Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 887 Reactions from all parties to the establishment of the Earth Alliance

"No, your proposal is very good!"

"No one is more suitable than the leader!"

The scene in front of me is really amazing.

Soon everyone expressed their support.

"Then welcome the leader to be elected as the first leader of the Earth Alliance, let us welcome him!"

The president of the Lighthouse Country applauded enthusiastically.

Hua La La!

The whole venue was filled with warm applause.

"Thank you for your support! The leaders of all countries will automatically become members of the Earth Alliance, and there will be 10 candidates for deputy leaders!"

"I propose that Admiral Liu Sen, Lighthouse Country, Polar Bear Country, England, France, Germany, Argentina, Germany, Nigeria, and Brazil will serve as vice leaders."

After the leader finished speaking, he looked at everyone.

"Is there anyone who objects?"


"We all support it!"

No country dared to object.

China's strength in all aspects was undoubtedly revealed, and many of the strengths that were revealed were already in the world's first echelon.

Today, they were shown the completely invisible giant aircraft again.

The technological content and industrial strength contained in it are simply appalling.

This plane alone can deter the whole world.

And Liu Sen's free-flying, first-class academy in the universe that he created a few days ago contains a lot of technology that makes many people lose even a trace of resistance.

What's more, China must have countless weapons and equipment that have not been displayed.

"Okay, since everyone has no problem, then we are ready to broadcast live and announce it to the world!"

Soon the live broadcast room was opened, and countless people poured in instantly.

After all, countless people are now paying close attention to the meeting here.

They want to know why such a strange scene suddenly appeared in the world financial market.

The renminbi is appreciating rapidly, and various countries are frantically hoarding renminbi.

The US dollar of the Lighthouse Country is constantly being sold by countries around the world.

[Wow, it's actually on the air! I wonder what they are discussing here? ]

[It must be very important. Didn't you see that the world financial market is in turmoil? ]

[This can only mean that a new era is coming, and China will become the center of the world! ]

[Our Chinese currency has actually appreciated significantly, so our money will be more valuable! 】

【Appreciation is not conducive to China's development at all. Our future exports will face great challenges. We will lose to India, Vietnam and other countries in foreign trade. 】

【Is this a Plaza Accord? Our country is paying for the whole world! 】

【Haha, you above don't have any trust in your own country! Our country will not be coerced. The country must have its own ideas! 】

【Didn't you see that the signing is about to take place? One document after another is being distributed, and no one knows what is being signed! 】

In the live broadcast room, all countries got a document.

I saw the big leader sitting there, signing the document, and then handing it to the person on the left.

And took the document that had just been signed and handed over by the right, and signed his name again.

Then handed it to the person on the left.

In this way, everyone watched the documents in the hands of the document owners rotate.

Everyone on the scene kept rotating to sign the documents in front of them.

Such a scene is really rare. Usually when they see signatures, they are two or several people signing each other.

Never seen hundreds or thousands of people signing.

Netizens around the world who were watching through the live broadcast room were full of curiosity.

What kind of document was this?

Soon everyone signed.

One by one, they all walked onto the huge stage and lined up neatly.

Everyone held up the documents in their hands and faced forward.

The huge screen behind everyone suddenly displayed a huge line of text.

[Warm congratulations on the establishment of the Earth Alliance! ]

Everyone on the Internet was extremely surprised to see this.

What kind of alliance organization was established?

Everyone was full of questions.

[What kind of organization is this? There was no news before! ]

[There are thousands of world organizations, there is no need to understand, and it has nothing to do with us ordinary people! ]

[This name is too grand, it sounds amazing! ]

Discussions began on the Internet.

But most people just passed by and did not delve into it.

It can be said that various organizations are constantly emerging all over the world, but there are not many that have a huge influence.

At most, they are just a topic of conversation and a joke.

But many elites have realized something different.

This organization is obviously larger in scale and includes all countries in the world.

At the same time, the specifications were very high. There were actually top leaders and deputies from all over the world, and even many hidden consortiums and families involved.

Through these, they felt that it must be extraordinary.

They began to inquire about the relevant situation of the Earth Alliance through various channels.

"Lao Li, did you watch the live broadcast just now? What is the situation of the Earth Alliance? Do you have any information?"

An elite in the financial industry called a person from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to consult a question.

"I have not received any relevant information. This is the first time I know it!"

"Okay, thank you! Call me if you have any information!"

After hanging up the phone, the financial elite frowned.

There are too many differences here.

Relevant information must be obtained as soon as possible, so that you can be one step ahead in the financial market and obtain more profits.

He started looking for some traces on the Internet.

Nowadays, with the rapid development of the Internet, sometimes people will leak something inadvertently.

Some people will even reveal the secret in advance.

At this moment, Wall Street in the lighthouse country was even more aware of the news and kept asking high-level government officials. Some capable people even started to directly call and send messages to the president and people from other consortiums who were present.

At the same time, people in the United Nations Office also saw information that world leaders had established the Earth Alliance in China.

"Haha, I don't know what kind of alliance this is, but we are all younger brothers in front of us in the United Kingdom!" an office worker from the United Kingdom said with a smile.

"Our organization has a long history and has very strong authority. Don't worry about the rest!"

"This name is really too public. It seems that we need to discuss it at the next United Nations General Assembly and ask them to change the name!"

Everyone in the office seemed to be joking.

A few minutes passed, and the financial person continued to search for information on the Internet.

Finally he saw a public account that surprised him.

"Damn it, the Earth Alliance has actually established a public account on Blue Star Chat, and also established an internal website on Blue Star Chat. This is too fast."

He entered the website and began to read the relevant introduction to the Earth Alliance, as well as its terms of reference and organizational structure.

After seeing this, he took a deep breath.

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