Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 593: Meet an acquaintance

The next day, early in the morning, almost everyone left the public house and went to various places to do the dirty and tiring work.

The mother in the shop next to Ximenyu also took the little girl to work. Zhang Xiaoyu asked, "Auntie, what do you do?"

The mother's eyes on Zhang Xiaoyu were fairly good, and she replied: "We work in the Bruce Rice Factory!"

"Rice factory?"

"Yes, it is a relatively good unit, with a monthly salary of 30 yuan!"

"So low!" Zhang Xiaoyu exclaimed.

The mother said: "Compared with some other people in mines and other places, my job is better. Their salary is only 20 yuan, and some are only 10 yuan a month. Those people, three or four days To cook once!"

"Oh, aunt, what about your husband?" Zhang Xiaoyu asked.

"Husband? I don't have a husband. Few people here have a husband. Everyone can't eat enough. How can there be a husband. My child was born by rape!"

"Oh! What a pity."

"What kind of work are you doing?"

Zhang Xiaoyu said: "We haven't worked yet, but wait a minute, my husband is going to interview a family job!"

The mother said with a sneer: "Jing Ding, is such a good golden rice bowl so easy to get!" After that, he hurried away.

Zhang Xiaoyu smiled bitterly.

Zhang Xiaoyu felt a little hungry again, but he had to wait until night to cook, and he could save. He could have one meal a day. It was already rare. Three meals a day, only rich people can consume.

After Ximenyu got up, he habitually wanted to brush his teeth and wash his face, but this was delusion.

There is a serious shortage of water here, there is no water for cooking, and it is too impractical to brush your teeth and wash your face.

Everyone here, for the most part, won't take a shower for ten years, and they don't know what is dirty.

Ximenyu can only get used to this kind of life.

Ximen Yudao: "What did you just call me? You called my husband? Hehehe!"

Ximenyu hugged Zhang Xiaoyu, and Zhang Xiaoyu shyly didn't speak.

Ximen Yu originally wanted to kiss Xiaoyu, but he didn't brush his teeth for a few days and couldn't kiss.

"I'm going to apply for Jia Ding's job. Now it seems that I have to admit that Jia Ding's occupation is really a golden rice bowl."

"Yeah, let's go together!"

"it is good!"

Ximen Yu and Zhang Xiaoyu went to the home of gentleman Kafir.

When Ximenyu came yesterday, he felt that Kafir was not a rich man. The house he lived in was only over 50 square meters, but today, Ximenyu felt completely different. Ximenyu felt that the Kafir family was really rich. He can live in such a big house, but Ximenyu has less than one cubic space to squeeze him and Xiaoyu.

Outside the door of Kafir's house, the people applying for the job of Jiading have already formed a long line on the street.

Ximenyu can only line up honestly. Everyone's strength here is almost from Tier 7 to Tier 11, Ximen Yu is as small as a drop of water into the stream.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, it was finally his turn, and it was Ximenyu's turn to interview.

The housekeeper of the interviewer's Kafir family said, "You look weak, you don't even have Tier 10, you're eliminated! Immediately walk away, don't tell me anything, I don't have time to say anything more to you Then, there are thousands of people waiting in line! Thank you for your cooperation."

When Ximen Yujian said this, what else could he say and left silently.

Ximenyu found Zhang Xiaoyu, Zhang Xiaoyu nervously asked: "How is it, is there a chance to grab this golden rice bowl?"

Ximenyu smiled bitterly: "There is no chance, just, it seems that I am not suitable for this golden rice bowl!"

"Ah, as expected, forget it, let's find other jobs!" Zhang Xiaoyu said.

Ximenyu nodded and said, "Okay, by the way, check to see if there are any business opportunities!"


Zhang Xiaoyu has run around all around herself today. How can there be business opportunities in this kind of bird shitless place?

Ximenyu first arrived at Dahongmi Factory and asked if he wanted to recruit people. The rice factory is the place where gray rice is made. The production process of gray rice is very complicated. It is not grown in paddy fields. Even the water is scarce here, where is the paddy field? .

"Go away, there is no need to recruit people. Our Red Rice Factory hasn't hired workers for at least ten years!"

Ximen Yu scolded, don't just don't want it, just roar.

Ximenyu and Xiaoyu went to other places, such as cloth factories, quarries, water plants, etc., and no need to recruit people in each place.

Although there is no water here, it is not to say that there is no water at all. It is just that water is something that only really rich people can afford.

Ximenyu went to another place, which was a furniture factory.

Furniture is very cheap here. Everyone has money to buy rice directly, and who still has spare money to buy furniture, so the monthly salary of a furniture factory is less than five yuan.

However, if you can't find a job, you will have to try your luck at five yuan. Five yuan is better than nothing.

You can buy ten kilograms of rice for five yuan. You can eat it for one person. Every time you eat half a catty, you can only eat for 20 days. Of course, this is theoretical. In fact, you need black charcoal money. How to cook without black charcoal. Of course, the premise is that you can't live in a public house on the street, and the lowest monthly rent for a public house is five yuan.

How sad is the life here, how sad is it to want to do business here? Zhang Xiaoyu couldn't really think of it, it was up to Ximenyu to have a business mind.

"Boss, please, please recruit me! I haven't eaten for two days, please, please recruit me!"

When Ximen Yu and Zhang Xiaoyu arrived at a Haoyao Furniture Factory, they heard a pleading cry at the gate, and they knelt at the door of the furniture factory.

When Ximenyu and Zhang Xiaoyu saw the man, they were shocked. They actually knew it. It was the man named Audul who was being detained together. After he was released from the city guard, he started to live It's a pity that I haven't eaten anything for two days. He didn't have a penny in him, he couldn't find a job, he was hungry, and he almost searched all the factories, no need to recruit people. Finally, when he arrived at this easy-to-use furniture factory, he was blasted away again, and Audul couldn't stand it anymore. He had to kneel down and beg for help. Unexpectedly, he was hit by Ximenyu and Zhang Xiaoyu.

After trying to get here, there is no dignity.

Think about the night when I just came in. When the two city defenders were at home, the city defenders asked each of them to eat a spoonful of rice. Can you eat it? If the dogs don’t eat outside.

After two days, they finally knew that this gray rice was really rare.

It's been two days, no, plus the day it came in, it's been three days. In the past three days, I didn't drink a drop of water, I didn't eat a bite, and Aldur was already hungry.

(Is it really boring to watch the life in this prison?)

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