appliances can be used normally, then it can be widely used and promoted.

There is also the hope that their worry-free electricity APP software can be integrated, and some functions of their online State Grid APP can be used to check electricity bills, pay electricity bills, etc.

And it is also hoped that they can cooperate with their subsidiaries in various places to reconstruct local power systems and establish rural demonstration bases.

The urban power system is too large and too complicated, so it will not be put into use for the time being. Wait until the rural power transformation technology is mature before starting in the city.

Start testing from the new countryside, especially starting with the rural areas of Rongcheng.

Liu Sen's plan is to carry out new collective construction in rural areas and build new rural areas.

Fully cover the wireless charging network, use all wireless street lights, and fully cover wireless monitoring, wireless speakers, etc.

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