Call of the Legion

Vol 2 Chapter 1403: Where the heart is

"So strange hallucinations?"

Fang Huan smiled bitterly. Now he only remembers that he has a lot of thoughts in his heart and has even started to have an illusion. He thinks that the fog has affected himself, but when he wants to observe the surroundings, he suddenly stops.

There is no sea and no fog, and the "eyes" that have been stressing himself seem to disappear. There is only a boundless gray world in front of him, and this world is very familiar to him!

"Not an illusion?"

Fang was startled and wanted to turn his body, only then did he find out what body he had? !!

Not to mention the body, now he is just like an illusion, with only one eye left, wandering in a solitary world!

Fang Huan was stunned, he had no idea why he became this ghost, his memory still stayed in the mist soon after, and the so-called hallucination was that he thought he had become one-eyed, and he had no idea what happened before What's up!

He wasn't even sure if he was still in a fantasy!

But even more strangely, Fang Huan didn't have the slightest confusion in his heart, but after a moment's rest, he calmed down instantly and began to analyze the current situation.

"This should not be my ontology in the game, maybe more like an conscious body in the conscious space."

"But this is not a space of consciousness ..."

Not a space of consciousness, but still retain consciousness?

Fang Huan's current knowledge is completely unable to answer the current situation, but he speculated that this is likely to be a special space deeper than the consciousness space. After Fang Huan's spirit is strong, consciousness space can still enter by himself, but here, it seems that Because the power of the mist inspired some mechanism in his body, he threw his consciousness here.

He does not think that this is a means of fog, more like a certain self-protection mechanism of his own body, just like a coma is to prevent people from suffering mental breakdown because of too much pain, so that consciousness is silent here, and it is also to avoid the side. Huan's collapse!

Fang Huan still remembers that at the previous moment, he was almost engulfed by the power of multiplication and counter-phasing. According to the situation at the time, he is likely to completely split the infinite personality in the endless thoughts. If it was not for consciousness, he might be really Has become a physical monster with tens of thousands of personalities!

Whether in the game or in reality, they are all monsters!

As a result, he came to such a place somehow, and directly eliminated all the distractions, so that he had a feeling of ... a kind of relief!

This is like the last piece of pure land in his heart. No matter how intrusive I am, I will stand still, hold my heart to one, and keep my roots!

"Is this where the heart is?"

Fang Huan has a clear enlightenment. If there is more concealed space in the human body than the consciousness space, I am afraid that there is only the legendary soul and true heart!

How the soul exists is not clear to Fang Huan, but he speculates that the soul should be related to the spirit, and consciousness is also closely related to the spirit. Sometimes people are used to treating consciousness as the soul, but the two are actually different.

The existence of the conscious body is invisible and intangible, and it can only exist depending on spiritual power. Without the support of the spirit, the conscious body will return to silence. Without the conscious body, it will naturally lose control of the physical body as if it had become a vegetative body.

And what kind of existence is the conscious body?

Why consciousness can give everyone different character, behavior and even every subtle thoughts and desires also come from a gentle rotation of consciousness, every decision made by a person, every subtle action is also controlled by consciousness, From this perspective, the spirit, mana, and body are all controlled by consciousness.

So the question is, what is consciousness itself?

"It's my heart!"

This word naturally emerges from Fang Huan's heart, it is the core of consciousness, and the fundamental force that drives consciousness to generate "thoughts"!

If the robe of consciousness is peeled off, the original heart is a more fundamental existence. It is the original heart that gives birth to the conscious body. The conscious body is like a medium. The original heart relies on consciousness to drive the spirit, and then controls the human body, mana, etc. .

However, Fang Huan cannot determine what the relationship between the heart and the soul is, but it is only two possibilities.

The first is that the soul is the ultimate origin, the birth of the soul and spirit in the soul, the origin of the consciousness, the consciousness controls the spirit, and then controls the whole, the spirit and the origin are the derivatives of the soul's origin.

The second type may not be much different from the first type, but it is very different in essence. The soul may not be the origin, but the heart and spirit gave birth to the soul. This is the same as the practice of the monks mentioned in the "Forbidden Book". The situation is almost the same. Only those who practice the Tao can strengthen their spirit and Tao heart. After the physical death, the spirit will not die, and then the original heart and the spirit will remain intact. Occupy the flesh again!

However, most spiritualists will not be able to confine their minds because of the lack of physical nurturing. Eventually, they disappear, and when the mind is disengaged from the spirit, the soul will collapse instantly. This may be the origin of the soul flying ...



If you apply the spirit, it is quite appropriate.

Thinking about it this way, Fang Huan thinks that the second kind is more likely, but if you think about it carefully, Fang Huan encounters difficulties again ...

If it is the heart and spirit that make up the soul, where does the heart come from? Where does the spirit come from?

Is it physical?

Bioelectrical signals in the human body?

It's really possible!

This also explains why it is difficult for the spirit to survive independently of the flesh ~ ~ Once the continuous supply of the flesh is lost, the spirit is always in a state of overflow. If the flesh cannot be found, it is only a matter of time.

Wonderful! This gives Yuan back!

It seems that both situations can be true?

Fang Huan suddenly stopped thinking, and then thought about it, it was completely random speculation, there is no overflow of his current status, he is now sure that where he is, it is enough to be true!

Fang Huan didn't think it was a bad thing to stay in his heart, at least he finally didn't have to endure all the weirdness and pressure in the mist, but his current state seemed a bit bad.

"If I am now in my heart, the" I "here should represent my heart ... then ..."

Now that his heart has been ruined to such an extent, how dangerous is the fog he encountered before? !!

It was just that Fang Huan didn't understand. He clearly felt that he was far from the point of collapse. Why was his own heart shaped like this?

Fang Huan has completely forgotten the horror scenes that he experienced in the original place. If he can remember it, he will not consider the original place to be a "safe area". Once a person is forced into the original place, it means that He's back!

This is also the self-protection mechanism of human beings. It is just like excessive pain causing a coma. The enemy attacking you will not stop attacking. After Fang Huan enters his heart, the attack also does not stop. However, his chance resolved by coincidence. All attacks are qualified to survive ...

It's too early to say that we are out of danger ...

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