Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 592: Miserable life

Ximen Yu and Xiaoyu sold a table and a few chairs, and then sold the extra tableware and chopsticks. Unfortunately, they only sold for a dollar.

Holding a dollar, Ximenyu said helplessly: "My God, how can I live this way!"

In desperation, Ximenyu had to sell twenty kilograms of rice and ten dollars.

The total of Ximenyu's possessions is almost eleven.

Ximen Yu and Xiao Yu immediately went to the nearest public room and rented a double bed.

Ximen Yu asked the administrator: "Excuse me, how about cooking this double bed?"

The administrator said: "You won't see it with your eyes, other people will do as you like!"

Ximenyu walked under his bed frame and lifted the curtain. I saw that on the bed under his bed, there was a stove for cooking, which occupied half of the whole bed.

Ximenyu busy said: "No, it cost ten yuan a month to rent, and it is a bed in blunt, but this bed is still half scored and put out the stove, when the kitchen, my day, how to sleep? Too dad! "Ximenyu thought that at least one of the beds could still lie down and sleep. Now, it is really ridiculous."

The administrator smiled and said, "Do you still want to sleep? Don't be funny, even if you go to rent a one square meter house, you can't sleep comfortably and lie down. You still want to lie down and sleep here? It’s ridiculous, all public houses can only provide you with a place to stay, which allows you to sit and rest, understand?"

"Ahhhh!" Ximen Yu screamed sorrowfully. What kind of sin was this?

The administrator snorted and left.

Zhang Xiaoyu persuaded: "Ximenyu, forget it, anyway, one bed, half of the stove to cook, and the remaining half of the bed, we can still sit and rest, it is better than sleeping on the street, squatting in a wet place. what!"

"Well!" Ximenyu nodded and said, "Xiaoyu, I won't make you suffer. No matter how cruel the Abidao prison is, it is also a society, but this society is completely different from the outside world. I'm going to do it Business, as long as there is someone, there will be business, I will do business successfully?"

Zhang Xiaoyu puzzled and said: "So what do we do business? I really can't think of what else we can do business!"

Ximen Yu also shook his head and said: "I don't know for a while now, give me two days, I will take a good look, can I find out what business opportunities come!"

"it is good!"

Ximenyu took out the cooking stove and occupied half of the bed.

It was soon evening, and some people came back one after another.

When it was dark, almost everyone came back, and a collective dormitory of several thousand square meters squeezed tens of thousands of people.

Noisy is like a vegetable market, Ximen Yu ears are about to explode.

More importantly, it's not noisy, it's crowded, it's too crowded to describe.

Because the dormitory is a layer of shelves, no matter the plane or the facade space, people are occupied.

Soon, everyone's bed lit a fire, put the pot up, and started cooking. Fortunately, the black charcoal burned without smoke, otherwise it would be even more unbearable.

As for the water used for cooking rice, no, yes, the gray rice is not cooked with water, and directly taken to the pot, it is estimated that the gray rice has a little water.

As for the dishes, no, it’s already a great gift to eat gray rice. It is estimated that the indigenous people here do not know what a dish is.

Zhang Xiaoyu said to Ximen Yu: "I'm hungry too, let's cook!"

"it is good!"

Xiaoyu grabbed two pieces of gray rice into the pot and ignited the stove to cook rice.

Fortunately, Ximenyu ransacked the things of the city guardian, otherwise, Ximenyu would starve to death sooner or later, because if there is nothing in it, then he needs money to purchase, he needs to make money first, maybe when he earns enough money, Already starved to death.

Half an hour later, the rice was cooked. Ximenyu and Xiaoyu took out the tableware and ate the gray rice. There was no food, but Zhang Xiaoyu was very happy because he was with his loved one. It is a pity that Ximenyu was very hard to eat and could not swallow it.

"Mom, I'm so hungry!" At this time, the voice of a little girl came from the shop next door to Ximenyu.

At this time, a bunk next door said: "Baby, go to sleep, and you will not be hungry after falling asleep!"

"Mom, I'm really hungry, let's cook too!" the little girl said pitifully.

"Baby, we just cooked last night, so today we don’t have any cooking, and we don’t have cooking until tomorrow night. The money my mother earns, you can only cook once every other day. Go to bed, and you won’t be hungry when you sleep!"

Zhang Xiaoyu burst into tears and felt too pitiful.

Zhang Xiaoyu knocked on the separated bone curtain, and the other party opened.

Ximenyu saw a pair of mother and daughter. After they came back, they went to bed and did not cook. The mother earned enough money to cook only once every two days.

"Little sister, are you hungry, my sister can't eat, you eat it!" The rain gave her little meal to the little girl.

The mother and daughter looked at Zhang Xiaoyu with some doubts, maybe they thought that there could be such a stupid person in the world. Everyone here will not miss a grain of rice for others, but this little rain gives them a whole bowl.

Ximenyu also put down the bowl and gave it to the mother, who couldn't swallow it anyway, and even had no dishes.

"Give it to you, you are welcome!" Ximen Yudao said.

The mother and daughter looked at it suspiciously, and then devoured the food of Ximenyu and Zhang Xiaoyu.

After eating and returning the bowl to Ximenyu, he didn't say thank you. There is only robbing people here, not helping people, so naturally there is no word of thank you. After eating, he was afraid that Ximenyu might regret it, and immediately pulled up the bone curtain.

Ximen Yu and Zhang Xiaoyu sighed.

Similar to this pair of mothers and daughters, at least half of them here, some with lower wages, can only cook once in three days, and the other two days, after going back from get off work, go to bed directly.

Ximenyu said to Zhang Xiaoyu: "We will not take an example. Such a thing cannot happen for the second time. There are too many pitiful people here. We can't take care of it. We have to live for ourselves. If it's tragic for us both, I'm afraid someone else I won’t take a look!"

Zhang Xiaoyu nodded.

Ximen Yudao: "Okay, let's go to sleep! Tomorrow I will go to apply for a family first. If I don't succeed, I will go to the market and see what business is good!"

Ximen Yu hugged Zhang Xiaoyu and sat on the remaining half of the bed.

Tonight, although it is impossible to lie down and sleep, it is at least better than last night. Last night, I was sleeping on the street directly. It was dirty and wet, dark and wet.

Ximen Yu said silently: "This is the second night spent in this prison. I must make the day better than the day I have. I must do business successfully!"

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