Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 253: Capturing Yuan Shao

"Boss Bao Zhen!"

Wang Dang patted his chest loudly and said confidently: "And Yuan Shao didn't bring many soldiers with him when he escaped, and the people sent by His Majesty are also chasing him."

"If we lead the troops to intercept him at this time, even if we can't catch Yuan Shao personally, we can stop him and prevent him from escaping!"

"This is a great achievement!"

Yuan Shao was labeled as a traitor by the emperor's imperial decree. Before, the emperor asked them to hold Yuan Shao back with the Black Mountain Army and gave them a heavy reward of being a marquis and a general.

What if they caught Yuan Shao.

What reward would the emperor give them?

I dare not think about it, I simply dare not think about it!

Looking at Wang Dang's excited expression, Zhang Yan's heart also became hot, and he immediately said: "Notify all brothers to gather! We must catch Yuan Shao before the pursuers sent by the emperor!"

Either don't do it, or do it big!

Zhang Yan was not satisfied with the credit of blocking Yuan Shao. He wanted to capture Yuan Shao himself and then ask the emperor for credit!

When he got the reward, the brothers in the mountain would have a way out. He would hand over the military power and live the rest of his life as a rich man. It would be so comfortable!


Wang Dang was waiting for Zhang Yan to say this. He nodded excitedly and left in a hurry.


Hejian County, Lecheng County.

As Yuan Shao escaped with Yan Liang and other generals, the remaining defenders of Lecheng County lost their fighting spirit and surrendered quickly.

The entire Lecheng County fell completely under the control of Liu Xie.

On the city wall.

Liu Xie was inspecting accompanied by Guo Jia.

Although the bodies above had been cleared, bloodstains still remained. In addition, there were traces of swords and cracks caused by the stones of the catapult.

Looking at these traces, Liu Xie said with hatred: "Yuan Shao, for his own selfish desires, caused such heavy casualties to my Han men!"

This victory was really difficult and dangerous.

If there were no improved catapults.

If Yuan Shao really delayed for another night, heavy snow would fall and the temperature would drop sharply, and the city would not be able to be captured.

The casualties suffered before would all be in vain.

Fortunately, the final outcome was good.

Guo Jia on the side heard this and said: "Your Majesty, although the losses in this battle are not small, the gains are even greater, and the entire Jizhou will fall into your control."

"And General Zilong has led the Tiger Guards to chase and kill the thief Yuan, and with the Yulin Cavalry also dispatched, they will definitely be able to capture the thief Yuan!"

Liu Xie nodded slightly, feeling a little relieved.

Yuan Shao fled Lecheng County with only a few thousand soldiers and horses. Soon after leaving the city, he was ambushed and killed by Zhao Yun's troops, and a thousand were captured. General Yan Liang also died in the battle.

After he got the news, he immediately asked Gao Lan to lead the Yulin Cavalry to support Zhao Yun and go to chase him.

Although the Yulin Guards were not as good as Lu Bu's Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, they were also elite cavalry. Yuan Shao could not escape back to Yicheng.

For now, he just had to wait.


At this moment, Yuan Shao was fleeing on the snow.

He left most of the troops to Qu Yi to resist Zhao Yun, and only Lu Xiang, Jiang Qi and a mere two hundred people were with him.

After running a long way and confirming that there were no pursuers, Yuan Shao dared to stop and rest for a while.

"My lord, we can't stop!"

Seeing this, Lu Xiang couldn't help but urge: "General Qu can't stop Zhao Yun. If we stop here, the enemy will definitely catch up again later!"

They don't have many soldiers now.

If Zhao Yun comes again, with only one or two hundred people, it will be no different from sending them to death, and there are not enough people to fill their teeth.

Jiang Qi also said: "Yes, lord! Let's run away quickly while the snow is light now!"

Both of them were worried that Zhao Yun would chase them.

They didn't want to die here.

Yuan Shao was furious when he heard this. Didn't he want to continue running? But he was exhausted, and his bones were about to be shaken apart by the horse!

"Run, run, run! All you know is to run!"

"What else can you do besides running!"

When it comes to running away, Lu Xiang and Jiang Qi are even more active than him, and this attitude makes him quite angry.

He tolerated the choice of running away when fighting Lu Bu before, after all, Lu Bu's reputation was known to the world, and running away was shameful but also excusable, so he only whipped them fifty times each.

But this time when Zhao Yun was chasing them, these two guys didn't even dare to face each other, which was in sharp contrast to Yan Liang's determination to fight to the death.

How could he not be angry?

Facing Yuan Shao's rebuke, Jiang Qi and Lu Xiang blushed, but they could only bow their heads and accept it, not daring to refute.

"Why don't you go and be on guard!"

Yuan Shao scolded them fiercely, and finally calmed down a little. He snorted and said, "Rest here for half an hour, and set off again after half an hour!"


Lu Xiang and Jiang Qi bowed their heads and left.

Looking at the backs of the two, Yuan Shao couldn't help but curse in his heart: "What a waste!"

In his opinion, Lu Xiang and Jiang Qi combined were not as good as Yan Liang's hair, and he would rather use their lives to exchange Yan Liang's life.

But this can only be his fantasy.

Yan Liang is dead, and Qu Yi is estimated to be in danger if he goes to resist Zhao Yun. He used to have many brave generals under his command, but now there are only these two useless people left.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao felt sad.

He looked at the silver-clad land, looked to the north, and murmured: "Can a person like me achieve great things?"


On the other side.

Lü Xiang and Jiang Qi were leading their troops to spread out and guard the surroundings. Both of them looked unhappy at this time, and even a little gloomy.

People have to save face. Yuan Shao just pointed at their noses and scolded them in front of so many soldiers. It was undoubtedly throwing their faces on the ground. How could they not have resentment in their hearts?

It's just that they didn't dare to show it in front of Yuan Shao.

After getting away from Yuan Shao, Lü Xiang finally couldn't help it and said indignantly: "Wasn't it him who said he wanted to run away before? What does it have to do with us?"

"And what if we don't run? Can the two of us beat Zhao Yun together? What's the difference between that and committing suicide!"

What strength is Zhao Yun, what strength are they?

They are not at the same level as them!

Fighting knowing that you can't win is either stupid or foolish.

Jiang Qi sneered: "He just wants us to go up and die so that he can help him block Zhao Yun's pursuit. He doesn't care about our lives at all."

Yuan Shao's words just now completely chilled his heart.

He has always been diligent in his work, whether it is killing enemies in battle or leading troops in battle, he has done his best.

But since Qingzhou was lost and Yuan Tan died, he led the remaining soldiers to escape, and Yuan Shao was angry with him and his attitude towards him became much colder.

But how can he be blamed? Can he lead the remaining soldiers to defend the entire Qingzhou alone?

Moreover, he led troops to support Anping County before, but Anping County was broken by Lu Bu before they arrived. It was a normal choice for him to retreat in the face of Lu Bu, but Yuan Shao thought he was too cowardly.

If you have the ability, go and fight Lu Bu!

Now facing Zhao Yun, knowing that the two of them can't beat him, he still blames them for not daring to fight. Isn't this asking them to die?

"I think so too!"

Lu Xiang snorted coldly. He had no less complaints about Yuan Shao than Jiang Qi.

He accepted the punishment for failing to escort the grain, but he had fought with Lu Bu last time when he rushed to help Anping County. He just chose to retreat because he didn't fight. He almost died that time!

Jiang Qi glanced at Yuan Shao's position with the corner of his eye, and suddenly pulled Lu Xiang aside, lowering his voice and said: "You said... why don't we rebel against him!"


Lu Xiang was shocked when he heard it, and looked at Jiang Qi with a surprised look, and said doubtfully: "You, what do you mean?"

"Of course it means literally!"

Jiang Qi didn't keep him in suspense, and said directly to Lu Xiang: "The loss of Jizhou is a foregone conclusion, what can Yuan Shao do if he escapes to Yicheng?"

"Do you think the emperor will let him go?"

"If we continue to follow him, sooner or later we will lose our lives on the battlefield, and we will still be rebels after death. Are you willing to die for such a lord?"

If it were before, Jiang Qi would be willing to die for Yuan Shao.

But now he is not willing.

Because Yuan Shao is not worthy.

Lu Xiang hesitated and said, "But where can we go if we betray him? We are now rebels, and no one will accept us wherever we go."

Since Yuan Shao was labeled a rebel, those who continued to work for Yuan Shao have become rebels, which is clearly written in the imperial edict.

"Stupid! Don't you know how to make meritorious service while serving your sentence?"

Jiang Qi cursed with a bit of regret, his eyes fierce: "We directly captured Yuan Shao and presented him to the emperor. Such a great merit, can't it offset the mere charge of being a rebel?"

"Maybe when the emperor is happy, he can give us a title of marquis, or even Yingyang General or Pingbei General!"

After hearing this, Lu Xiang's heart was moved.

The current situation is clear. Yuan Shao has lost power. It is only a matter of time before the emperor unifies Hebei and even the world. Following Yuan Shao is a dead end.

Then why doesn't he find a way out for himself?

Why should he continue to follow Yuan Shao to die?

Yuan Shao had no choice, but they did!

"But... this is betrayal."

Although Lu Xiang was already very tempted, Yuan Shao was his master after all, and it was still difficult for him to accept that he would betray his master.

Jiang Qi said disdainfully: "The master is not wise and does not take our lives seriously, so why can't we betray our master?"

"And even if it is betrayal, so what? Look at Lu Bu who betrayed his master three times, he was still valued by the emperor. Now he has been promoted to General of Cavalry, and his title has reached the unprecedented level of Duke!

"Don't you want to fight for a rich and prosperous future?"

Jiang Qi's words completely dispelled the last bit of hesitation in Lu Xiang's heart. He finally made up his mind, took a deep breath and said: "Okay! Do it!"

"Let's go! "

Jiang Qi was overjoyed when he heard this.

Because the two hundred people around were all Lu Xiang's subordinates, only if Lu Xiang was willing to join forces with him could he successfully capture Yuan Shao.

The two turned around and walked towards Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao was very tired at this time, and was leaning against a tree with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes after hearing footsteps.

Seeing Lu Xiang and Jiang Qi coming towards him, he couldn't help but frown and said, "Didn't I ask you to be on guard around, what are you doing here?"

"On guard?"

Jiang Qi sneered, and looked at each other with Lu Xiang. The next moment, both of them drew out the long swords at their waists and put them on Yuan Shao's neck!

Yuan Shao's face changed immediately.

The many soldiers around were also shocked.

What's going on?

Yuan Shao's eyes were filled with anger, staring at the two of them, gritting his teeth and saying, "You two, do you want to rebel!"

"You are the one who rebelled!"

Lü Xiang directly spoke back to Yuan Shao, his eyes were extremely sharp, "You held the emperor hostage and intended to rebel. Everyone knows your intention, Yuan Benchu!"

"We were deceived by you before, but now we have come to our senses. Now we will take you to the emperor to apologize!"

Hearing this, Yuan Shao understood instantly.

Lü Xiang and Jiang Qi betrayed him.

And they even planned to capture him and ask for credit from the emperor!

"You are so bold!"

Yuan Shao was furious, and he stood up directly with the sharp blade, "The emperor is held hostage by those two villains, Lu Bu and Yuan Xi! You are betraying your master and surrendering to the enemy!"

"Come on! Take these two traitors!"

Many soldiers around were ready to move after hearing this.

But Lu Xiang was fearless, staring and shouting: "Stop right there! Do you want to die with this traitor?"

"Now follow me to capture this traitor and surrender to the emperor, we can clear the charge of treason and even get a reward!"

"Otherwise, even if you kill the two of us, it will be useless to follow this traitor to Yicheng. When the emperor's army arrives in the future, you will also die!"

"I am your general. If you still believe in me, tie him up with me!"

"Do you want to be a traitor for the rest of your life?"

Lu Xiang still has some prestige.

After these words came out, many soldiers stopped their actions, looked at each other, and made a choice after hesitating for a moment.

Most soldiers chose to stay where they were, while several of Lu Xiang's guards took out ropes and walked towards Yuan Shao, and soon tied Yuan Shao tightly.

As soldiers, they did not have much loyalty to Yuan Shao.

What's more, Lu Xiang and his men surrendered to the emperor, and the most important thing was to help them clear the charge of treason!

So how could they possibly object?

"You bunch of traitors! You will die a miserable death! You——"

Yuan Shao was so angry that he kept cursing.

But before he could finish his words, a guard stuffed a piece of smelly leggings into his mouth. The sour taste made him dizzy and almost fainted.

Seeing this, Jiang Qi laughed and took Yuan Shao on the horse, saying to everyone in high spirits: "Let's go! Let's tie up this traitor and go to the emperor to ask for forgiveness!"

The thought of surrendering to the enemy suddenly made him feel that the world was wide.

Now he only felt that his future was extremely bright!

The soldiers who had been hesitant, seeing that things had come to this point, also acquiesced to Jiang Qi's approach.

Soon the group set off, taking Yuan Shao back along the way they came, intending to find Zhao Yun's troops along the way and then surrender directly.

But before they had walked a mile, they ran into a group of troops head-on.

It was Qu Yi's team!

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