Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 267 I have a plan that can win the hearts of the people of the world!

When the army began to operate according to the emperor's will.

No matter who it was, they had to remain silent.

After the order to execute the Yuan family was issued, Yecheng was immediately blocked, and only entry was allowed but not exit. A large number of soldiers and horses were also transferred into the city.

The Yuan family members were searched throughout the city.

Except for Yuan Xi and Madam Liu, who were pardoned, no one would be spared as long as they were within the scope of the execution.

The major families in Yecheng were all surprisingly quiet and cooperative, allowing the army to enter the mansion to arrest people and search, and no one dared to stop them.

In just a few days, more than 500 Yuan family members were arrested, and the number was still increasing, so that the prisons in Yecheng were overcrowded.

These were only those who were caught in jail. Some Yuan family members who resisted arrest were directly beheaded on the spot by the soldiers who went to arrest them, saving them from being arrested in jail.

The reactions in Yecheng were mixed.

The people denounced the rebels.

The noble families were particularly terrified.

As the saying goes, when one's lips are gone, one's teeth are cold, and when one's rabbit dies, one's fox mourns. The Yuan family was now exterminated, and Xun Chen was also killed. They deeply felt Liu Xie's coldness and ruthlessness.

So they came to Cui's house to discuss matters under the pretext of a banquet.

After Xun Chen's death, Cui Yan became the highest-ranking minister of the emperor among all the noble families in Jizhou.

He was promoted to the rank of General of the Tiger Guards and was trusted by the emperor.

Moreover, he captured Qinghe County in the war against Yuan Shao and made great contributions, so now the major noble families have nominated him as the new speaker.

At the banquet, representatives of the major noble families gathered.

Everyone looked not very energetic.

It was because the whole city had been searching for Yuan family members in the past few days, and they had more or less in-laws with the Yuan family, which also made them feel uneasy.

However, some sharp-eyed people noticed that Yang Biao, Fu Wan, Sima Yi's family, as well as the Dong family and Zhen family who had just joined the emperor's camp, did not send anyone to the banquet.

"Why don't we see Mr. Yang? He was born in the Hongnong Yang family and is highly respected. We are still waiting for him to take charge of the situation."

"Yes, and why didn't Fu Guozhang and Zhen come?"

"Did they not receive an invitation?"

"Why don't we send someone to their house to ask?"

"Wait a little longer, maybe they are still on the way, but they haven't arrived yet, so there's no rush."

Many representatives of the noble families whispered.

On the main seat.

Cui Yan heard the discussion of the crowd and couldn't help but sighed and said, "No need to wait any longer, I invited them, but they all refused because of something."

Everyone's face changed slightly when they heard this.

If a person doesn't come because of something, it's understandable, but so many people say they don't come because of something, which means they don't want to come.

"How can they not come?"

Ju Zong said somewhat indignantly: "Now that His Majesty is planning to deal with our noble families, the extermination of the Yuan family is just a show for us!"

"If they don't try to get together to keep warm, can they stay out of trouble? Xun Chen's first seven days haven't even passed yet!"

The main purpose of today's banquet is to get together to discuss what the emperor is going to do and how they should respond.

As a result, the most important people didn't come!

Not only Ju Zong, but also the representatives of other major noble families were dissatisfied.

Although they all knew that Yang Biao and others had great merits, they were also members of the noble family class, and everyone had the same basic interests.

If the emperor planned to use the noble families as a starting point, then merits would be useless, and Xun Chen was the best example.

Xun Chen led the major noble families to serve the emperor. Was he not strong enough or his merits not great enough?

Wasn't he still killed by the emperor!

It was Liu Xie's ruthless attitude that was the real reason for their panic, and they realized that they could not do without a group.

"That's about it."

When it came to this, Cui Yan's handsome face flashed a gloomy look, and he put down the wine cup in his hand and looked at everyone, "Since everyone is here today, I will say a few more words to you."

"Xun Chen's death was his own fault. At that time, Your Majesty had already said that those who plead for mercy would die, but he still stood up to plead for Yuan. Where did Your Majesty's face stand? Where did the majesty of the emperor stand?"

"Your Majesty killed Xun Chen, but did not implicate his family. It was already lenient."

"Don't mention this matter again in the future."

Cui Yan directly defined Xun Chen's death. In his opinion, this matter was that Xun Chen overestimated himself.

Or underestimated the emperor's character.

How could an emperor who could endure for several years under Yuan Shao and finally capture him alive be easily treated?

You should not continue to touch the tiger's whiskers when issuing a warning.

"What does the Tiger Guard General mean?" Shen Rong was quite excited. "The emperor has started to kill chickens to scare monkeys. I don't know how he will deal with us in the future. Should we do nothing?"

"Maybe someone here will be exterminated next!"

"Maybe it will be Cui family!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene became quiet.

Cui Yan's face also instantly sank, staring at Shen Rong and said coldly:

"My Qinghe Cui family has always been loyal to the emperor and the country. My lifelong ambition is to follow Your Majesty to restore the Han Dynasty and rebuild the Yan Han Dynasty! How could Your Majesty attack my Cui family?"

"Besides, since you already know that Your Majesty wants to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, then be honest and don't be the next chicken to be killed!"

"Why did Xun Chen die? Why did Your Majesty kill Xun Chen?"

"This is His Majesty's message to all of us - don't touch his majesty!"

"If Yuan Shao doesn't surrender, his clan will be executed; if Xun Chen pleads for mercy, his head will fall to the ground!"

"Two bloody examples are in front of us. Don't you still know His Majesty's determination? His Majesty will not be coerced by anyone! Don't bring out the old tricks again!"

"Times have changed, everyone!"

"You still can't see the situation clearly. Do you think you can still coerce His Majesty like before?"

"The prerequisite for coercing the Emperor is that His Majesty needs you! But does Your Majesty need you now?"

"It is indeed necessary, but you are not irreplaceable!"

"As the most prominent family in the Han Dynasty, the Yuan family fell under His Majesty's iron hoof and sword!"

"Compared with the Yuan family, you are nothing!"

Cui Yan's tone was slightly high-spirited. It was not his fault that he was angry, but he was actually worried that these people would drag him into trouble.

In the lobby, the representatives of the aristocratic families fell into silence because of Cui Yan's words.

Their faces turned blue and white, and their expressions kept changing.

But no one opened his mouth to refute, or didn't know how to refute.

When Cui Yan saw this, his expression eased slightly. He glanced at everyone and said, "Thunder, rain, and dew are all gifts from God. This time has taught me a lesson. Please be more honest from now on."

Xun Chen's sacrifice was worth it.

Being able to clearly understand the emperor's bottom line is not a bad thing for the aristocratic families present.

At least they know what to do in the future.

As long as Lu Bu and the Zhen family don't have any different intentions, they, the so-called aristocratic families, can be replaced.

If you dare to disobey, it will be the disaster of confiscating your family and exterminating your clan!

Royal palace, announcement room.

Jia Xu handed a secret report to Liu Xie with both hands and said, "Your Majesty, Cui Yan is holding a banquet at home today, and many Jizhou aristocratic families have sent people to attend."

"This is the content of their conversation. Your Majesty, please take a look."

Liu Xie, who was dealing with government affairs, put down his ink pen, took it, glanced at it, and sneered softly.

"Cui Yan knows the truth."

With that said, he threw the secret report into the fire nearby, watched the fire burn it to ashes, turned to Jia Xu and said:

"I asked you to reorganize the Embroidery Envoy, and you did not disappoint me."

A few months ago, he ordered Jia Xu to reorganize the embroidery envoy, and now it has begun to take shape.

Now Yecheng is completely under his control, and it is slowly spreading to Jizhou.

This is a secret power that belongs to him.

Jia Xu said seriously: "Your Majesty has given you too much praise. I just tried my best and finally lived up to His Majesty's expectations."

Having said that, he felt relieved.

In order to establish the Embroidery Envoy, he put a lot of thought into it.

But it finally worked.

When Liu Xie saw Jia Xu's respectful look, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Why is it that Wen He seems a lot more reserved after we haven't seen each other for just a few days?"

Jia Xu's heart trembled, and he quickly said: "Your Majesty misunderstood, I just didn't sleep well yesterday, so I'm a little tired."

Liu Xie smiled and didn't say much.

He could roughly guess the real situation.

Somehow, he suddenly remembered the meeting between Mr. Lu and Runtu in his previous life - after all, there was a thick barrier between them.

As he becomes more powerful and more majestic, the distance between him and his ministers will inevitably become wider and wider, even his most trusted ministers.

He will eventually become a loner.

"Sit down."

After revealing the matter, Liu Xie motioned Jia Xu to sit down and asked casually: "Wen He thinks that I have killed the Yuan family and Xun Chen, right?"

"Of course it was a wise move!" Jia Xu replied categorically without any hesitation: "I and Fengxiao both respect your Majesty's decisiveness, but..."

Liu Xie asked: "Just what?"

Jia Xu lowered his eyebrows and said submissively: "After your Majesty rules the world, if you don't plan to reuse the aristocratic family, but promote the common people to the grassroots. I think your Majesty should make more famous and show kindness to the world, so that the people of the world know that your Majesty is a benevolent and virtuous monarch. ”

"For example, your Majesty inspected the wounded during the military expedition and personally bandaged the soldiers' wounds. I think this is a good practice."

"However, these are still not as good as the actual benefits that the people and soldiers at the bottom can obtain."

"Of course, this is just my humble opinion. Your Majesty, just listen to it and don't take it to heart."

After Liu Xie listened, he was thoughtful.

Although Jia Xu said it more euphemistically, he understood what Jia Xu meant, which was to let him shape his image and win over the people so that he could compete with the aristocratic family.

"Wenhe, you are wrong."

Liu Xie shook his head slightly and said: "The aristocratic family is the Yellow River, and the bottom layer is the Yangtze River. The ancients called the Yangtze River a river and the Yellow River a river."

"The water in the Yangtze River is clear, and the water in the Yellow River is turbid. The Yangtze River is flowing, and the Yellow River is also flowing."

“The water of the Yangtze River irrigates the fields on both sides of several states, and the water of the Yellow River also irrigates the fields on both sides of several states.”

"You can't use it just because the water is clear, and you can't use it just because the water is turbid."

"If the Yellow River floods, I will have to control it. This is why I want to punish the Yuan family and kill Xun Chen; conversely, if the Yangtze River floods, I will also have to control it."

"Does Wen He understand?"

After traveling for a long time and becoming emperor for a long time, Liu Xie realized that the way of an emperor only has two words - balance.

Is the family really unavailable?

Of course not.

Sima Yi, Cui Yan, Yang Xiu, Zhen family, these people or aristocratic families are beneficial to him and obedient, why doesn't he use them?

Once the aristocratic class tries to coerce the emperor and touch the majesty of the imperial power, he must suppress it with thunder.

At the same time, he vigorously supports Lv Bu, Zhang He, Jia Xu, Guo Jia and other lower-class people who come from humble origins and can only rely on him as the emperor.

If the latter become powerful one day, he must also curb them, no matter which side dominates.

Moreover, the class will change, and the lower class will eventually become a new aristocratic family. This is almost an unsolvable problem.

But these are not within his consideration for the time being.


Jia Xu was stunned. It was the first time he heard such a theory, but he thought it carefully and felt it was very subtle.

The emperor understood this level more deeply than him, and he fell into a bit of inferiority.

Liu Xie said to Jia Xu sincerely: "The reason why I said this to Wen He and you is that I regard you as my confidant."

"Not only you, but also Feng Xiao and Wen Gong. I don't want the Yangtze River to flood one day and force me to take action to govern it."

"You have accompanied me in my rise from obscurity. I cherish this friendship between monarch and minister."

Jia Xu was greatly shocked. He quickly stood up and came to the table. He bowed deeply to Liu Xie and said: "Your Majesty will always be loyal!"

As the emperor, being able to say these words to him is truly from the heart. He can feel the sincere emotions between Liu Xie's words.

"Get up." Liu Xie smiled gently, and then said: "The world has not been unified yet, it's a bit early for me to say these things now."

"However, Wenhe, there is one thing you just said that is correct. I need to benefit the world and revive the majesty and image of the emperor among the people."

Jia Xu: "Your Majesty is wise."

Liu Xie said again: "The arrest of the Yuan family members is almost complete."

"You prepare to behead the Yuan family at the execution ground in the southern suburbs the day after tomorrow. The people can come to watch, and I will go to watch the execution in person."

The execution of the Yuan family is to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Naturally, it must be handled with great fanfare.

"Minister, I accept the order."

After accepting the order, Jia Xu bowed and withdrew.

After he left the Xuanshi, Liu Xie began to think about his proposal just now, how to increase the majesty and image of the emperor among the people.

The most important thing is how to benefit the people of the world.

For the people, as long as they can get actual benefits, they will be loyal to you wholeheartedly.

"The most important thing for the people is to have enough food and clothing. Whoever can do this is a good emperor in their hearts, and they will support him."

"Eat enough and wear warm clothes... curved plow, textile machine, wool sweater?"

Liu Xie suddenly thought of two tools that can greatly improve production capacity.

He can now make these two things. The curved plow can make it easier for the people to plow the fields, and the textile machine can greatly improve the efficiency of textile production.

Either one is a good thing that benefits the country and the people, and can bring real benefits to the people.

He also understands the manufacturing principle. I don't know how many times I have read it when I was writing my graduation thesis.

"Study them and name them as the Emperor's Plow, Emperor's Machine, or Jian'an Plow, Jian'an Machine. In this way, as long as the people use them, they can think of me!"

"In the long run, how can the people not be grateful to me?"

Liu Xie's eyes flashed, and he made a decision in his heart. He would draw a sketch today and hand it over to the craftsmen of the Zhen family for research.

It will be useful immediately after winter and spring!

The news that the Yuan family was going to be publicly executed soon spread due to Jia Xu’s propaganda, and people in Yecheng were talking about it.

Two days passed quickly.

The day of execution had arrived.

Yuan Shao, who was under strict custody, had been feeling uneasy these days.

After learning about this, he was completely terrified.

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