Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 559, small nurse scared

Shao Yi is speechless.

Is the eyes low?

Is it still in the county?

"I am saying that Yancheng's money is old." Shao Yi faintly said.

Yancheng's money old?

Liu Shouzi and the palace of the palace, and then he took a cold.

Liu Shou is weak: "Is it the one of Tongtian?"

Shao Wei nodded, "Yes."

Liu Shouzhu couldn't believe it.

But think about Shao Yi's identity? A rural orphan!

Since the child is pouring the father to raise the mother!

Even the adoption relationship!

I don't know where my parents are!

The school is expelled!

This person is how to succeed in just less than a year?

Has a large group company? The industry includes jewelery, inn!

Is it necessary to invest dozens of billion developing agriculture?

No background? is it possible?

This is the logic of normal people.

Therefore, Liu Yushu believes in Shao Yi.

It turned out to be the relationship between money.

This relationship is too hard!

There is this layer of relationship, no wonder can be high-rise.

From nothing, short less than one year, billions of assets!

It turns out that!

How big is this big thick leg! I have to hold it.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu's excited.

"Shao Dong, since you have given money to the sick, then it is definitely a doctor, the Chinese medicine master!"

"Then you have to enter the ICU ward."

This guy, self-righteousness to know the background of Shao Yi, more respectful, and we have been worthy of it.


The palace is still hesitant.

Liu Yu party wrinkled, "What is it ink? I am responsible for it!"

The palace is not tempering.

And the little nurse who just held a fire was completely dumbfounded.

What is this?

The first and hospital dean have to be careful?

The first title is called by him ...



This is the twenty-year-old young man?

Such a person, I just had just to him ...

Loudly ??

The little nurse is silent.

But strong calm, "Mr. please come with me."

I have prayed in my heart, don't give me a small person.

I will take me ... as a fart!

Unfortunately, she really does not understand Shao Yi's people.

Shao Wing, this guy, is very bad.

It can be said that it is necessary.

People, if you can't do it, you can't thank you, have a hatred, and you will be very energetic.

Therefore, Shao Yi faintly said: "The dean of the palace, this small nurse, it is good to look forward to it."

"Ting is beautiful."

"It's too bad."

"It is too fierce for the patient's relatives."

"This attitude, how to do white angels?"

"This quality, how to mix into the hospital team?"

"Will it be your relative? Go in the back door?"

These words, scared the little nurses.

The legs are soft and almost fall.

The palace is hurriedly: "What is going on?"

The little nurse stigted Baba: "Dean, I just ... I just ... I ..."

I can't say something.

Of course, if she is truth, she does not take up.

Today she quarreled with my boyfriend, so the mood is very bad.

Didn't control your emotions, I sent my temper to my relatives.

There is a certain issue originally.

If you encounter ordinary people, especially rural people, you will not have something.

If the patient relatives will regenerate, they will endure the sound, and they don't dare to sin.

But unfortunately, Zhao Wing is encountered.

I saw that the little nurse said, I didn't come, the dean directly claped, "You stop the review, clear the mistake."

"Also, immediately apologize with the patient relaxed, forgiveness."

"Otherwise, you will wait for the resignation!"

In fact, Shao Yi said half.

This little nurse, and the dean are indeed a bit.

But not relatives.

It is the girl in the old classmate.

The more international big cities, the more you rely on your own.

The more this small county, the more relationship, the player is the wrong festival.

Although there are some sesame children, there is a little bit of power, but in small places, it can be made to make a good blessing.

It can be exchanged in interest.

It can be grouped.

This little nurse, the family conditions are good, it is the cold storage factory, rich.

It is also related to the dean, so ...

Can enter the hospital.

After all, now in the hospital, especially the triath, very high in education, and it is difficult to realize.

And what about her? Graduated institutions are very general.

Dean's words, it seems that it is strict, and in fact, there is an idea to give a small nurse outside.

Small nurse is not stupid!

Understand immediately.

The dean meant is to ask for the forgiveness of "relatives of patients".



As long as he doesn't pursue it, he is nothing.

Otherwise, you can only be dismissed by the hospital.

The dean couldn't help himself.

She is of course willing to recognize, but she has not organized a good language, and Shao Yi has already entered the ICU.

The dean also accompanied by careful, "Do you want to change the fans?"

Shao Wing said: "No need."

The dean of the palace is speechless.

Do you need to wear aseptic? This is ICU!

In this way, it is necessary to do something!

The patient is very dangerous, a little small mistake, may result in serious consequences.

The dean even gigled, "this Shao Dong said that it is to save people ..."


"Speaking and sick, there is a hatred?"

"Is this going to die?"

"This is how to do?"

Don't say that the dean is, even the heart of Liu Shou has this suspicion.

In their surprise, Shao Wing took out the gold needle.

It is taken from the small space carried by portable.

But the makeup mode is sampled, and it is taken out from the pocket.

Then, the needle is like the wind, and a needle is a needle in the skin of Fang Yong.

Finally, the three long faces have a 20 cm gold needle, piercing into the head of the head.

Put the dean and the first seat is stupid.

Such a long needle?


Is it really a doctor?

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