Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 578: Abi prison.

"Ah, I still have to go to jail? I have been sentenced to death. Why should I go to jail?" Ximenyu immediately protested.

The judge said: "Student Ximenyu, you have taken advantage of it. Don't be too ignorant. Besides, according to Article **** of the college law, if the prisoner sentenced to execution is killed, if he is not dead, he must be added for more than six months. , Imprisonment for less than one year. So no matter what the circumstances, there are reasons to add you to more than half a year’s imprisonment."

The elders of the Drew family were busy saying: "Master Judge, I request an additional year of imprisonment for Ximenyu."

The judge said: "This matter will be said after the court again!"

Ximen Yu and Master Father were taken back to their cells.

The moods of Ximenyu and Master Master were extremely relaxed.

The master is only implicated in sin, so there is no additional sin.

After returning to the cell, several other Masters and others came to see Ximen Yu and Master, and they did not leave until evening. Everyone was full of smiles.

Late at night, Ximen Yu and Master sat on the bed of the cell, and the moonlight shone through the small gaps.

Xi Menyu is still in a depressed mood. He still needs to be kept in such a cell for at least half a year.

"It's really unfair. I have to stay in such a place for half a year, right?" Ximen Yu scolded resentfully.

The master sighed: "Forget it, you should be content, not just a year. It is much cheaper than death."

Ximenyu was already depressed: "I know that I have taken advantage of this case, but this place has been squatting for a year, I can't stand it if I think about it."

"Forget it, you can't escape it, what's the use of depression, just as if the Drew family used 100 billion dollars and two treasures to ask you to go to jail!"

"Haha!" Ximen Yu was amused by Master's words.

"Okay, as if they paid me to go to jail."

The master nodded and said, "The 100 billion dollars and two treasures are in Zongxiang's hands. When will I let her give you!"

Ximen Yu shook his head and said: "Do not worry, let Sister Xiang keep it."

That one hundred billion US dollars had no effect on Ximenyu, and then took Huaxia back to Ai Weiwei in charge. As for the two treasures, they are very tasteless to use, not powerful, but the consumption is fatal. The Drew family cannot take out two powerful treasures, so Ximenyu is not interested.

One day of waiting passed, and at ten o'clock the next day, the last court was held, and Ximenyu was sentenced to prosecution.

"Master Judge, I request that Ximenyu be sentenced to one year in prison. Please ask Judge Master for permission! My Drew family has suffered heavy losses this time, and its reputation has been ruined. If the punishment is pursued, it will be the heaviest sentence, and no one will be convinced. En Zhun, sentenced Ximenyu to one year in prison!" said the lawyer of the Drew family.

Xi Menyu’s lawyer immediately stood up and said: "Master Judge, I ask Master Judge to reduce as appropriate. Although the Drew family suffered heavy losses, this was not caused by the injustice of the college, but by themselves. Therefore, their losses Can't be used as an excuse to sentence Ximenyu to severe sentence. Please ask the judge to discern clearly and sentence him to six months' imprisonment!"

The lawyers on both sides are arguing with me.

After half an hour, the judge said long: "Ten minutes adjournment, after ten minutes to enter the final result stage!"

The judge entered the judge's room, and everyone was waiting for the result. However, there seems to be little interest in the result. Anyway, the additional penalty for Ximenyu is between six months and one year.

"Judges, how many months have you sentenced Ximenyu? The college's law clearly stipulates that it is more than six months and less than one year. How many months shall we sentence?"

The judges discussed for ten minutes, and after ten minutes the hearing continued.

The sentencing judge stood up and said: "Everyone will stand up! Next, I will pronounce the final trial result. Sentence Ximenyu will be sentenced to an additional penalty of one year! Choose a date and send to Abidao prison! Zong Ding, found guilty, released in court, and the sentence is completed. "

"Ah! Abi Road Prison?" Zong Xiang and Athena were startled.

Others may not know clearly, but they are teachers of the college and naturally heard of this place.

It is said that there is a prison in the college, a place dedicated to the prisons of the college, called Abidao Prison, where the detainees are all very criminals.

Zong Xiang immediately stood up and said: "Master Judge, Ximen Yu is not a very vicious person, why should he be sentenced to Abidao prison?"

The judge said: "This was discussed by several judges. Moreover, the college law also stipulates that all types of additional penalties must be imprisoned in Abidao prison."

"No, Abidao prison is such a terrible place, it's not fair!" Athena also shouted.

"Quiet, the verdict has been fixed, and cannot be changed, withdraw from court!"

Ximenyu was puzzled. What is Abidao prison? He thought he would be imprisoned for a year in that small cell of the Legal Department. It turned out not to be, and was sent to Abidao prison.

Seeing that Zong Xiang and Athena are nervous, Xi Menyu doubts that Abidao prison is an extraordinary place.

After leaving the court, everyone dispersed, and the case of Ximenyu and Drew family ended.

Ximenyu was taken back to the small cell of the Legal Department, and the master has released him in court.

As soon as Ximen Yu returned to the cell, Zong Xiang and others came.

Zong Xiang looked at Ximen Yu anxiously.

Ximen Yu asked quickly: "Sister Xiang, teacher Athena, where is that Abidao prison?"

Zong Xiang shook his head and said, "Actually, we don't know, but we heard that there is a place in the college that specializes in detaining all kinds of prisoners. There is a lot of terror there. Some prisoners have been held for hundreds of years. It’s simply hell, where there are no prison guards, and everyone is allowed to die on their own. Many people who were put in a prison when he went to see him after the end of his sentence, he had been dead for not long."

"Ah, can prison kill people?"

Athena said: "The legend is that it is a special prison, the most terrifying prison in the world. It is a place where all kinds of prisoners are allowed to kill themselves, and the people detained in it are not only prisoners, but many are the enemies of the college. There are also some demonic strongmen. Few people know where the Abidao prison is. We have only heard of this horrible place, and no one knows how.

"Oh!" Ximen Yu sighed helplessly.

"Ximenyu, what should I do?" Tokugawa Qian Xue looked at Ximenyu pitifully. It was really a disaster.

Ximen Yu shook his head and said: "I don't know, let's talk!"

Zong Xiang really worried that one year later, Ximenyu had already died in Abidao prison.

(Two changes at night, before ten o'clock)

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