Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 560 and the fart small nurse

Each gold needle is slightly trembled.

Shao Yi even showed "Jiuyang God", and the internal force passed the golden needle as guided, and he infiltrated into the body of the body.

This is the place where Shao Yiqing is better than blue.

This thick internal force is that the Shen doctor is unable to do.

Therefore, Shao Wing's medical skills, acupuncture, compared to the god doctor, what is it heated from two grades?

About three minutes later ...

Fang Yong woken away.

"Where is this?"

And Liu Yu Demo and Palace Junior?

Even small nurses, all stay!


Really rescued the patient?

How can this be?

This has been sentenced to "death penalty" patient, even if it can be separated from life, the best results are also a vegetative.

What is going on?

The patient didn't get up directly to CHUANG?

When Fang Yong, I saw Shao Yi at this time, "Xiaoyang? How are you here?"

Shao Yi faintly said: "Go, go out and drink, while drinking."

The martyrdom of the palace is weak: "If the patient is just out of danger, should it be a drink?"

Shao Yi's face hangs a laughing expression, watching him.

The old face of the dean of the Palace, was red.

I am so dark in my heart.

Can people save the plant people, what?

Shao Wing took the shoulder of the palace, "Chinese medicine is not a pseudo-learning?"

The old face is red.

And Fang Yong came out of the ICU and cried his father excited.

When I know that Shao Yi is rescued, Fang Jianguo even gave Shao Yi.

A tears of a snot, saying that I want to give Shao Yi to make a horse, and repay the grace of Shao Wong.

Shao Yi hurriedly helped up, "Little things, don't be in your heart."

"Taking me and fondance, this is nothing."

"Glory, you give a place to stay in Shu ..."

I haven't waited for Ye glory to promise, Liu Yu party hurriedly: "I will arrange."

This guy is more enthusiastic about Shao Yi's attitude.

Before I wanted to hold the thigh of Shao Wing, because I saw the background behind Shao Wing, I would like to see a chance to see it.

However, after all, it is a parent of one county.

Still have your own "dignity" and "face."

So he is slightly somewhat.

And what?

God doctor!

seen it myself!

Even if it is the first seat, it will not be sick. And this legendary god doctor, who doesn't want to know?

At the critical time, it may be equivalent to playing the game, there is a life!

Without a small life, Gao Qi, Ronghua is rich, all is virtual.

Shao Yi asked faintly: "Don't you trouble?"

Liu Yu party hurriedly said: "Don't trouble, absolutely not trouble!"

Shao Yi naturally does not resign.

Liu Yushu arranged Fang Jian Guo to the guest house.

And the palace military is dark, and the heart is regretted. Why did you not think about it?

This legendary god doctor, he also wants to climb the feelings?

Shao Wing took Ye Rong Yao, Fang Yong, and farewell to others, went to the parking lot.

The result has always been a fart in a fart.

Small nurse.

Ye Gong opened the Rolls-Royce's door, Shao Yi turned, and his little nurses behind him: "What are you talking about?"

The little nurse is more detention.


The first sad sad horse is in front of the horse? God doctor? Rolls Rolls?

What person is this?

The little nurse hardly headed: "I want to apologize with you, just ..."

Shao Yi interrupted the small nurse, "" Meteor Garden "has seen it?"

The little nurse nodded.

Shao Wing said: "Then you should know ..."

"If you apologize, if you want to patrol?"

"You apologize, I will accept it?"

"Who gives you such a big face?"

The little nurse is anxious and afraid, crying directly.

Fang Yong does not understand what is going on, no more.

Ye glory This guy is less living, and it will not say anything.

At this evening, there is only a small nurse whispering.

Shao Yi gave himself a root smoke, "I don't want to admit mistakes? Go with me, dare not dare?"

Shao Wo has long known that this little nurse is a virgin.

Original, I want to let go.

After all, my woman is too much.

But the girl directly followed the parking lot, entangled, and the Shao Yi was very annoyed.

Since you want to ask for grass!

The Laozi is welcome.

"Don't ink, I want me to forgive you, just get on the bus."

"Otherwise, hurry up."

The little nurse bites his teeth and gets on the bus.

But was stopped by Shao Yi, "Wait, do you know, I got my car, what mean?"

The little nurse faces a red, and I don't dare to see the eyes of Shao Yi. "Know."

That's no problem.

Ye glory drove, and he was sitting at the deputy driving.

Shao Yi and small nurses sat in the back.

Going to a barbecue shop, or a few days ago and Fang Yonggan it together.

Ye glory is the driver, abides by his own points, and Shao Yi will teach him to eat, drink, and he will not agree.

Therefore, there is only Shao Yi, Fang Yong, and small nurse.

As for the name of the little nurse, Shao Yi is too lazy.

Click on a table of barbecue.

Fang Yong asked Shao Yi to bow, Shao Wong stopped.

"There is no need to live so, I will fall."

The two people poured into the wine and touched three cups, and he opened the words.

"Wings, you ..."

"It seems that you are really developed."

Shao Yi faintly said: "Yes, developed."

Fang Yong also emotioned, "The first seat has to shoot you, Calas, will also be so magical."


"The money is forced, too cattle."

Shao Yi smiled and said: "It's not a great expensive, don't forget?"

"How? I don't want to dry with me?"

Fang Yong said: "What?"

Shao Wing said: "Now I am preparing to have a farm, let me have a place with me? Absolutely a future."

What? Grow?

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