Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 134 Supervising the battle at the front line, calling the emperor?

"Jia Wenhe?"

After seeing the person clearly, Xu You forced a smile and said, "I'm feeling slightly unwell. If Wen He is fine, I'll take my leave."

He and Jia Xu were not familiar with each other, they had only visited each other's homes twice.

Other than that, they don't have much interaction on weekdays, and their relationship is neither salty nor light.

Normally, he wouldn't mind chatting with Jia Xu for a while.

But he really wasn't in the mood today.

Seeing that Xu You was about to leave, Jia Xu took advantage of the situation and said, "Your and our mansions are not far apart. In that case, Ziyuan might as well get in the car and let me give you a ride."

"...It's time to work."

Among colleagues, there is nothing wrong with riding in Jia Xu's carriage.

The carriage moved slowly.

After Xu You boarded the carriage, he stared blankly at the curtain, as if thinking about something.

Jia Xu's eyes moved slightly and said, "Guan Ziyuan came out of the official residence, and now he looks worried... Could it be that he had another dispute with Shen Zhengnan?"

The fact that Xu You's son was arrested and imprisoned for corruption has now caused a stir in the city.

Seeing Jia Xu mention this matter, a look of hatred suddenly appeared on Xu You's face, and he cursed loudly: "My son is not corrupt, but he was framed and framed by the trial boss. He was even beaten and forced to sign a confession!"

"Everyone says that he is upright and upright when it comes to mating, and he has the style of Gu Lie. I think he is just a treacherous villain!"

When Jia Xu heard this, he was very cooperative and "full of shock", "I believe that Ziyuan is a man with a strict family tradition and will never let his son be greedy for money. Is there a misunderstanding?"

"Shen Zhengnan has always been stubborn. If there is really a misunderstanding, Ziyuan might as well write a letter to the general. The general will definitely judge impartially, find out the truth, and restore your son's innocence;

Furthermore, even if you are really greedy for money and salary, given your friendship with the general, I don't think the general will make things difficult for you. Why should Ziyuan be so gloomy? "

Jia Xu's words can be said to go straight to Xu You's heart.

It made him feel resentful towards Yuan Shao.

That's right, not to mention that his son is not corrupt, even if he is, after decades of friendship, you won't even reply to a letter?

Seeing Xu You's expression that was sometimes resentful, sometimes angry, and sometimes disappointed, the corners of Jia Xu's mouth hidden under the feather fan raised slightly.

The seeds of hatred have been sown.

He only waits for them to take root and sprout before picking them again.

Three days passed by in a hurry.

Xu You's son was eventually tried and beheaded on the charge of embezzling food and wages. Xu You's wife was also beheaded as an accomplice.

After burying the bodies of his wife and children, Xu You stayed at home, drank all day long, saw no one, and even ignored the logistics.

It wasn't until Yuan Shao wrote a letter scolding him that he took office again.

During this period, Zhen Mi, who had not returned for a long time, finally returned to Yecheng.

"My dear concubine!" Liu Xie hugged Zhen Mi into his arms, "You are finally back. I have missed you so much during this period of time!"

"Your Majesty, there are still servants here..."

Zhen Mi's face turned red and she whispered.

She had never been exposed to such a straightforward and passionate way of expressing love. Although she felt embarrassed, her heart was filled with happiness and sweetness.

It turns out that His Majesty missed her even more than food and tea.

"So what?"

Liu Xie looked at Zhen Mi affectionately with an expression of complete indifference, "I wish the whole world would know how much I miss you!"

He knew how to make women happy, and no woman could resist being tempted by his dog food in public, especially the dog food from the emperor.

The maid waiting on the side also knows how to look. Seeing His Majesty and the nobles talking to each other, how could they dare to stay where they were, so they resigned one by one and trotted away.

Zhen Mi's heart was already trembling wildly at this moment, and the tenderness and sweetness in her eyes almost overflowed.

What a blessing it is to be so favored by the emperor.

"You really lost a lot of weight during your trip back."

Liu Xie stroked Zhen Mi's cheek. Zhen Mi originally had a little baby fat, and the mutton-fat jade-like feel made him like to pinch it.

Now he has completely turned into an oval face, and some of the plumpness he gained after entering the palace has disappeared.

Zhen Mi rubbed Liu Xie's hand and said, "It's just a minor illness. Your Majesty doesn't need to worry."

"Your Majesty, guess what good news this concubine has brought to Your Majesty?"

Zhen Mi's eyebrows were curved, and she was showing off.

When Liu Xie heard Zhen Mi say the words "good news", he was immediately ecstatic.

Zhen must have made up her mind to serve him.

But how could he guess?

He forced himself to endure the throbbing in his heart and continued to interpret the character of the affectionate emperor.

Holding Zhen Mi in his arms, he rubbed his face against hers gently.

"I don't want to guess. For me, your safe return is the best news."

Zhen Mi is essentially a love-minded girl, so don't take it too seriously.

Hearing Liu Xie say this, the joy in his heart was simply beyond words.

She said with a red face: "Your Majesty, Madam Zhen has decided to secretly provide support to Your Majesty. This is a letter from my mother to Your Majesty."

Zhen Mi said as she took out a letter from her arms.

This letter was too important, so she kept it close to her all the way to avoid losing or dropping it, which would cause unnecessary trouble to the family and Liu Xie.

"Oh? Let me take a look."

Liu Xie took the letter, which still carried Zhen Mi's body temperature and fragrance, and read it carefully.

There was nothing unusual about the content of the letter.

The general meaning is that the Emperor's grace is so great that the Zhen family is grateful and is willing to assist the Emperor in supporting the Han Dynasty with the strength of the whole family.

Then there are some ways to contact the Zhen family secretly, etc.

At the end of the letter, there are several names with handprints, all of whom are the people in power of the Zhen family.

It has a bit of the flavor of a pledge of allegiance.

However, Liu Xie did not believe a word of this. Whether the Zhen family will fully support him depends on the potential he will show in the future.

If he is always trapped in the shallows and cannot escape from Yuan Shao, the Zhen family will see no hope and will naturally abandon him.

"I wonder if the Zhen family intends to put their eggs in two baskets, or decides to go all out on me and take a big chance..."

After reading the letter, Liu Xie pondered in his heart.

Liu Xie restrained his thoughts and kissed Zhen Mi's mouth, saying, "My beloved concubine is really my wise wife!"

"With Zhen's secret help, I will be able to accumulate strength faster, so as to get rid of Yuan Shao's hostage and regain power!"

Zhen's support is a very important part of his plan with Guo Jia and Jia Xu.

If this link is missing, the time and difficulty of accumulating strength to get rid of Yuan Shao's hostage will increase exponentially.

Hearing Liu Xie describe herself as a wise wife, Zhen Mi felt so sweet in her heart.

A wise wife, this is a word used to describe a wife!

"It is my honor and duty to help Your Majesty. My mother is also very angry about Yuan Shao's hostage-taking of Your Majesty, and she also wants to help Your Majesty get out of trouble as soon as possible and revive the Han Dynasty."

Zhen Mi is not a naive person, and she also knows to beautify her mother Zhang a little.

"My beloved concubine!" Liu Xie held Zhen Mi's hand and said affectionately and firmly: "When I regain control of the throne and unify the world, and all nations come to pay tribute, I will never forget my promise to you."

"The Zhen family will definitely surpass the Yuan family and become the world's number one rich family!"

Liu Xie is now drawing big cakes, and it is easy to do.

Now, after regaining control of the throne, he quietly added two imperceptible preconditions.

Unify the world, and all nations come to pay tribute.

Zhen Mi did not doubt him and leaned on Liu Xie's arms with a sweet face.

After the two of them were affectionate for a while, Liu Xie told Zhen Mi to have a good rest and left the Qingli Palace.

After returning to the Xuanshi, he immediately asked Zhang He to invite Guo Jia and Jia Xu to the palace.

After Zhen Mi joined the army, some plans must be put on the agenda, and at the same time, they also gave Guo Jia and the others some confidence and a fight.

As soon as Zhang He left, he saw Guo Jia trotting over in a hurry.

"Fengxiao, why are you alone? Where is Wenhe?" Liu Xie asked in confusion when he didn't see Jia Xu.

"Your Majesty!"

Guo Jia was addicted to alcohol and sex, and was a big hypocrite. He was exhausted after running a few steps. He panted and said anxiously:

"Something bad has happened!"

"What happened?"

Liu Xie's heart trembled. He rarely saw such panic on Guo Jia's face.

Guo Jia eased his breath and said in a deep voice: "News came from the front line of Youji. Yuan Shao has been unable to attack for a long time. After listening to Ju Su's advice, I decided to ask Your Majesty to supervise the battle at the front line!"

"What!" Liu Xie was shocked and couldn't believe it. "Let me go to the front line in person?"

Liu Xie really doubted whether Yuan Shao and Ju Su were crazy. Let the emperor go to the front line to supervise the battle in person?

Do you just not treat the fake emperor as the emperor?

The battlefield is full of dangers, and no one knows what accidents will happen.

If he was accidentally shot to death by a stray arrow, it would be a big joke. You, Yuan Shao, would also be finished. Not to mention the whole country attacking him, but it would be almost the same.

Even if Yuan Shao was not worried about dying on the battlefield, wouldn't he be afraid that he would be kidnapped by Gongsun Zan?

There have been many cases of kidnapping on the battlefield in history.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Liu Xie hurriedly asked: "What do Yuan Shao and Ju Su think?"

Guo Jia said with a very serious expression: "The war in Youzhou is tense, and Gongsun Zan's resistance is extremely tenacious. Yuan Shao can't defeat him in a short time."

"Plus winter is coming. If this battle fails, we have to wait until the beginning of next spring. But now Yuan Shao just wants to take Youzhou as soon as possible so that he can free up his hands to attack Cao Cao."

"This time Ju Su suggested that Your Majesty go to the front line to supervise the battle. On the one hand, it is to inspire the morale of his own army, and on the other hand, it is to make Gongsun Zan be cautious and dare not act rashly! I want to use this to break through Youzhou in one fell swoop."

Guo Jia was very angry at the behavior of Yuan Shao and Ju Su. In order to defeat Gongsun Zan as soon as possible, they even let the emperor take risks!

Dong Zhuo didn't dare to do this!

After hearing this, Liu Xie felt that the word "danger" appeared above his head.

After cursing Yuan Shao and Ju Su in his heart, he looked at Guo Jia and asked, "Feng Xiao, what should I do now? Is there any way not to go to the front line?"

Guo Jia shook his head gently and sighed, "Yuan Shao has made up his mind. It's useless for Your Majesty to pretend to be sick... Based on the current situation in Youzhou, Your Majesty may have to go."

Although even if Liu Xie goes to the front line, Yuan Shao will definitely protect him very well and will not let him be in any danger.

But Guo Jia still couldn't help worrying in his heart.

After all, there are always some "what ifs" in the world.

If Liu Xie really makes a mistake on the battlefield, their plans, their forbearance, and their grand cause will all come to nothing.

"When will we leave?"

"We will leave tomorrow. Chunyu Qiong will lead 5,000 soldiers and horses to escort Your Majesty to the Youzhou battlefield."

Five thousand people escorting one person, and it's still on his own territory. Yuan Shao is very cautious.

"Leave tomorrow?"

Liu Xie frowned upon hearing this. Yuan Shao really didn't treat him as a human being. He had to set off immediately after hearing the news, without any mercy.

This was the helplessness of being controlled by others.

In addition, he felt that the scene of the two armies fighting and the emperor personally going to the front line to make the enemy dare not move was a bit familiar.

"Wait... Yuan Shao wouldn't want me to be the emperor who called the door, right?"

Liu Xie suddenly remembered the deeds of a certain Ming Dynasty war god, and his heart was horrified.

If that was the case, he, the emperor, would lose face and would inevitably be criticized in the future.

"Why didn't you see Wenhe? Does he know about this?"

Guo Jia replied: "Wenhe went to visit Xu You today. The news was just passed to Shen Pei's office. I learned about it from the official residence at the first time. I'm afraid Wenhe doesn't know yet."

Yesterday, Guo Jia was still chatting with Jia Xu. Now Xu You is very disappointed with Yuan Shao and even resentful. It's a good time to get closer.

Liu Xie felt that he still had to ask Jia Xu for his opinion, and said: "Let Wenhe come to the palace later. In addition, Concubine Zhen has returned to the palace and brought Zhen's reply. Zhen is willing to help me in secret with all her strength."

This news finally eased Guo Jia's expression a little, but now the emperor has to go to the front line, which is the current major event.

"The most important thing at the moment is that your majesty will personally go to the front line to supervise the battle. I will go to find Wenhe and go to the palace to discuss with your majesty in the evening."

After Guo Jia left, Liu Xie's mood became more and more depressed, and the joy he had felt because of Zhen's surrender disappeared completely.

"Yuan Benchu, you dare to let me go to the battlefield today, I don't know what extraordinary things you can do tomorrow!"

"A real man is born between heaven and earth, how can he be depressed and live under others for a long time!"

"Jizhou... at least Yecheng, must be under my control!"

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