Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 252 Yuan Shao: I laugh at Lu Bu’s lack of strategy, Yuan Xi’s lack of wisdom, and Zhao Yun’s

Yuan Shao had an outstanding appearance and a longer beard than others, so he could be distinguished at a glance.

Many soldiers of the Tiger Guards soon found the target again.

So another wave of arrows was fired.

Yuan Shao dodged in a panic under the cover of Yan Liang and others. He gritted his teeth and took out the short blade on his waist, grabbed his beard and cut it off!

As the saying goes, the body and hair are given by parents, and they should not be easily damaged. Cutting the beard is a great shame, but now he has no face to save in order to escape.

Strands of beard were cut off by him.

The long beard that originally hung down to the chest was quickly cut off by him, leaving only a short stubble, with uneven cuts, which looked quite funny.

"Quickly retreat to Yicheng!"

Yuan Shao looked ugly and mixed into the crowd again.

But he still underestimated Zhao Yun's eyesight.

Seeing Yuan Shao voluntarily cut his beard to blend into the crowd and try to escape the pursuit, Zhao Yun snorted coldly and continued to raise his arms and shouted: "The one with short beard is Yuan thief! Hunt down Yuan thief!"

There were many people with short beards, and Zhao Yun's words did not actually allow the Tiger Soldiers to identify the target, but Yuan Shao had been frightened by the previous two times, and he was immediately panicked when he heard it.

"You can recognize this?!"

Yuan Shao didn't bother to think about it at this time, and casually grabbed a corner of the flag carried by the soldier next to him, swung his knife to cut it off, and wrapped his chin and neck.

But doing so was obvious.

At this time, the distance between the two armies was getting closer and closer, and Zhao Yun shouted: "The one covering his face is Yuan thief! Hunt down Yuan thief!"


Zhao Yun took the lead and went straight to Yuan Shao.

Three thousand Tiger Soldiers followed closely behind!

Seeing this, Yan Liang's eyes flashed with determination, and he looked up and said to Yuan Shao: "My lord, hurry up, I will stop the pursuers!"

"Gong Ji, no!"

Yuan Shao was very anxious when he heard this, he didn't want Yan Liang to die.

Zhao Yun's martial arts were amazing, even Yan Liang and Qu Yi combined couldn't beat him, let alone Yan Liang alone? More importantly, there were 3,000 Tiger Guards!

This is the elite among the elite!

"My lord, take care!"

Yan Liang had made up his mind, turned his horse around, led a thousand soldiers to stay behind, and fought against Zhao Yun and the pursuing Tiger Guards!

"Gong Ji!"

Yuan Shao looked at Yan Liang's figure riding away, and his heart was extremely sad, because he knew that Yan Liang was determined to die, and this trip would definitely be a one-way trip.

But it was useless to say anything more now. He could only suppress the grief in his heart and roared to Qu Yi, Lu Xiang, and Jiang Qi: "Let's retreat!"

This was the chance to escape that Yan Liang had given him with his life.

If he didn't leave, it would be a waste of Yan Liang's life!

The rear.

Zhao Yun, who was chasing closely, saw Yan Liang coming, but he didn't intend to fight him. He immediately ordered: "Don't care about others! Avoid them and follow me to take down Yuan the thief!"

He knew that Yan Liang was going to delay him, but their primary task this time was to capture Yuan Shao. If Yuan Shao ran away, they would fail.

But Yan Liang would never let Zhao Yun go so easily. While leading his troops to intercept him, he laughed and said, "Zhao Yun! Do you know your Grandpa Yan from Hejian?"

"Your lord Gongsun Zan died at my hands! I hung his head on my spear and showed off in front of Gongsun Xu!"

"You didn't see that Gongsun was so scared by Grandpa Yan that he didn't dare to leave the city! In the end, I threw Gongsun Zan's head to feed wild dogs! Hahahaha!"

In order to provoke Zhao Yun to fight, Yan Liang used all his sarcasm, and every word hit Zhao Yun's heart.

Especially the last sentence, which made Zhao Yun's murderous heart burst out, and he was furious!

"You are looking for death!!"

Zhao Yun's handsome face was full of ferocious murderous intent. Even though he knew that Yan Liang was provoking him, he could not tolerate this humiliation and anger!

He directly raised the pear blossom spear and led his troops to fight Yan Liang!

The two armies crossed each other!

Zhao Yun was in a state of rage at this time. His killing intention towards Yan Liang had reached its peak, so he attacked with ruthless moves, aiming directly at Yan Liang's vital points!

Yan Liang was also determined to die at this time. He put aside all his worries and threw life and death behind his mind, and also stimulated his strength far beyond his usual level!

He actually blocked Zhao Yun's attack for a while!

Yan Liang repelled Zhao Yun with a life-changing fighting style, and then sneered: "You don't even have the strength to swing your spear, and you still have the nerve to say that you want to avenge Gongsun Zan?"

"I think you should go home and eat milk!"

He was provoking while observing Zhao Yun's flaws, wanting to wait for an opportunity to risk his life and take Zhao Yun away, or at least seriously injure him.

But Zhao Yun had no expression on his face, and did not respond to Yan Liang's provocation at all. He killed him again without saying a word!

Yan Liang was awed in his heart and did not dare to underestimate him. He raised his spear to resist Zhao Yun's fierce attack like thunder.

But Zhao Yun's spear skills were unpredictable, and his offensive was extremely strong. Every blow made him unable to resist. His hands were bleeding and his spear swinging speed became slower.

This slowness meant death.

By the time Yan Liang reacted, Zhao Yun's spear had broken through his defense and directly pierced his chest.

Blood flowed down the silver-white spear body of the pear blossom spear. He looked at Zhao Yun in disbelief, and Zhao Yun's eyes were cold, with only indifference besides murderous intent.


Zhao Yun drew back his spear, shook off the blood on the spear, and no longer looked at Yan Liang who fell off his horse. He coldly ordered: "Continue to chase and kill Yuan the thief!"

The Tiger Soldiers under his command had already defeated Yan Liang's thousand troops. Fighting against the emperor, their morale was already low, and some died and some surrendered.

"Kill the thief Yuan!"

The generals and soldiers shouted in unison, full of murderous intent.

They followed Zhao Yun and left in a cloud of dust.

Only this bloody battlefield was left.

Yan Liang lay on the cold ground, spitting blood from his mouth. He looked at the snowflakes flying in the sky, but a relieved smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"My lord, it should be safe..."

The breath was cut off.

The wind and snow gradually grew stronger, like a huge white cloth, gradually burying the blood and corpses all over the ground.


Yuan Shao fled all the way to Youzhou.

With the loss of Lecheng County, Hejian County was destined to be completely lost, and Jizhou had no place for him to stand.

But he was not in a desperate situation yet. As long as he escaped to Yicheng, he could still live in a corner!

After running for a long time, until he left Hejian County, Yuan Shao had to stop to rest, because the bumps of the horse and the increasing wind and snow had already pushed his body to the limit.

He was old after all.

Everyone found a hillside with a leeward side to rest.

Yuan Shao sat on the ground, his face was blue with cold, and he was shivering. Even with his robe on, he could not feel the slightest warmth.

He forced himself to be energetic and asked Qu Yi shiveringly: "Did Gong Ji catch up?"

Although he knew that Yan Liang would die if he was left behind.

But he still held a glimmer of hope.

Qu Yi shook his head and said: "No, but no pursuers caught up. I think the wind and snow covered our traces, making it difficult for the enemy to continue to pursue."

Yuan Shao heard this, and his heart was extremely complicated.

He was heartbroken by Yan Liang's death, but fortunate to be able to escape successfully, but at the same time he also felt strongly unwilling and angry.

"One day, only one day!"

"The snow is so heavy, as long as we hold on to Lecheng County for one more day, the enemy will definitely not be able to continue the attack!"

"Only one day!"

Yuan Shao's grief and anger are hard to express in words. This feeling of missing success makes him want to vomit blood.

If Hejian County is lost, Jizhou will also be lost. Even with Guo Yuan's troops, he can only retreat to Youzhou, just like Gongsun Zan did in the past.

And Lu Bu and Yuan Xi have become the land of three states... No, if they take over Bingzhou, they will be the land of four states, which is even stronger than his previous power.

The defeat is like a mountain collapsing.

Yuan Shao sighed and looked up at the people around him, but he saw that whether it was generals such as Qu Yi or many soldiers, they were all exhausted and dejected at this time.

The defeat, coupled with the cold, hunger and exhaustion of running all the way, has led to extremely low morale at the moment, and an atmosphere of frustration and despair is spreading throughout the army.

"If we continue like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to escape back to Yicheng..."

Yuan Shao was in a heavy mood.

They fled in a hurry and didn't bring any dry food or food; in addition, the wind and snow made the journey difficult. If the morale was still so low, it would be difficult to hold on to Yicheng.

After a little thought, Yuan Shao came up with a plan and suddenly laughed out loud: "Haha! Hahahaha——!"

The laughter was full of joy.

This laugh immediately attracted the attention of the generals and the surrounding soldiers, who looked at Yuan Shao with confusion.

Lü Xiang and Jiang Qi couldn't help but look at each other.

My lord...are you crazy?

Qu Yi asked in confusion: "Why are you laughing, lord?"

Yuan Shao laughed so hard that tears came out, and said in a disdainful tone: "I laugh at Lu Bu's lack of strategy, Yuan Xi's lack of wisdom, and Zhao Yun's lack of courage!"

"Before I was trapped in Lecheng County, I thought I would die, but I never thought I could escape successfully, which shows that they are nothing special!"

At this point, Yuan Shao looked at everyone and said confidently: "Although I suffered a great defeat this time, God is not going to give up on me, otherwise how could I send down this heavy snow to help me?"

"As the saying goes, those who survive a great disaster will have good fortune in the future!"

"All the soldiers, just follow me back to Yicheng, we will rest for a winter, reorganize the troops, and we will surely make a comeback!"

"There is no time to mourn the failure, go and boil some hot water to warm up your body, and when the snow is a little lighter, we will set off immediately!"

Yuan Shao gave orders to everyone.

Although he knew that the situation was difficult and far from as easy as he said, as a lord, he had to show confidence in front of his subordinates.

After all, if even he, the lord, is depressed, then this team is really finished.

This is indeed the case.

After Yuan Shao said this, the originally low morale really improved a lot, and everyone found the backbone again, picking up firewood and boiling water.

Seeing this, Yuan Shao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But not long after, a soldier hurried over and said in panic: "Lord! The enemy is chasing us!"

"What did you say!"

Yuan Shao couldn't hold it anymore this time, his face changed all of a sudden, and he hurriedly walked up the hill to look behind, and sure enough, he saw a team chasing him!

Who else could the young general in white robe be if not Zhao Yun!

The other party was still chasing him!

Zhao Yun had actually been chasing for a long time, and he had lost the direction of Yuan Shao. Fortunately, he was blessed by God in the end and was found by him.

After seeing the figure on the hillside, Zhao Yun's spirits were lifted, and he shouted: "Yuan thief is in front! The one on the hillside is Yuan thief! Go and kill him!"

After that, he led the Tiger Guards to chase him in the snow!

"This mad dog!!"

Yuan Shao was so angry that he started to curse.

When he saw Zhao Yun, he knew Yan Liang must have died, and this guy was still chasing him like a mad dog!

Where did such a big hatred come from!

Although he cursed, he had to run away. Yuan Shao said to Qu Yi: "You lead the troops to stop Zhao Yun! There is no need to fight him to the death, just hold him back a little!"

After saying that, without waiting for Qu Yi to answer, Yuan Shao jumped on his horse, took Lu Xiang and Jiang Qi, and led a few soldiers to continue fleeing.

When Qu Yi heard Yuan Shao asked him to lead the troops to intercept Zhao Yun, he was naturally very reluctant in his heart, after all, he was no match for Zhao Yun.

But now Zhao Yun had already killed him, and he couldn't avoid the battle even if he wanted to, so he could only choose to fight.


Taihang Mountains, Black Mountain Village.

Zhang Yan was sitting in a room with a brazier burning and drinking alone. On a shelf not far from him, the general's armor and sword given by the emperor were hung.

"You damned Yuan thief! Why can't you just stay in Yicheng? You have to run to that damn Hejian County! You've ruined my merits in being named a county marquis!"

"You'll remember this!"

Zhang Yan said viciously, grabbing a lamb leg and tearing the mutton with his teeth, as if he was biting Yuan Shao instead of the lamb leg.

He had a reason to hate Yuan Shao so much.

The emperor's order to him was to keep Yuan Shao in Yicheng, but soon after the order came, Yuan Shao withdrew to Hejian County.

His dream of being named a county marquis was naturally ruined.

Perhaps the emperor would hold him accountable.

Every time he thought of this, Zhang Yan wanted to chop Yuan Shao to pieces with a knife, he really hated this guy.


Just when Zhang Yan was in a bad mood, the door was suddenly kicked open, and the cold wind and snow blew in, causing the temperature in the house to drop sharply.

Seeing the person running into the house, Zhang Yan said with a sullen face: "You didn't even say hello when you entered the door? Have you forgotten the rules!"

It was Wang Dang who entered the house.

Although he was one of his right-hand men, he would not give him a good face if he didn't understand the rules.

Rules are the most important thing in the village.

"Boss! Good news! Great news!"

Wang Dang's face was full of excitement, and his voice was trembling because of excitement: "Our brothers stationed in Hejian County sent back news that your majesty's heavenly army has already broken through Hejian County!"

"Right now, Yuan Shao is leading the remaining troops to flee to Youzhou, and it seems that he is preparing to return to Yicheng!"

"Our chance has come!"

"Is this true?!"

After hearing what Wang Dang said, Zhang Yan couldn't hide his shock and excitement on his face, but he also found it unbelievable.

How could such a good thing fall on him?

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