Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 251: The city was broken, Yuan Shao cut off his beard and threw away his robe! (Large chapte

Following Liu Xie's order, the army outside the city began to move, and one after another extremely large and strange equipment was pushed to the front of the formation.

It was Liu Xie who asked Zhen to build the catapult!

However, the time he gave was still too tight after all. It took a lot of time for Zhen's craftsmen to get the drawings, research and then manufacture them. As a result, they only built more than twenty catapults, which did not reach his level. Hundreds are expected.

"Is this the trump card His Majesty has prepared?"

When Jia Xu, Lu Bu and other civil servants and generals saw such a large catapult, they were all filled with expectations.

These catapults were just delivered to the army yesterday. Although I don’t know how powerful they are, their size is impressive enough.

Under the operation of many soldiers, the throwing vehicle began to tighten, and stone bullets were loaded on the ejector, and then the position was adjusted to aim at Lecheng County in the distance.

On the wall of Lecheng County.

Yan Liang and Qu Yi had already fled back in embarrassment. At this time, they had just run to the city wall, ready to plead guilty to Yuan Shao.

But now Yuan Shao didn't bother to reprimand them, because his attention was also attracted by the huge catapults outside the city.

"What kind of cart is this? How can it be so huge?"

"Are they really planning to use carts to attack the city?"

Yuan Shao originally thought it was a joke to use carts to attack the city, but when these carts were pushed out and placed in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

Because it's really too big.

"It's impossible. Those throwing carts are four to five hundred steps away from the city wall, and the stones they prepared are so heavy that it's impossible to throw them over..."

Yuan Shao forced himself to calm down and comforted himself.

However, as soon as this thought crossed his mind, he saw one of the throwing carts suddenly throw out a huge boulder, which crossed the battlefield and landed hard on the city gate tower under everyone's gaze!


With a loud bang, this huge stone weighing hundreds of kilograms directly penetrated the roof, making a terrifying big hole, and then fell heavily on the wooden floor inside the city gate building, causing the entire city gate building to be shaken. shock!

"Lord, be careful!"

Before Yuan Shao could react, he heard Yan Liang let out an angry roar. Without any regard for courtesy, he pulled him forward and ran down the city gate tower and hid under the wall stacks!

Because at this moment, the carts outside the city were all launched, and dozens of huge rocks were attacking Lecheng County with huge force!

Stones fall like rain!

Some of these boulders flew too far and crossed the city wall and fell into the city; some fell on the city gate tower, once again breaking large holes in the roof and floor.

Some of them hit the city wall heavily, making a loud noise when they collided with the thick city wall, causing the entire city wall to tremble slightly; some of them hit the corridor of the city wall directly, smashing into pieces the unlucky soldiers who could not escape in time. Bolognese!

Blood and limbs splattered!

If the rain of arrows can be resisted with shields, the falling boulders are like whoever catches them will die. Therefore, the soldiers on the city wall chose to huddle under the wall stacks to avoid them.

All of them were pale and trembling with fear.

The casualties caused by the catapult were actually not large. Only a few dozen people died in that round of projection, but the deterrence and oppression it brought were unparalleled!

Seeing a comrade being smashed into a puddle of flesh by a boulder, the visual impact and horror are far greater than being shot to death by an arrow or hacked to death with a knife.

It's a real dead body!

Yan Liang, Qu Yi and other generals were also in shock. They could not imagine that the cart could throw such a heavy stone from such a distance!

Is this something a car can do? !

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Yan Liang said to Yuan Shao in a hurried tone: "The city wall is not a place to stay for a long time. My lord, it's better to retreat quickly!"

If Yuan Shao is accidentally hit to death by a flying stone, everything will really be over, and Lecheng County will directly declare the city broken!


When Yuan Shao heard this, he opened his mouth to refuse, but then a huge stone flew up the city wall and landed heavily on the corridor in front of him, breaking several green bricks on the ground.

Seeing such a scene, Yuan Shao swallowed back his words and gritted his teeth: "Escort me to retreat!"

Yan Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and then called a group of soldiers with shields to escort Yuan Shao away from the city wall while the catapults outside the city were loading stone bullets.

At this time, the Han army was in formation.

Everyone was shocked by the power displayed by the catapult. Throwing such a heavy stone from such a distance was completely beyond their understanding.

"With this weapon! This battle will be won!"

Cui Yan's face was full of excitement and he sighed sincerely.

Under the suppression of the catapult, the soldiers on the city wall did not dare to show their heads at all. This suppression force was more than a little stronger than the rain of arrows!

Lu Bu was even more eager to try: "Your Majesty, before they dare to fight back, let's quickly send troops to attack the city!"

Now the enemy defenders were completely frightened by the catapults. They were all hiding under the wall and unable to organize an effective counterattack. It was a good time to attack.

"No rush, just wait."

Liu Xie raised his hand to stop Lu Bu's suggestion. The catapult was just showing its power now, and there were still many stone bullets in stock. He could throw more to suppress and kill the enemy.

If we rashly send a large army to attack the city now, it would be bad if the falling stone bullets accidentally hit our own people.

"Continue to attack! Aim at the city gate tower, watchtower and city wall and blast!"

Liu Xie waved his hand forward and ordered fiercely.

He had just observed that the city wall in Lecheng County was very thick, and the damage caused by the stone bullets was not as great as he imagined. It was unlikely that the city wall would be destroyed in a short time.

But you can attack the gate towers, watchtowers and other wall stacks on the city wall. This will make it easier for the army to attack the city later.


Many soldiers who were responsible for operating the catapults worked hard after hearing this, constantly carrying stone bombs and throwing them out.

Under the bombardment of round after round of stone bullets, the surface of the city wall was covered with craters, the watchtower responsible for reconnaissance of the battlefield was also damaged, and many wall stacks were smashed.

In addition, the gate tower on the east wall, which was already riddled with holes, finally had its pillars broken after being bombarded by hundreds of stone bullets, and the entire building collapsed!

And this is exactly the signal to attack!

"The whole army attacks the city!!"

Following Liu Xie's order, 30,000 troops were like a tide, and under the cover and suppression of catapults and bullets, they marched towards Lecheng County in a mighty manner!

This battle lasted from dawn to dusk.

Although Liu Xie had a huge advantage and had the help of catapults, it was much easier to defend the city than to attack it.

The soldiers in Lecheng County relied on the power of the high wall to withstand one attack after another and defended the city to the death.

This is the disadvantage of forcibly attacking a city.

The city wall is tall, so the attacking soldiers must use ladders, pit carts and other siege equipment to climb the wall. The attack point is single, but the defending soldiers are spread all over the city wall.

Unless there is a huge gap in numbers, relying on the numerical advantage to continue to pile up, and wipe out all the soldiers of the defenders; or the attacking soldiers are far more brave than the defenders, and successfully climb the city in one fell swoop.

There is no other way.

There are nearly 30,000 defenders in Lecheng County, and their strength is not inferior to that of the Han army.

In addition, they belong to Yuan Shao's elite and their overall strength is not bad, so the outcome of this war is destined not to be decided in a short time.

Night falls, inside the Han army camp.

Many counselors and generals gathered in the Chinese army camp to discuss today's battle, all with smiles on their faces.

"Your Majesty, although we failed to defeat the city in one fell swoop today, we have caused heavy casualties to the enemy and greatly reduced their morale. Our army will be able to capture Lecheng County within fifteen days at most!"

Zhang Liao looked firm and said confidently.

When the strength and number of soldiers on both sides are similar, in addition to fighting for equipment, they also fight for morale.

The morale on their side was very high, and they almost took down the east wall today. However, it was only because there were too many defenders and a steady stream of reinforcements that they were forced back.

However, the defenders also suffered heavy casualties in order to resist their attack. Generally speaking, they gained the advantage in this battle.

"No need for fifteen days!"

Hearing this, Cui Yan stood up and said, his eyes sparkling, "Your Majesty, today we only attacked the east wall, making it difficult for the enemy to resist."

"Tomorrow we can switch to the tactic of surrounding three towers and one tower to further increase the pressure on the Yuan thieves to defend the city, and then take advantage of them to attack the east wall while they are unprepared. Lecheng County will be defeated!"

The tactic of surrounding three walls is the most commonly used in siege warfare. Simply put, it means attacking three walls, leaving only one wall unattacked.

If you surround the enemy on all sides, it may prompt the enemy to fight to the death; on the contrary, if you deliberately leave a gap, it may cause the enemy to waver between fleeing or fighting to the death, and at the same time, it will also cause the enemy soldiers to lose their fighting spirit.

And more importantly, leaving a gap is not to leave it alone, but to prepare an ambush at the place where the enemy must escape, so that the enemy will fall into an ambush during the hasty escape.

Especially if the enemy is besieging and defending the castle, once the enemy abandons the city and flees, they can avoid the pain of siege and completely eliminate the enemy on the field battlefield.

In comparison, fighting a fleeing enemy is obviously much less difficult and costly than fighting an enemy fighting to the death.

The strategy proposed by Cui Yan is to alternate between virtual and real, besieging three city walls to disperse the troops, and taking advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness to strengthen the attack on one of the city walls. This is more clever than simply besieging three walls.

"We don't have enough troops."

Liu Xie shook his head and sighed: "It's not that I don't want to encircle Lecheng County, but our military strength is almost the same as that of Yuan Shao, and there are only more than twenty catapults, so we can't allocate them."

The first condition for encircling Sanque Yi is that there are enough troops.

But the problem is that there is not a big gap in the strength of the two sides. Using the tactic of surrounding three ques and one will actually reduce the intensity of the attack.

If there are enough catapults, it is not impossible to attack three walls at the same time, but there are only twenty of them.

"Then... why not build more catapults?"

Cui Yan said with some confusion and turned his attention to the steward of the Zhen family who was responsible for transporting the catapult and assembling it.

After hearing this, everyone also looked over.

Zhen is responsible for making catapults.

Catapults are so easy to use. Twenty of them are really too few. Hundreds of them are almost enough. They are really convenient to use to attack cities.

That is to say, the city wall in Lecheng County is too high and too thick. If it were replaced by a smaller city, the wall might not be directly destroyed.

"The tiger and the benevolent man will know something."

The steward of the Zhen family sighed and said helplessly: "It's not that our Zhen family doesn't want to do it, it's because the cost of building this catapult is too high."


Cui Yan frowned, "It's just some wood, and not even much iron is used. How expensive can it be? Manager Zhen, don't be ridiculous."

The catapult is entirely made of wood.

How expensive can wood be?

It's all over the mountains and plains.

The steward of the Zhen family explained: "Wood is not valuable. I, Zhen, also have iron, but making the catapult requires beef tendon, even beef tendon."

"Because time is urgent, there is no time to purchase them. In order to rush to make these twenty catapults, I, the Zhen family, have slaughtered most of the cattle in the clan."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

As farm animals, cattle are far more valuable than war horses. Killing cattle without permission is a serious crime. If a cattle dies, it must be reported to the local government office, which shows the importance of cattle.

In order to make a catapult, Mrs. Zhen actually killed so many cattle?

Even Cui Yan was not calm after hearing this.

To make a catapult, the sinews of more than one cattle must be used. The Zhen family killed so many cattle this time, which was a huge hemorrhage.


The steward of the Zhen family rolled his eyes and said respectfully to Liu Xie: "If your majesty needs it, I will immediately inform the family to slaughter the remaining cattle and purchase cattle and beef tendons from outside to produce them as soon as possible." More trebuchets!”

"For His Majesty's great cause of defeating the Yuan thieves and unifying the north, it doesn't matter how much I, the Zhen family, do! This is our Zhen family's responsibility!"

These words are upright and full of righteousness.

Although everyone present knew that the steward of the Zhen family was deliberately seeking credit from the emperor, no one said anything.

Because the Zhen family was indeed ruthless and willing to slaughter so many cattle in one go. Not many aristocratic families would dare to do this.

"No need."

Liu Xie rejected the proposal without hesitation.

He felt vaguely unhappy.

Because there is absolutely no need for Zhen to do this. Although beef tendons are relatively scarce, they can be purchased at a high price.

Zhen's decision to slaughter cattle to make a trebuchet was not an unavoidable solution, but to claim credit from him through self-sacrifice.

Cattle are very scarce, so Zhen's infamy has to be borne by him as the emperor. Who gave the order?

"Time is running out now. It's too late to make a trebuchet and send it over. There's no need to waste so much manpower and material resources and kill so many cattle in vain."

"If we miss the farming season next year, we don't know how many people will starve to death."

Liu Xie briefly explained to everyone, and then said: "Let's continue to attack the east city wall tomorrow. Don't spread our troops and focus on one place."


Upon hearing this, all the ministers bowed down to accept the order.

Lecheng County, Prefecture.

While Liu Xie and his ministers were discussing tactics for attacking Lecheng County, Yuan Shao was also discussing counterattack strategies, or... retreat strategies.

Yan Liang looked heavy and said worriedly: "We suffered a lot of casualties today, and the morale of the officers and soldiers is also very low."

"If this continues, we're afraid we won't be able to defend Lecheng County."

Yan Liang's words are not alarmist.

The emperor's personal expedition had already reduced the resistance of the soldiers defending the city. Later, he failed in the battle, which further caused the morale to decline.

Then the two sides started fighting and after the catapults showed their power, many soldiers were frightened by the falling rocks from the sky.

If he hadn't led the war supervising team to patrol the city wall and kill those soldiers who cowered and refused to fight, it's unclear whether the city could have been defended today.

As the commander of the army, Yan Liang understood the importance of morale very well. The defenders in the city had lost their soldiers. Without the courage to fight to the death, it would be impossible to defend the city.

It is only a matter of time before it is breached.

"shut up!"

Yuan Shao slammed the table, interrupted Yan Liang's words, and said with an angry face: "Say defeat before fighting! Did the veteran outside the city take away all your courage today!"

"I asked you to pick a weak general to fight, but you picked a veteran who is over fifty years old! It's just a veteran general to fight, and you lost!"

"If there hadn't been a big battle ahead, I wouldn't have spared you!"

Yan Liang's face turned blue and white.

But he couldn't refute it.

It was really embarrassing for him to lose in today's battle. If Qu Yi hadn't come to his aid, he might have ended up outside the city.

After reprimanding Yan Liang severely, Yuan Shao's anger subsided slightly, but his face was still gloomy.

He knew that Yan Liang's defeat was not because he was too weak, but because the unknown veteran was too strong.

After all, Yan Liang and Qu Yi were no match for that person together, and the last one to do it was Zhao Yun.

It is enough to show that the strength of the unknown veteran is not far behind Zhao Yun, and may even be worse.

"Where did Lu Bu and that evil beast get so many powerful generals? And where did they get that terrifyingly powerful catapult?"

Yuan Shao felt full of questions.

When did Lu Bu and Yuan Xi, a family slave with a third surname, and a second son whom he never paid much attention to, develop to such an extent?

What's going on here?

Yuan Shao frowned in thought. Inexplicably, the figure of Liu Xie riding on a white horse, surrounded by Lu Bu, Yuan Xi, Jia Xu and others, suddenly flashed in his mind.

He suddenly couldn't help but shuddered, and a trace of deep shock and disbelief flashed in his eyes.

"Could it be him?"

Yuan Shao suddenly realized that all the changes seemed to have started when he left Yecheng. After that, he lost control of the puppet emperor.

Yuan Xi held the emperor hostage... Lu Bu sent troops to station... the betrayal of the aristocratic family and trusted advisors... Gongsun Zan sent troops to attack... Ma Chao and Han Sui attacked Bingzhou... the final letter sent by Jushou...

"Is that refugee really the emperor? Or, he has deceived everyone."

"If I didn't know his identity at the beginning, I would have been deceived by him!"

Yuan Shao's expression changed. He originally thought that those letters were forged by Yuan Xi to fool him, but now he couldn't help but have doubts.

Because everything seems to be inseparable from Liu Xie, and what I saw outside the city today was that Liu Xie looked calm and was praised by a group of people.

Is there any trace of being held hostage?

Even the shouting in front of the formation was made by Yuan Xi himself. If it were him, he would definitely send the puppet emperor there instead of risking his own life.

At this point, Yuan Shao began to waver.

He found that Liu Xie was full of mist.

He never seemed to see through the refugee.

For such a long time, he knew nothing about it except the letters sent to him. What he saw was what Liu Xie wanted him to see.

"No! That's not right! All of this is an illusion deliberately created by that evil creature Yuan Xi! I can't be deceived by him!"

"A refugee is a refugee! How can he be the real emperor?"

Yuan Shao shook his head violently, getting rid of all these complicated thoughts and ideas from his mind. It seemed that he was under too much pressure and started to think wildly.

Generals Yan Liang and Qu Yi couldn't help but be confused when they saw Yuan Shao sitting there meditating, his expression sometimes confused, sometimes fierce, sometimes shocked, sometimes determined.

Lord, what's going on?

Yuan Shao took a deep breath, his expression returned to calm, he stood up and told Yan Liang and Qu Yi: "No matter what, we must defend Lecheng County!"

"As long as Guo Yuan's army comes to support after winter comes, we can win the final victory and even counterattack!"

"Pass my military order to increase the food supply for the soldiers of the three armies. There must be meat every day. The property in the city should also be shared among the rewards. Don't be stingy!"

"In addition, increase the manpower of the supervising team. Anyone who is lazy, timid, or talks nonsense that shakes the morale of the army will be killed!"

Heavy rewards and heavy punishments.

This is the only and best method he can use now. He must defend Lecheng County at all costs and wait for the arrival of reinforcements!

Liu Xie was determined to capture Lecheng County, and Yuan Shao was also determined to defend the city. Both sides bet their fates on this battle!

From the second day after the first day's attack.

A tragic war broke out.

He mobilized all the troops under his command and attacked the east wall fiercely. The defenders, stimulated by Yuan Shao's death and the huge reward, also used all means to defend the city.

The two sides fought fiercely and suffered heavy casualties.

However, facing the seemingly endless offensive of the Han army, the morale of the defenders was getting lower day by day, and the defense became more and more difficult.

No matter how many rewards Yuan Shao bestows, it will be difficult to motivate him.

In contrast to this.

Although the Han army suffered heavy casualties, their momentum was still high, and no one had any doubt that they could capture Lecheng County.

As the emperor, Liu Xie would personally visit the wounded soldiers' camps every day, bandage and express condolences for the wounded, and eat and live with the soldiers to boost morale.

This behavior undoubtedly greatly moved the soldiers, and at the same time they also felt more and more inspired.

So until the tenth day.

The main camp of the Han army.

After living in the military camp for a period of time, Liu Xie lost weight. He looked less gentle and more aggressive, and even his eyes became sharper and more energetic.

He flipped through the casualty list presented by Guo Jia in his hand, and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh: "There are so many casualties, my burly son..."

This battle was too brutal. Yuan Shao was far more tenacious than he imagined, but this did not reduce his determination to conquer Lecheng County.

On the contrary, every additional name on the casualty list will increase his murderous intention towards Yuan Shao.

"His Majesty."

Hearing this, Guo Jia comforted him: "Although the casualties are not small, we have taken advantage of the ten days of continuous siege. Yuan Shao is at the end of his battle. He can't hold on for much longer!"

"I think it is better to let the soldiers rest for a day tomorrow to recharge their batteries, launch a general attack the day after tomorrow, and capture Lecheng County in one go. What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Lecheng County is already on the verge of collapse and is now just short of the final blow!

"Well, then..."

Liu Xie thought for a moment and was ready to agree.

But at this moment, Jia Xu, Zhang Liao and others walked into the camp together, with solemn expressions on everyone's faces.

Liu Xiegang wanted to ask them why they came here, but when his eyes fell on them, his expression suddenly changed, and he stood up and walked out of the tent.

The cold wind blew in my face.

A hint of coldness landed on the tip of his nose.

Liu Xie reached out and touched his nose.

Then he looked up at the sky.

I saw heavy snow in the sky, falling like goose feathers, flying and circling under the north wind, and constantly falling to the earth.

Winter has arrived.

Seeing such a scene, Liu Xie firmly grasped the sword at his waist, with a hint of unconcealable rage in his eyes.

There is only one step left to capture Lecheng County, and it is snowing heavily at this time?

What a joke!

Jia Xu and others looked extremely ugly. With the heavy snow, their siege will become extremely difficult, and they may fail in the end!

All the casualties suffered before will be in vain!

"Damn it!"

Lu Bu was even more angry and cursed directly: "The thief God has no eyes! Isn't it snowing at this time to help the thief Yuan for nothing! It's really unlucky!"

This sentence simply cursed everyone's thoughts.

"If God doesn't help me, will it help you Yuan?"


Liu Xie also sneered, staring at the gloomy sky, his voice full of bone-chilling coldness and cold murderous intent.

"Even if I don't have the right time, the right place, and the right people! I will win this battle!"

"If God doesn't help me! Why do I need God's help!"

Liu Xie's slightly hoarse voice sounded, and the coldness in his eyes seemed to pierce the sky and reach the sky!

Behind him, the ministers were horrified when they heard his words!

In this era of respecting etiquette and fearing ghosts and gods, Liu Xie said such disrespectful words!

But they looked at Liu Xie's upright figure, and everyone felt that this was a matter of course.

Because only the true emperor can have such courage!

"Pass the order, the whole army will assemble!"

"Launch a general attack in half an hour!"

"This is the last battle!"

"I-swear to kill Yuan Shao!"

Liu Xie left this resolute sentence, and then resolutely walked into the heavy snow. The heavy snow could not cover his upright figure.

There was no time to rest, and Lecheng County must be captured before the heavy snow blocked the road. Success or failure depends on this!

Lu Bu's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he followed closely without saying a word. Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and other generals also followed closely.


Lecheng County, the governor's mansion,

"What a snow! What a heavy snow!"


Yuan Shao, who was also haggard and bloodshot in his eyes, looked at the snowy sky and could no longer hold back his ecstasy and laughed out loud.

This heavy snow came just in time!

After the snow, it would become more difficult for Lu Bu and Yuan Xi's army to attack the city; after winter, Guo Yuan would have the opportunity to leave Bingzhou to support him!

At this time, a soldier hurried over to report: "My lord, the enemy has regrouped and seems to be launching a general attack!"

Hearing this, Yuan Shao sneered.

Are you finally getting anxious?

"Tell General Yan Liang and General Qu Yi to hold on to it! Victory is just around the corner!"

At most, he will win if he can hold on for another day!


The heavy snow fluttered in the air like catkins.

There was even a trend of getting heavier.

But now all the soldiers defending the city wall of Lecheng County have no time to appreciate this beautiful scenery. They are nervous and feel great pressure.

And this pressure comes from the black and neatly standing Han soldiers outside the city!

In the flying snow.

Countless Han soldiers wearing black armor and holding weapons stood in silence, and the snow fell on their sharp blades and armor covered with battle scars, staining them pale.

The military flag and the dragon flag of the emperor have been wetted by the snow, but they are still flying in the snow under the strong wind, as if roaring silently.

More than 20,000 troops stood in silence, and a silent and murderous momentum arose spontaneously, which made the onlookers feel great pressure.

But it was not only the Han army with a bleak momentum that put pressure on the defenders in Lecheng County, but also the figure in front of the army!

In order to boost the morale of his own side and suppress the morale of the enemy to the greatest extent, Liu Xie stood at the forefront of this battle!

He was wearing armor and carrying a sword, with a scarlet cape behind him.

His eyebrows were filled with a chill that made people tremble.

Liu Xie did not change his expression from beginning to end, letting the heavy snow fall all over his body. Beside him, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Taishi Ci and other generals stood by his side.

Looking at the city in the distance that was lying like a sick tiger and struggling to survive, Liu Xie drew the Emperor's Sword from his waist and ordered in a cold voice!

"Duke Wen led the troops to attack the city gate!"

"Zhang He, Gao Shun, Huang Zhong, Taishi Ci! You lead the troops to the city and occupy the city wall no matter what!"


Lu Bu, Zhang He and other generals all shouted angrily, and then the drums sounded, catapults and feather arrows were fired, shaking off the snowflakes all over the sky!

The Han army, which stood silently in the heavy snow, finally made some moves and launched the tenth attack in these days, which was also the final battle that would determine the outcome!

Lü Bu, Zhang He, and Huang Zhong each led a group of troops and charged towards the east wall. As generals, they will personally participate in the siege this time!

They took turns to attack the city before, and everyone was determined to die if they failed. They must take down this city and capture Yuan Shao no matter what!




Arrows fell like rain, and boulders roared.

One after another, boulders fell on the walls of Lecheng County, causing the walls to wail and suppressing many defenders.

During this period, countless troops had rushed to the outside of Lecheng County, set up chariots and ladders to climb up the city, and fearlessly killed their way up to the city.

There were also dozens of strong Han soldiers who used battering rams to continuously hit the gate of Lecheng County, intending to knock the heavy gate open!

Although the inside of the city gate has been blocked with sandbags and stones, the Han soldiers have been hitting it with wooden bumpers for ten days, and the city gate is close to being broken.

But no matter how the Han soldiers bumped into each other.

There's always a line left.

"Get out of the way! I'll do it!!"

At this time Lu Bu came on horseback and shouted angrily.

I saw him with angry eyes wide open, holding up the Fangtian painted halberd in his hand. His peerless aura was like the arrival of the God of War, and he slashed towards the city gate with a mighty force!

Gold and iron clashed with a loud bang!

The heavy city gate between them was directly chopped into pieces by Lu Bu's halberd, and collapsed suddenly, announcing that it was broken!

Seeing such a scene, the morale of all the soldiers was immediately boosted!

"Wen Gong is invincible!"

"Follow Mr. Wen and charge! Kill!"

"Capture the thief Yuan! Kill him!"

All the soldiers were excited by the personal power displayed by Lu Bu. Since ancient times, on the battlefield, a brave general who can serve as an army is the most able to arouse morale.

After the city gate was breached, the soldiers quickly cleared out the stones and sandbags in the passage, and then led their way into it under the leadership of Lu Bu!

Lecheng County, which was like an iron barrel and had been attacked for ten days, finally had a gap opened!

On the other side, Han soldiers had already carried the climbing ladder and set it up at the foot of the pass. Zhang He, Huang Zhong and other generals led the soldiers to the top of the city without fear of death.

The first soldiers to board the city this time were all soldiers from the Gao Shun camp. They all fought with unparalleled bravery. After jumping on the top of the city, they engaged in fierce battles with the enemy soldiers, creating opportunities for the soldiers who came behind to board the city.

"General! We can't resist it anymore!"

"General Yan! The city wall is about to fall!"

"The city gate has been breached!"

Yan Liang was mobilizing troops to resist the enemy troops pouring into Wengcheng. When he heard this, he turned around and saw that many Han soldiers had rushed up on the city wall at some point, including Zhang He, Huang Zhong and others. City wall!

In addition, Lu Bu is also leading his troops to attack the gate of Wengcheng, and he is about to break through the gate now!

"Gong Ji, we can't hold on anymore, retreat!"

"It's not too late to retreat now!"

Qu Yi, who was covered in blood, ran over panting. At this time, his hand holding the gun was shaking. With continuous fighting, he was almost at the end of his strength.

Seeing this, Yan Liang knew that the city could no longer be defended, so he no longer hesitated and gritted his teeth and said: "You go and mobilize the available troops and horses in the city. I will go find the lord and gather at the north gate!"

Qu Yi said: "Okay!"

The two of them walked towards the city wall together.

In the prefect's mansion.

Yuan Shaoshang didn't know that the city had been breached. He was still immersed in the joy of the heavy snowfall. Even if he heard the faint shouts of killing coming from the distance, he didn't care. He just thought it was the enemy troops struggling to attack the city.

"It's snowing so hard. It seems like we don't need to hold on for a day. As long as we survive tonight, the enemy will definitely be unable to attack again due to the sudden cold weather!"

Yuan Shao smiled broadly and felt relaxed in his heart.

But at this moment, the sound of messy footsteps suddenly came. He looked up and saw Yan Liang hurriedly breaking into the hall.

"Gong Ji, why are you here?"

Yuan Shao was suddenly shocked. Yan Liang was not commanding the defense of the soldiers on the city wall. Did something happen to him when he came to look for him?

Yan Liang said anxiously: "My lord, the city walls and gates have been lost! Now Lu Bu has led his troops into Wengcheng and is about to attack the city!"

"Before the enemy comes, my lord, please follow me and escape from the north gate!"

"If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

Time is running out now, and if you delay for a while, the danger will increase. He believes that the army outside the city must be ready to surround other city gates!

"The city, the city is broken?!"

When Yuan Shao heard this, his head suddenly buzzed, and his face was full of disbelief.

He finally waited for this heavy snowfall, and saw victory in sight, but the city was actually captured at this time?

Then what's the point of his previous persistence!

"Come on, my lord!"

Yan Liang knew that time was precious at the moment, so he stepped forward and pulled Yuan Shao out of the prefect's mansion, riding his horse all the way to the north city gate.

At the north gate.

Qu Yi, Jiang Qi, and Lu Xiang are already waiting here. They have also gathered all the troops and horses available in the city. There are only 5,000 people in total.

As for those soldiers who were still fighting the Han army, they gave up. There was nothing they could do about it. Someone had to be behind to delay the enemy.

"Get out of the city quickly! Let's go to Yicheng!"

Yuan Shao's face was gloomy. At this time, he had accepted the fact that the city had been destroyed. He glanced at the few soldiers and horses in front of him and ordered reluctantly.

No matter how reluctant and angry he felt, the city was broken and he had to escape quickly, otherwise he would be captured by Lu Bu and Yuan Xi.

Only by escaping back to Yicheng can there be a chance of survival!


The generals took the order and then protected Yuan Shao in the middle of the team. The group left from the north gate in a mighty manner and fled towards Youzhou.

But little did they know that Zhao Yun had already led an ambush to ambush here!

"It's just as your Majesty expected!"

Zhao Yun snorted coldly. He did not participate in the siege. Instead, he led troops to ambush at the north gate according to Liu Xie's instructions to prevent Yuan Shao from abandoning the city and fleeing.


Zhao Yunhu's eyes were filled with murderous intent. He gave an order and led 3,000 tiger troops to attack Yuan Shao's 5,000 soldiers and horses with great momentum!

Yuan Shao heard the shouting of killing behind him, so he turned around and saw a young general in white robes and silver armor chasing him. He was immediately frightened!

"Why is Zhao Yun here!"

Ever since he was almost killed by Zhao Yun in the army outside Yicheng last time, Yuan Shao regarded Zhao Yun as a nightmare and was extremely afraid of him.

Knowing Zhao Yun's strength, he didn't dare to let Yan Liang and Qu Yi go to fight at this time, fearing that his last two generals would also be killed here. He could only keep waving his whip to speed up his escape.

Zhao Yun chased to the front and shouted with a gun: "The one wearing a red robe is Yuan the thief!"

At this time, there was a lot of snow on the ground. Yuan Shao was wearing a red brocade robe, which was particularly eye-catching in the snow.

Upon hearing this, the Hu Ben army had a target, and their eyes were green. They chased Yuan Shao while drawing their bows and shooting arrows.

"Damn it!"

His identity was exposed, and the rain of arrows came, which made Yuan Shao terrified.

Without saying a word, he took off his brocade robe and threw it on the ground, and mixed into the crowd again.

Zhao Yun, who had been watching him, saw this and shouted again: "The one with a long beard is Yuan the thief!"

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