Call of the Legion

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: worst plans

Matsue United Corps defeated so quickly.

Not only did he lose fast, throughout the whole battle, Matsukari's legion was led away by his nose almost all the way.

Matsukami's goal this time is very clear, in order to weaken Fang Huan's legion forces, let the light knight into cooling, within three days (Koritan time) can not be summoned.

But because the goal is too clear, they bet too much energy on the light knight, and ignored the other arm of Fang Huan-the Star Spirit Assassin.

The Star Spirit Assassin Fang Huan did not prepare much, because the basic attributes are far worse than the Light Knights. In large-scale legion battles, the Star Spirit Assassins are far worse than the Light Knights, but when Li Xianjun is present, the Star Spirit Assassins Attacking the crispy skin behind the enemy and interfering with the opponent's actions can also play a significant role.

Most unfortunately, the Protoss Assassin can also be matched with the Light Knight's armor-breaking attack, and fast killing the front meat shield is also a tactic.

Of course, Fang Huan was able to repel the 500-level legion so easily, relying on his super high attribute bonus and the consciousness of multi-purposes coming!

If it ’s only compared to arms, the Matsukura Guild also has elite units, and its basic attributes and abilities are not necessarily worse than the light knight. Take the bronze crown ninja as an example, it is a powerful melee assassin. Once you are close, if you do n’t have Fang Huan ’s power, Success, the light knight may also be quickly besieged!

The Bronze Crown Ninja has a special life-saving ability. The ability to split light and shadow makes magic attacks and skills unable to lock, physical attacks will be greatly weakened, and long-range attacks are all misses. During the duration of the skills, Fang Huan took them unless they used symbiosis. There is no way, let alone, the basic attributes of the bronze crown ninja is also very high, at least it can threaten the existence of the light knight.

But unfortunately, different heroes belonged to them, which led to completely different results.

"Can we talk now?"

The battlefield in the rear ended with the defeat of the Matsukura United Army Corps. Although this time it was only a small army group divided by one of their squadrons, the defeat was so miserable that it was difficult for Tianshen to accept.

The God of Sky Shooting did not run away. Through previous battles, he already knew that he could not escape the pursuit of Yu Fang. He was not a ninja and could not escape.

He was too lazy to use even the scrolls back to the city, and now everyone knows that the royal side has a way to interrupt the scrolls back to the city.

"What to talk about?" Although the God of Shooting became a captive, he still did not look good at the royal side.

"You, and your people, come to work for me, I guarantee you to enter the second stage."

"Those who are delusional!" Although he was mentally prepared, when the other party really spoke shamelessly, the God of Sky Shooting was still angry, "Let me work for you? Skyscrapers say dreams!"

"Isn't it time to talk?" Fang Huan shook his head unfortunately and sighed, "Sure enough, if you didn't catch your door, you wouldn't submit, okay, I'll find your base first and wait to demolish your house In front of the door, I hope you can still be so tough. "

After Fang Huan said, without waiting for the other party to speak, the mental blasting took a step ahead, the blood broke out and then came out.

The God of Shooting doesn't even have a chance to respond!

Until the perspective returns to the perspective of the soul, the God of Sky Shooting is still confused.

"Is this the real strength of the imperial side? I don't even have the chance to resist ..." Even though the God of Heaven Shoot blocked the five senses, he still felt cold, which was a kind of chill from the heart, and mentally. Shivering.

In the gray perspective, watching Fang Fei's back to the distance, Tian She has left a huge shadow in his mind. He knows that if he cannot defeat the Chinese in the distance, he may forget it for life. No shame today!

"The direction he's flying in ... wow!" Tian She suddenly responded. The last sentence that Yufang said was full of threats. Obviously, he wasn't kidding. Look at his direction. In that direction, he himself The squad's base is there!

"Resurrection!" Heavenly Shooting God quickly resurrected, and then asked the other teams in the guild for help as soon as possible!

Tian She Great God took the initiative to ask for help?

See you so long!

However, in any case, it is certainly not an hour for Tianshen to send out a request for help himself. Under the organization of the president of Matsukami Association, everyone soon put aside their things and bought two scrolls back to the city in preparation for supporting Tianshen. .

However, many members of the main group who are unknown are also communicating in private. They are all interested in things that can make Tianshe ask for help ...

They were not clear about the formation of the hunting team by Tian She and others, and they did not know that their first target was to kill, and they failed, and they also attracted difficult enemies!

Matsukami Okuma, the president of Matsukami Association, is different from the China Uniform Professional Association. Although the professional associations of Dayang Uniform are also invested by consortia, most of these investment consortiums are big family wealthy wealth managers with a long history The Shang family is one of them.

There is also no supervisory role in the guild of Dayangfu, because their chairman must be an important member of the family, so they can firmly control the guild in the hands of the family and earn benefits for the family.

Matsukami Okuma got the report from Sky Shot and shouted aloud, "Waste! Asshole! Idiot! The army of 500 units was defeated by less than 50 units. Sky Shot Jun, is the big **** in your name deserved? get rid?"

"Sorry, President, I live up to your expectations!"

Tian She stood upright and respectfully, even in communication ~ ~ He didn't dare to relax, which shows that the family forces have control over the guild in Dayang!

"I will let the Tianyun team to help you to defend the base in the past. If you can, I hope you can join the Tianyun to complete your unfinished mission! Be sure to leave Yufang's steel foot monsters, otherwise, hum!"

Tianshao's face was embarrassed for a while, because he felt that even if he was unable to complete the task, he didn't dare to agree rashly, but he didn't dare to refuse, he could only brazenly say, "President, if you want To solve Yufang's steel-footed monsters, I think at least all of us will be on the battlefield, there is hope. If only me and Tianyun, it is difficult to complete ... "

"What did you just say? Tian Shejun?" Matsukami looked at him with danger, eyes full of danger.

As soon as Tian She's face changed, she said, "President, your subordinates must do their best to complete the task!"

"Well," Matsukami Aya, "go, don't let me down again."



After closing the communication, Tian She's face suddenly collapsed, and she hurriedly contacted Tian Yun, and said that her battle with Yu Fang had gone through again, and Tian Yun became too hairy. "Why didn't you persuade the president to send more people to help? But how is it good? "

"President, he can't listen ..." In fact, Tian She was very disdainful of the place that was smashed by luck and money, and even thought that the president was too bossy and rarely followed the suggestions of the people below. This time is no exception.

Now the army of their squad is half off. If Yufang kills him, who can stop him?

Even if Tianyun's team came to help, but he knew that Tianyun's strength was worse than himself. He really wanted to meet Yufang, and he was also delivering food.

"You can only plan for the worst ..."

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