Call of the Legion

Vol 2 Chapter 109: Impeccable

The dragon gun is five meters long, and it is just a piece of it. If you rely on Fang Huan's power bonus and the Light Knight's [Steel Will] judgment bonus, no ninja can stand in front of them!

The ninja force was swept up like wheat, and stubbornly stood up and continued to attack.

"Don't melee! Get away!" Matsakami also had a professional conductor present, but as soon as the order was given, he regretted it!

The ninjas stepped back a little, the light knights decisively changed into tactical light cannons, and banged two shells in the past, and immediately several ninjas fell to the ground and became corpses!

"Dark Blades, fight close!"

Matsukami's command ordered that among a group of ninjas belonging to several players, several special ninjas with bronze crowns suddenly rushed out. In a blink of an eye, they passed over many companions and rushed over at the risk of being spiked by the light knight.

Fang Huanguang's cannon was about to aim, and the bronze crowned ninja figure was blurred for a while, and the light cannon could not be locked.


The Bronze Crown Ninja relies on the ability to split the light into shadows, making the Light Knight unable to lock in, and smoothly approaching the Light Knight within five steps.

"Want to cling to me if you want to rely on this?"

Fang Huan broke his blood and split the player in front of him. He looked back at the continuously outputting God of Heavenly Shot. At this time, the God of Heavenly Shot was discouraged, for no reason. From the beginning to the present, Yufang ignored his attack and left it alone. His flying arrows shot wildly, which not only caused extremely low damage, but also lost control effects!

"He is humiliating me!"

The God of Sky Shooting is so sorrowful and angry that Yu Fang has always left his back to himself, making it clear that he despises himself!

No, it's not look down, it's disregard!

Tian She gnashed his teeth, took out a bottle of black potion, and smeared it on the long bow. The long bow suddenly appeared thick black gas, evil and terrible.

Fang Huan turned around and took a look, then continued to kill the players around him.

At this time, there are only three people who can still stand next to him, and there are only four, including the God of Sky Shooting ...

The corpses that fell to the ground were not resurrected at this time, but all their energies were used to control the legion units. The other battlefield was the main battlefield!

Their role is just to hold Yufang!

Yu Fang is so ruthless, and proud as a **** of sky shooter, he is very clear. If he wants to destroy Yu Fang, he must first solve the steel foot monster, otherwise, with this guy's wonderful operation, nobody can kill him!

Tianshou Great God holds a long bow, and three feather arrows wind at the same time. "Yu Fangjun, don't hide this time!"

At the moment when the arrow flew out, it seemed to be infected when passing through the black gas, and instantly turned into a dark arrow, with a weeping grudge looming above the arrow.

Fang Huan still did not evade.

[Your armor value has decreased]

[You have been mentally shocked ...]

[You resisted the mental shock ...]

Fang Huan took the three arrows calmly, and then asked, "Nothing?"

Tianshe great God stared at him ghostly, "How can you not be affected at all ?! But this is me ..."

"Well, now you are the only one left, and we can talk calmly, but before that, shut up and listen to me." Fang Huan interrupted him politely.

The God of Sky Shooting is still unwilling, and still has to try, but Yu Fang has already passed the corpse on the ground and brought him directly in front of him. Kick fly-the gap in power is too big!

The God of Sky Shoot stood up and roared, "Talk *! I can't kill you today, and all of your steel-footed monsters will stay here!"

Killing units in the coordinate world also has strategic value. All units summoned in the coordinate world, except for peasant units, are all units and strengths owned by Krytan, which will not decrease or increase in a vacuum. Kerry The strength of the tank means that the strength you can summon is the total reserve of your legion.

The soldiers die in the coordinate world and will not really die, but will also enter a "cool down time" of three days (Koritan time), during which the player cannot summon the unit again, which also means that the reserve power of the player legion The more troops available in the coordinate world.

In the eyes of Tianshen Great God and others, as long as the Royal Square's steel foot monster is killed, the Royal Square cannot be summoned again for at least three days, and this time is the best time for them to eliminate Royal Square!

"Oh? What do you rely on to leave my army?" Fang Huan opened his horizons, allowing him to see another battlefield, pointing to the bronze-crowned ninja who had been shot dead in the field, "rely on them?"

Only then did God find that the other battlefield, which was supposed to be stable, did not know when it would be reversed!

Although the bronze-crowned ninjas were close to the light knight before, they held the light knight's attack with their flexible dexterity and excellent skills. However, the ability to split the light and shadow has a duration. When they break away from the light and shadow, the steel foot monsters are around. A group of killers suddenly appeared!

These burly killers killed all the bronze-crowned ninjas near the light knight in a face-to-face, and then disappeared, disappeared in full view.

Until this time, the commander of Matsue knew that there had been hidden thieves around the light knight, and that he had a powerful spike ability ...

This time, the steel-footed monsters have become completely unsolvable. There are tactical light cannons at a distance. There are dragon guns and long swords at medium distances. The close range is also protected by the ghost killer. Any attempt to bring down the steel-footed monsters at close range Doomed.

How else can I fight?

Long-range confrontation?

Rely on that negligible hidden weapon of the ninja? Or the magician and archer coming soon?

Uh ~ ~ Sorry, the range of the magician and archer is far worse than that of the steel footed monster, and the range of the steel footed monster into the magician and archer must also mean that they are also exposed to the fire of the steel footed monster.

Sure enough, as soon as the magician and archer array approached, before enjoying a foothold, they enjoyed the baptism of artillery.

However, the man on the side of the pine was prepared, and the shield soldiers on the side immediately raised their shields to help the magician and archer behind them to resist the first wave of offensive, but this can only be done for the dead ghost, and a few more fell in the blink of an eye. Shield soldier.

Fang Huan has controlled the Assassin of Assassin to leave the Light Knight, and has approached the advancing magicians and archers, where the players cannot see it.

These Protoss Assassins have been incorporated under the control of Li Xianjun and enjoy a 30% agility bonus. Li Xianjun's agility is only slightly weaker than Fang Huan, and the bonus to Protoss Assassins is very obvious.

When more than 20 Protoss Assassins are killed at the same time, it means that more than 20 Sorcerers will fall down at the same time. The fragile magic unit has only a little more than 1,000 points of health. Protoss Assassins are in Fang Huan's halo and Ermin's. With the attribute bonus, plus your own horrible damage to unarmored units, you can easily kill the crispy mage arm!

Then use the refreshed assassination method to lurk around, waiting for the next assassination!

There are Starling Assassins harassing in the rear, and the Light Knights are freed again. They no longer care about the rear and concentrate on dealing with the surrounding ninjas. Under the roar of the light cannon, in order to avoid greater losses, the Ninja Department ’s earthen clams and wooden clogs Alas, it disappeared in a blink ...

Tian She was pale, and he knew that the plan had been defeated this time ...

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