Call of the Legion

Vol 2 Chapter 1404: Seconds

A one-eyed man wandering in the land of the heart in this way is not considered to be wandering. The land of the heart is different from the space of consciousness. There is still a boundary in the space of consciousness. However, in the land of the heart, Fang Huan cannot feel it. The boundary, without the earth below, is more like an endless abyss, and there is also no sky above the head, but unlike the lower part, there is a very faint light above it, which is uncertain, and it is completely different from the abyss like a black hole below.

Fang Huan has seen a similar infinite space. The world in the soul stone is this ghost. There is no concept of distance. The concept of space is also weakened to the extreme and strengthened to the extreme. The seemingly infinite space may It is infinitely small. Judging from perception, it is infinitely large.

In this space, any skill with an attack distance limitation will be invalidated, but it will also be infinitely strengthened. Take the battle before Fang Huan and the disaster center as an example. If Fang Huan can't see through the traits of the town's soul monument world , All his attacks with attack distance limitation can't hit the enemy, but once Fang Huan sees through and the strong sense can lock the target, even if the attack distance is only 1 mm, the enemy can nowhere to escape!

Homeland should have similar qualities and may be more special.

It's just that Huan is unlikely to encounter enemies other than himself in the place of his heart. All he needs to do now is to repair his body!

But from the beginning, he was in trouble.

Today, Fang Huan has only one eye, and it is easy to repair his body?

Even Fang Huan didn't know where to start. He said it was repairing his body. In fact, he repaired his original heart. How to repair his original heart, Fang Huan had no experience at all!

Now he can't wait to quit the game and ask Chen Lao for help, but his original heart now cannot be separated from his original heart, and the system obviously has no ability to pull out Fang Huan's original heart!

Fang Huan's inability to bring up the virtual menu has already explained the problem!

This also proves from the side that what the system is bound to has not reached the level of the heart.

Unable to quit the game and do not know how to deal with the current dilemma, Fang Huan can only face the endless gloom and continue to wait.

Fang Huan's one-eyed stare at the light above his head every night, which is the only thing he can see here that is different. Light is a kind of spiritual sustenance for a person in endless darkness. It also represents hope ...

In a world without the rotation of the sun and moon, Fang Huan does not know how long it has elapsed, but after recognizing the reality, he began to meditate on the numbers in his heart. According to the frequency in the habit, he counted down one second and one second. Sleep may not need to count to 100, Fang Huan will fall asleep, but in the heart, sleep does not exist.

Fang Huan suddenly stopped after "days" and "three days and 72 hours" in a few seconds.

Because he found that in a few seconds, he couldn't use distractions?

Fang Huan hesitated, "Perhaps only the heart exists here, and distraction cannot exist?"

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. If the distraction was here, but distraction could not exist, then where would distraction exist?

Distraction can't just be a split in consciousness, right?

If it is only the consciousness that has been split out one by one, Fang Huan cannot feel it, because the conscious body is split, and Fang Huan's current spirit can "see" in detail. If distraction is only the idea produced by the conscious body, Fang Huan Huan "can't see", but how can thoughts control consciousness in turn?

This is completely contrary to the previous speculation that the original consciousness was derived!

Fang Huan knew that the disappearance of distractions might not be so simple, but he is currently "trapped" here, and can't prove anything, so he can only find a way to leave here and say.


After 72 hours had passed, Fang Huan found that the light spot above his head had expanded a little, but it was like an illusion under psychological cue. Fang Huan was not sure and could only continue for a few seconds.

Fang Huan originally intended to clear the seconds every week, because Fang Huan would become more and more difficult to count because of the long number, but he soon discovered that even in the original place, The original heart of the body can also easily write down the number corresponding to each second. Knowing that he counts to the 30th day, there is no omission or even difficulty.

Fang Huan simply counted, this number, three months passed ...

For three months, Fang Huan's pupil had been staring at the light spot above his head. Perhaps it was an illusion. For three months, he hardly noticed any signs of the light spot expanding. His only hope seemed to be broken. ...

However, Fang Huan did not produce negative emotions of depression or despair, but remained quiet for a few seconds.

At this time, he also felt his own change. If he had stayed in such a dark and confined space for a long time before changing to another, he was in such a weird state. I am afraid that he would have become irritated long ago. It is a normal person. Will be afraid of loneliness, the more in a confined space, the more sensitive people are to loneliness!

Soon, a year passed ...

The second year was like a silent breeze, flowing gently ...

The third year...

fourth year...

Fang Huan's heart is like a stubborn stone. He stayed here for such a long time and still counted his time. Until this moment, he still did not feel the slightest effort, and his thinking was so clear and sober until ~ www. ~ It has been more than four years since he woke up!

"The time in the place of the heart is likely to be different from the outside world, just as the time in the space of consciousness is not synchronized with the outside world ..."

Strictly speaking, time is actually the same, but in the conscious space, the conscious body's activities are extremely active. It is also one second. In the conscious space, 10,000 thoughts may be born in the mind, but only a few in the outside world. Individuals who often go in and out of consciousness space will have the illusion that the flow rate of consciousness space is much lower than the outside world.

This is also the place of the original heart. After all, this is the original heart that is more original than the conscious body!

Fang Huan didn't have the idea of ​​despair, but he controlled the spread of despair, negative emotions such as irritability and anxiety, and he was also completely controlled by him. When he found this, he was also very surprised and entered Soon after, in the foggy sea, he almost collapsed because of the eyes behind him. Now he is in a worse situation than he was then, but he accepts it without any confusion, he can still calm down normally, and continue to analyze and find solutions. Method.


In this way, when Fang Huan counted to the fifth year, he suddenly felt that the light spot above his head was really big. If it was the size of a millet grain before, now it has the size of two millet grains!

This change delighted Fang Huan. He finally determined that this is not an illusion!

Change is real!

Because as the light spot became larger, Fang Huan's original one-eye, bare eyes suddenly had a layer of flesh, and soon, Fang Huan found that he could close his eyes!

Fang Huan felt for the first time that it was so happy and satisfying to be able to blink!

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