Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 133 Jia Xu's Rebellion

Yecheng, Imperial Palace.

"Your Majesty, Guanglu Xun and Guo Zhubu request to see you."

Liu Xie was reading at his desk. When he heard Gao Lan's report, his eyes suddenly lit up.

It has been almost a month since Yuan Shao personally led the expedition against Gongsun Zan.

During this period, Guo Jia and Jia Xu showed their magical powers, and played their dirty, cruel and vicious skills to the fullest, and they gained something almost every day.

I am afraid that they will bring good news when they enter the palace today.

"Bring it quickly!"

Gao Lan took the order and retreated. Soon he took Guo Jia and Jia Xu into the Xuanshi.

Liu Xie put down the bamboo slips in his hand, gave the two people a seat, and said: "Wenhe, Fengxiao, what good news have you brought to me?"

After Yuan Shao left Yecheng, although Liu Xie still did not dare to leave the palace at will, his tense heartstrings were relaxed as never before. He gained considerable freedom in spirit.

"Your Majesty, there are indeed some good news." Guo Jia could not hide his joy, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles.

"Duke Wen defeated Cao's army in Runan and annihilated Xiahou Dun's 5,000 elite troops! Cao had to guard against Yuan Tan's Qingzhou army and was unable to send more troops to Yangzhou."

"Now five of the nine counties in Yangzhou have fallen into the hands of Duke Wen and the emperor's uncle, and Sun Ce has only occupied four counties. The situation is very good!"

"In addition, Duke Wen also shot Xiahou Dun in one eye and almost took his life!"

Guo Jia's tone was full of excitement. Although Yangzhou was divided by three families and the war was fierce, Lu Bu was brave, Guan, Liu and Zhang were also extraordinary people. Recently, there have been frequent reports of good news. Now it is a great victory to completely defeat the last main force of Cao's army.

"Fengxian is really brave!"

Liu Xie was overjoyed when he heard this.

It took Lu Bu and Liu Bei less than four months to occupy five of the nine counties in Yangzhou.

The value of the unparalleled generals is still rising.

Jia Xu gently shook his feather fan and smiled, "Cao's thieves have retreated. Now we only need to take Lujiang to force Sun Ce back to Jiangdong. By then, as long as Zhen provides money and food, Yangzhou will be in Wen Gong's pocket."

With Yangzhou and Xuzhou, he has a solid foothold.

He can completely gain a foothold in this chaotic world and become a hegemon.

Guo Jia asked, "Your Majesty, when will Concubine Zhen return to the palace?"

Zhen Mi has been out of the palace for three months and has not returned yet.

Liu Xie said, "Before, Zhen sent someone to confess to me, saying that Concubine Zhen fell ill after returning home and needed to recuperate at home, and could not return to Yecheng for the time being."

There is no way to deal with illness, and Liu Xie is also worried about it.

He is worried about Zhen Mi's health and whether she can convince Zhen.

If there is no support from Zhen, it will greatly delay the progress of his hegemony. And he has some ways to make money, which need to be implemented through Zhen.

Suppressing the worries in his heart a little, Liu Xie asked about the situation in Youzhou.

"What is the current situation of the war between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan?"

Compared to the war in Yangzhou, Liu Xie is more worried about Youzhou.

If Yuan Shao seizes Youzhou as in history, with four states and him as the emperor, his momentum of sweeping the world is unstoppable.

Jia Xu replied: "Although Yuan Shao's attack on Youzhou is fierce, Gongsun Zan has long been prepared, and it is difficult to make much progress for a while. The two sides are still in a stalemate."

"Winter will come in some time. Before that, Yuan Shao has not been able to gain an advantage, so he must stop and wait until the beginning of spring next year to think about it."

The north is bitterly cold, especially in winter.

In the dead of winter, heavy snow blocks the road. At that time, let alone fighting, it is a question whether the soldiers will be frozen to death.

If it is not necessary, no one wants to march and fight in winter.

"What a pity."

Liu Xie sighed, a trace of regret appeared on his face.

What he most hopes to see Yuan Shao suffer a defeat in Youzhou to curb Yuan Shao's momentum of development.

"Fengxiao, Wenhe, Gongsun Zan cannot be defeated. After you go back, think of a strategy to help Gongsun Zan repel Yuan Shao."

When Jia Xu and Guo Jia heard this, they immediately understood Liu Xie's worries.

"Your Majesty, Fengxiao and I also know that the battle in Youzhou is of great importance. Gongsun Zan cannot be defeated, at least not before Your Majesty controls Jizhou.

But we currently have no external forces to rely on. After thinking about it, the only way to have a chance is to let Yuan Shao cause trouble within the family."

After Jia Xu finished speaking, Guo Jia immediately said: "Your Majesty, the time for Yuan Shao to cause trouble within the family has come! The second thing I report to Your Majesty in the palace is related to Shen Pei and Xu You."

"Under the secret instigation of Fengxiao and Wenhe, they completely tore their faces apart?" Liu Xie became interested when he heard that it was a matter between these two mortal enemies.

Guo Jia replied: "Yuan Shao took Tian Feng, Ju Su and others with him on this expedition, leaving Shen Pei and Xu You behind. Xu You was responsible for the logistics of the army, while Shen Pei handled the military and political affairs of Yecheng on behalf of Yuan Shao."

"Not long ago, Shen Pei and Xu You had a conflict under the planning of the minister and Wen He. Yesterday, Shen Pei arrested Xu You's son on the grounds of embezzling food and wages and put him in jail, waiting to be questioned. Now the two are at loggerheads and have reached the point where they are incompatible."

Good guy!

Hearing such a familiar development and familiar formula, Liu Xie was refreshed.

He was too familiar with this question, and he knew this plot too well!

Sure enough, mortal enemies are mortal enemies.

No matter how history changes, some anchor points and events will always inevitably occur, and the conflict between Shen Pei and Xu You is the same!

Historically, Xu You and Shen Pei had a conflict during the Battle of Guandu a year and a half later, and Xu You eventually surrendered to Cao Cao.

So now...

"Wen He, Feng Xiao." A bold idea came to Liu Xie's mind, and he looked at Guo Jia and Jia Xu with burning eyes, "Can you win over Xu You?"

If it were Shen Pei, Tian Feng and his ilk, Liu Xie wouldn't have the slightest idea.

But Xu You is different. It is clearly written in history that he betrayed his lord and friend Yuan Shao.

No matter what the reason for betrayal is, you can dig it anyway!

"Winning over Xu You?" Guo Jia looked hesitant, "Your Majesty, I must be frank. Although Xu You has conflicts with Shenfei, he is deeply trusted by Yuan Shao. He and Yuan Shao have a close friendship since they were young."

"I don't think it's feasible for Xu You to betray Yuan Shao."

Xu You is different from him and Jia Xu.

He had no loyalty to Yuan Shao to begin with.

If Liu Xie hadn't appeared, he might have agreed to Xun Yu's defection to Cao Cao.

When Jia Xu came to Yuan Shao, he didn't come with the idea of ​​defecting.

But Xu You is different.

He and Yuan Shao are both from Runan and have known each other since childhood.

When Yuan Shao fled to Jizhou, there were only two people following him, one of whom was him.

Now that he has built a huge foundation together with Yuan Shao, he can be said to be a meritorious veteran.

Could such a person choose to betray the Lord because of conflicts with Shenpei?

Guo Jia thinks this is impossible.

"What Fengxiao said is too absolute." Jia Xu shook his head. He held a completely different opinion from Guo Jia.

"Although Xu You followed Yuan Shao early on, he was not used as highly as Ju Shuo, and it is impossible not to have complaints in his heart."

"Next, let's see how Yuan Shao will deal with the corruption of Xu You's son. If Xu You cannot be satisfied, then the dissatisfaction he had hidden in his heart will definitely explode."

"As for the complex forces behind Yuan Shao, generally speaking, they can be divided into the Runan faction and the Jizhou faction."

"Among them, Guo Tu, Xu You, Xin Ping, Chunyu Qiong and others were from the Runan sect who had followed Yuan Shao early on. Jusue, Shenpei, Tian Feng and others came from Jizhou and were part of the Jizhou sect."

"Now Yuan Shao is obviously more inclined to the Jizhou faction. Regarding the corruption, I am afraid that he will turn to Shen Pei and wrong Xu You."

"Therefore, I believe that Xu You is not someone who cannot be won over."

Jia Xu was good at studying management and knew the relationships among the counselors under Yuan Shao's command very well. He knew exactly who had conflicts with whom.

In his opinion, as long as Yuan Shao prefers trial matching, it is a god-given opportunity to win over Xu You.

If you can get Xu You's help, you can plant a nail next to Yuan Shao that he trusts.

Guo Jia seemed to hear something hidden in Jia Xu's words, and asked: "Although Xu You is proud of himself and thinks highly of himself, how could he allow his son to embezzle food and salary during a period like the crusade against Gongsun Zan? What is the hidden secret in this?"

Jia Xu showed an enigmatic smile, "Xu You will not indulge his son in corruption, but I also made some plans behind the scenes."

Guo Jia and Liu Xie were both shocked when they heard this.

Good Jia Wenhe, it turned out that he was the one behind the scenes.

With Shen Pei's character, he would arrest Xu You's son for corruption, and even Ju Sue's son for corruption.

"In addition, I also did some tricks to make Xu You think that Shen Pei framed his son."

Jia Xu added one last sentence.

"I see. No wonder Xu You was so angry. He almost drew his sword and struck Shen Pei yesterday."

Guo Jia suddenly realized that it was no wonder that when Xu You faced the matchmaking trial yesterday in the official residence, not only did he not feel guilty at all, but he was also confident and full of indignation.

It turned out that he really thought that his son was framed.

"Brother Wenhe, I admire you!"

Guo Jia bowed his hand to Jia Xu.

Although Jia Xu's words make it easy and simple, to really achieve the goal, you need to control people's hearts and the situation to the point of perfection.

Liu Xie was also very impressed.

After Jia Xu instigated a dissension, he was still able to escape without being noticed. Leaving aside the strategy, this skill of protecting oneself wisely was absolutely perfect.

"Wen He's plan is very clever! If Yuan Shao is given a lighter punishment this time, it will definitely shake the hearts of the frontline soldiers. It will also create suspicion among Jizhou factions such as Shen Pei."

"In order to stabilize the morale of the frontline officers, and to stabilize the counselors of the Jizhou faction. Yuan Shao will not care whether Xu You's son is really framed, and will be severely punished."

"And this will inevitably bring the resentment in Xu You's heart to the extreme, and make Runan send rabbits to death and foxes to grieve."

What is killing three eagles with one stone? This is killing three eagles with one stone!

This not only aroused the contradiction between the Jizhou faction and the Runan faction, but also made Xu You complain about Yuan Shao, and even made the Runan faction feel dissatisfied with Yuan Shao.

Of course, the best part wasn't coming up with this ruse.

The question lies in how Jia Xu accomplished this plan without anyone noticing.

"Your Majesty is so complimentary. In the next two days, I will slowly contact Xu You. Your Majesty, please wait and see if I can finally win over you."

"In this way, there will be peace and harmony."

Liu Xie was full of expectations. If he could successfully win over Xu You, Yuan Shao would have another "Emperor Faction" in addition to the Runan Faction and the Jizhou Faction!

Guo Jia stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the third thing I came to the palace to report is related to Feng Ji and Guo Tu."

When Liu Xie heard this, he felt numb.

Yuan Shao's advisers, under the secret planning of Guo Jia and Jia Xu, began to fight each other so quickly?

If this continues, will Jia Xu start a violent war?

Yecheng, official residence.

Xu You ran to the back hall angrily, slammed the confession in his hand on the table, and cursed Shen Pei: "Shen Zhengnan! What's the matter with this confession!"

"My son didn't embezzle, so how could he confess? You framed him, and even tortured him into confessing!"

This morning, he found this confession in the letter sent to the front line, and he was immediately furious.

Shen Pei wiped the spit on his face expressionlessly, and said lightly: "There is solid evidence that your son embezzled, and the confession is here. How could I frame him and torture him into confessing? Don't slander me."

"You fart!" Xu You was furious, and even ignored the demeanor of a scholar, and directly cursed him.

"I have investigated it clearly and every clue points to you framing me!"

"Enough!" Shen Pei stood up suddenly and shouted: "Xu Ziyuan! You know whether your son has committed corruption or not, and the lord has his own judgment!"

"You said I framed your son, do you have any evidence?"

Shen Pei was tall, and when he stood up, he was half a head taller than Xu You.

In comparison, Xu You had been drained of his body by alcohol and sex for many years, and he looked very decadent. He was weaker than Shen Pei in terms of momentum.

"You, you——!"

Xu You seemed to be trembling with anger at Shen Pei's shameless words.

This matter was planned by Shen Pei from beginning to end. With his wisdom, how could there be any loopholes and evidence?

Seeing Xu You like this, Shen Pei sneered, took out a letter from his arms and threw it on the table.

"The reply from the lord four days ago, take a good look at it yourself!"

Xu You's face changed, and he immediately reached out to pick up the letter to check it. After a moment, his eyes widened and he showed an unbelievable look.

Shen Pei snorted coldly and asked: "Did you see it clearly? The lord said that the war on the front line was tense, and embezzlement of food and wages was an unforgivable crime. Let me deal with it strictly."

"Now that the confession letter is available, it will be useless even if you intercept it."

Xu You's face was pale, his body swayed slightly, and he shook his head and said: "Impossible! I also wrote a letter to the lord. How can the lord not believe me and believe you, an outsider!"

At this time, Xu You's heart was dead silent, and a strong sense of loss spread in his heart.

He also wrote a letter to the front line, defending his son while exposing Shen Pei's mean behavior, but he did not receive a reply.

I thought that the war was tense and Yuan Shao had no time to reply, but who would have thought that this would be the result.

Yuan Shao replied to Shen Pei but not to him.

Trust an outsider from Jizhou, but not his best friend.

Shen Pei didn't want to talk to Xu You anymore: "I still have official business to deal with, don't bother me here."

Xu You's heart fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant when he heard this.

He looked at Shen Pei expressionlessly, threw the letter aside, and then turned and left.

Shen Pei shook his head as he watched Xu You leave.

"Before, you looked down on us Jizhou people because you were born in Runan, I won't bother with you."

"But your son embezzled food and money, how can I not deal with it impartially?"

After Xu You walked out of the official residence, his face was pale, and he murmured in despair: "Benchu, how could you not believe me, how could you not believe me! Our friendship for many years is not as good as his Shen Pei!"

His son's fate certainly made him sad.

But Yuan Shao's indifference made him feel heartbroken and desperate!

They are close friends!

"Why is Ziyuan standing at the intersection?"

A familiar voice came, Xu You turned around and saw a carriage stopped beside him at some point, the curtain opened, revealing a plump white face with concern.

It was Jia Xu.

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