Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 579: Assessment leave

"It's okay, don't worry about me. Since Abidao Prison is so mysterious, I want to visit Abidao Prison even more. The only pity is that I can't enter the experimental class, let alone the Super Academy!"

Athena said: "Ximenyu, the purpose of entering the Super Academy, which is to achieve the goal of becoming stronger through various trainings. During this period, the teachers of each class will organize students to go to some very dangerous places to experience and so on. But Compared with the Abidao prison, the places they go to are very rare. The dangerous places we organized will never die, but the Abidao prison is quite the opposite."

"is it!"

Zong Xiangdao said: "Ximen Yu, you must be good, don't do anything, a year will soon pass through!"

Ximenyu nodded and said, "Then remember to visit me often!"

Athena smiled bitterly: "Abidao Prison is like a place in the legend to us. We don't know where it is. What ordinary prison do you think you can visit? Once you enter Abidao Prison, we will I will never know your news again. I don’t know if you are dead or alive. Only one year later, if you are not dead, you will probably come back!"

Zong Xiang said indignantly: "The judge is too unfair. The Abidao prison is not used to detain college inmates at all. It has never been seen before, and the college inmates are detained there."

Athena nodded and said, "That's a place where some wicked people in the world are caught by the Super Academy. A few years ago, a powerful demon committed a heinous crime around the world, and the Super Academy sent him to take him I caught it and put it in Abidao prison, there is never a chance to come out! In Abidao prison, there are more similar prisoners!"

At this time, the security guard came and let Ximenyu's relatives leave.

Ximenyu asked: "Senior Security Officer, may I ask, where is Abidao Prison?"

The security guard hummed: "You ask me, I ask who to go!"

"Uh, you don't know, who sent me to Abidao prison!"

"Only the presiding judge has the right to know that, in short, you can do it yourself, that is not a good place."

"Then when will I be sent to Abidao prison?" Ximen Yu asked.

"It shouldn't be that fast. You have to wait for the number of people to be sent to Abidao prison!"

"The number is the same? Isn't it just me?"

"Of course, more than that, the whole world is full of poor and fierce people, and other forces in the world will not care about the life and death of others, but our Super Academy is willing to stand up and arrest those people."

Ximen Yudao: "Isn't this the role of the world police!"

The security guard hummed: "What do you know, if a strong man kills a civilian, and that civilian has no backers, the government of the country can't afford the strong man, what should I do? He can only be slaughtered by the strong man, at this time, Only our Super Energy Academy is willing to stand up and catch up those who are fierce and fierce. Other forces, such as your Beijing Gate in China, will not manage it at all. The world needs an organization that upholds justice!"

"Oh!" Ximen Yu said no more, maybe the security guard was right.

The security guard said: "It's just a pity that after all, our Super Academy is limited in strength, and generally only a few people die. We can't control it. Only those people who have wiped out others and are extremely fierce, we will concentrate on arresting Abi. Tao prison!"

"Oh, huh, wouldn't I have been wronged so much, and I'm not a very fierce person? Why did you put me with those people in Abidao prison!"

"Yes, it's just that you only blamed yourself. When you executed the death penalty, you behaved so abnormally. The master of the fifteenth order was killed by you, so the judges suddenly felt that they should be sent to Abidao prison go with."


"Okay, wait a minute. It is estimated that in another week, you will be sent to Abidao prison!"

The security guard left.

As time passed slowly, the Super Academy began to hold class assessments.

Every temporary class will be assessed. The top ten will enter the experimental class, but those who have not entered the experimental class, then this schooling journey will be over and will be sent out of the college to participate next year.

Naturally, Ximenyu had no chance to participate in the class assessment. Of course, if he participated in the assessment, he was really bullying the students of the temporary class.

In the third temporary class, Athena stood on the podium and said, "Student, these days, what happened to Ximenyu in our class, presumably you all know that now Ximenyu is sentenced to Abidao prison, which is really pitiful , Entering there, life and death may not be necessary, I am afraid to enter, but not out of life. It was originally good, to participate in the class assessment, the first place is none other than it. It is also inevitable to enter the Super Academy in three months, alas!"

The students in the temporary class felt sorry for Ximenyu, and thought that the execution of death had passed. Unexpectedly, they were sent to the place of detention again. One year later, who knows what will happen! .

"Okay, everyone is ready, class assessment is about to start, I hope everyone will get a good result!"

Ximenyu sat in a small cell, watching TV, and the assessment of each temporary class was broadcast live on the TV.

Although Ximenyu himself was not able to participate, he could still see it.

Ximenyu saw Chang Yu, Park Yuner and other familiar figures.

Five days later, the assessment of ten temporary classes was over, and the results of each temporary class had also come out.

In the temporary third class where Ximenyu is, Park Yuner entered the experimental class with the second place. It is worth mentioning here that just after leaving Yun Li's training ground, Park Yuner stepped into the eighth level of potential. The entire temporary three classes, there were six people who entered the eighth level of potential, the top six.

This experience has indeed allowed many people to grow a lot, although they have paid a lot. But next year the college will no longer adopt this model.

In addition, Chang Yu in the temporary nine class also entered the experimental class with the third place in the class. Of course, the first place in the temporary Ninth Class is the sister of the goddess. Her strength is naturally unquestionable.

Xi Menyu is quite attached to the goddess sister. Although she is only 13 years old, this girl is definitely a super beauty. After a few years, when she is fully developed, she will definitely be amazed.

It's just a pity that the sister of the goddess seems to be indifferent to Ximenyu's affairs. Unlike the female students who were former concubines of Ximenyu, she is still very attached to Ximenyu.

But it is also normal, the goddess sister is forced by Ximen Yu.

Ximenyu looked at the TV, and the pictures on the TV were the pictures of the temporary three classes. Ximenyu was free to choose which class to switch to.

In the picture, Athena is standing on the podium table, facing more than two hundred students.

Athena said: "Dear students, I am very happy to meet you in these three months. The three-month temporary class has come to the end. The assessment is over. According to the admissions rules, there are only ten of our two hundred people. Have the opportunity to stay and enter the experimental class. The remaining 190 people can only leave the college!"

At this time, many students in the class began to shed tears, deeply saddened.

Athena said: "These ten people are the top ten of the assessment. Below I will read the list of the top ten, Landaus, Park Yuner, Phillips..."

"The competition is brutal. Please ask the remaining 194 people to go to your respective apartments, pack up your own things, and prepare to leave the college. The college will have a special car to send you away. The special car will be in Depart after an hour, please go pack your bags now!"

"Ooooo!" Some of the eliminated female students wept. .

In the whole class, only ten people remained, and the competition was indeed cruel.

The more than 190 students had no choice but to pack up their luggage, and then, where they arrived, an hour later, they took a special car and left the Super Academy.

Among them, Ximenyu's concubines in the psychedelic forest, most of them embarked on the departure train.

"Goodbye, Super Academy, goodbye, my king, I wish you peace and security, and I will never forget the days when you were a princess, this memory, I will treasure it forever!" A female student looked out of the train window, The scenery of Chao Neng Academy silently shed a few tears, she is the sixteenth princess of Ximenyu.

There are also many people looking at the window and saying goodbye silently in their hearts. Everyone is impressed by this experimental class.

"Goodbye, I won't come to the assessment again next year. It seems that I don't have this life. Goodbye, King God, I hope you can come out of the Abidao prison safely!" Blue stood by the window, watching the distance coming The farther away the ancient European architecture, said silently.

This blue is not Ximenyu's concubine, but a faithful subordinate of Ximenyu.

Everyone is full of heart.

Ximenyu watched the TV, and there were live broadcasts of the students leaving on the TV. Ximenyu knew that so many leaving students must have his concubine and his men.

Ximenyu also silently said: "Goodbye, my concubines, I wish you a happy life in the future!"

Ximenyu seemed a little sad in his heart. Although he didn't know which one was his concubine, there must be more than a dozen. There will be no intersection of these concubines, and the King of Gods is just past tense.

Fortunately, Chang Yu, who cares about Ximenyu, successfully entered the experimental class.

Ten temporary classes were disbanded, and four experimental classes were immediately reorganized.

The number of people in each experimental class is about 30 people. Chang Yu was assigned to the second experimental class. Sima Sheng originally belonged to the experimental class. After this reclassification, he was assigned to the third experimental class.

The four experimental classes will have different experiences in the next three months. Unfortunately, there is no longer a figure of Ximenyu. Ximenyu will go to Abidao prison.

(Sorry, it’s so late today, and there are a thousand words missing, because when I was coding at night, I was told that my mother was beaten by two young and strong men, and they also called to call people. I don’t know who to call, I’m alone, the police are helping them, time and state of mind are greatly affected, at this moment I really want to be the protagonist and destroy them, but unfortunately, how amazing in the novel, the reality is like this Hard pressed)

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