Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 888 Changes in the World Situation

"This time, the world pattern will change drastically!"

He sighed immediately.

At first, he thought that the Earth Alliance might be just an ordinary alliance, at most a cooperative alliance in marginal aspects such as economy, atmosphere, and environment.

Unexpectedly, it was completely different from what he thought.

This directly changed the global power framework.

The United Nations became a younger brother in front of the Earth Alliance.

Suddenly, he stopped thinking about these things.

He thought of the sudden and drastic changes in the foreign exchange market not long ago, and the rapid appreciation of the Chinese renminbi.

At that time, he didn't understand the reason for this situation, but now he knows.

It was because of this meeting.

At that time, the rapid appreciation made many people dare not enter it, after all, the appreciation reached 20%.

Such fluctuations scared off too many people.

If there is a sudden correction after chasing high, it may be 5% or even 10%.

In that case, most people will be liquidated.

You know that too many people have been liquidated in this wave of rise.

Foreign exchange trading is not like stocks. The leverage of that transaction is generally 50-400 times.

If the leverage is 400 times, but the fluctuation exceeds 0.25%, the position will be liquidated directly.

They can't see the subsequent trend clearly, so they dare not enter the market at all.

Even if he knows the reason now, he doesn't dare to enter the market, for fear that it has reached the limit and there will be a callback.

For the foreign exchange market, he still needs to wait until it stabilizes before entering the market.

At that time, he believes that it will be a continuous and steady rise.

Close the foreign exchange market, then open the stock market, and breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, all stocks are still normal, and there are no big ups and downs.

It seems that many people have not discovered the specific information of the Earth Alliance, and the stock market has not risen.

Immediately put all the funds into the Huaxia stock market, and all bought Yidian stocks.

After he just completed all the operations, he just breathed a sigh of relief.

He saw that the stocks he bought were rising rapidly, and they all hit the daily limit after just a few minutes.

He let out a long breath.

"Fortunately, fortunately! I acted quickly enough, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get on the train this time."

He looked at the market again, as well as some other stocks.

At this moment, they are also rising one after another. Although not as good as the Yidian stocks, the growth is also encouraging.

He looked at the capital flow of the stock market at this moment.

He immediately saw a huge amount of funds pouring into the stock market.

A large amount of the funds actually came from foreign countries.

His eyes immediately turned to foreign financial markets.

First of all, the stock market of the Lighthouse Country began to fall. Only a few companies that had no conflicts with Chinese companies or had strong patents did not fall too much.

England was also falling rapidly.

He knew that this was because people with insight around the world were flowing funds into China.

In the future, China's stock market will continue to rise.

The stocks he holds will continue to appreciate.

Ordinary stocks can increase four or five times, and Yidian stocks can increase more than ten or twenty times.

Didn't you see that the founder of Yidian Group has now become a general of the Chinese Space Guard, which has given Yidian Group countless room for growth.

The world's power economic structure will be reshaped.

China's future economic growth is unlimited.

The Chinese will get rich dividends in this change.

Suddenly he thought of something.

He immediately entered the live broadcast room and immediately sent out a barrage in the live broadcast room.

[All Chinese people should pay attention immediately. The Earth Alliance has been established and the world pattern has changed dramatically! You should immediately invest your funds in the stock market and buy Chinese stocks. Your future assets will at least double four or five times! ]

[All Chinese people should pay attention immediately. The Earth Alliance has been established and the world pattern has changed dramatically! You should immediately invest your funds in the stock market and buy Chinese stocks. Your future assets will at least double four or five times! ]

[All Chinese people should pay attention immediately. The Earth Alliance has been established and the world pattern has changed dramatically! You should immediately invest your funds in the stock market and buy Chinese stocks. Your future assets will at least double four or five times! ]

He was afraid that the Chinese people would not see it, so he spent the Blue Star chat points he had accumulated with great difficulty and posted a top barrage.

He was not worried that the information would be seen by people from other countries in the world.

Because people from other countries who want to buy Chinese stocks can never be as fast and convenient as Chinese people.

There are many procedures that foreign funds need to go through if they want to enter China.

Now, because a large number of people are selling in foreign stock markets, most of the cashed-out funds are still going through the procedures, and only a small part of them have entered China through mortgage replacement, etc.

He just saw that the huge amount of funds entering the Chinese stock market was actually funds that had gone through the procedures a long time ago.

He posted this information in the live broadcast room with hundreds of millions of people online.

The main thing is to hope that Chinese people can catch this express train of asset upgrading.

This is not because his character is so noble.

He Qi Donglin is not a saint. If he has not completed his arrangement, he will not say it.

But now that he has said it, it will not affect himself, and at the same time it can help many Chinese people, so that money will not be earned by foreigners in large quantities, he is still very happy.

This barrage of comments that has been pinned several times has been seen by many people.

Those who have good insight, but are one step behind Qi Donglin and are still buying quietly, are really going to curse when they see this information.

Because they know that once this information comes out, countless people will definitely go to see the Earth Alliance information.

In this way, the vast majority of people will agree immediately, and then countless funds will definitely flow in immediately.

Their idea of ​​secretly buying stocks at a relatively low stock price has failed.

"Fuck, this is simply a beast! This is too cheap!"

"This is directly exposed, and our costs will increase a lot again!"

"Hurry up, buy it for me immediately!"

People in China are extremely anxious.

People in foreign countries are really angry.

They know that their cost of entering the market will increase by at least several percent.

The world is lively again, and countless people have seen the responsibilities and purposes of the Earth Alliance.

At this moment, they realized the importance of this meeting.

It is simply the meeting that has changed the world pattern the most since the 21st century.

It has directly changed from a world dominated by the Lighthouse Country to a world dominated by China.

At this moment in the United Nations Office, those leaders finally received the information and saw the responsibilities and purposes of the Earth Alliance.

Everyone's face changed.

"Fuck, how could this happen!"

"How can they bypass the United Nations and directly set up a new world organization!"

"Hasn't it always been good to deal with conflicts between countries through the United Nations? This has been the case for decades. This is the rule. How can it change so suddenly?"

"They suddenly set up an organization that is superior to the United Nations without notifying us?"

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