Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 268 Yuan Benchu ​​regrets and spits blood: Please don’t kill me!

Imperial Palace, Beiya Prison.

This is the legendary heavenly prison. Those who can enter here are felons who have been convicted by the emperor's personal decree, and are guarded by the imperial guards.

Yuan Shao is now imprisoned here. He is the only one in the entire Beiya Prison. He is isolated from the outside world, so he has no idea what is happening in the outside world these days.

But from the casual chat with the Yulin guards who were guarding him, he learned one thing - Liu Xie had arrested all the Yuan clan members and would publicly execute them!

"It's impossible, Liu Xie would never dare to do this!"

"They must be deliberately lying to me!"

Yuan Shao said to himself with a ferocious expression, not believing that the news was true.

But his ever-changing expression revealed the uneasiness in his heart.

Because he couldn't help but think the worst.

What if... is true?

Liu Xie killed Xun Chen in his palace. What would he do if he was so angry that he killed the entire Yuan family?

In an instant, panic and fear surged toward Yuan Shao like a tidal wave. .

If the entire Yuan family really died because of him, then he would become the sinner of the Yuan family, and even after his death, he would go underground to meet his ancestors without a word.

"No, there's that evil beast Yuan Xi!"

"Although this evil beast is unfilial, he is also a member of the Yuan family. Liu Xie definitely wants him to inherit the Yuan family's power. How could he eradicate the entire Yuan family?"

"If the family kills the Yuan family, it will not only cut off a big help, but also make Yuan Xi feel cold. It will also scare many families who have taken refuge in him. He does not dare to do this."

Despite his fear and uneasiness, Yuan Shao still had a trace of luck in his heart.

Killing his entire Yuan family would definitely do more harm than good to Liu Xie.

He believed that with Liu Xie's forbearance and character, he would never act so recklessly and impulsively.

After calming down for a few days, waiting for those aristocratic families to submit memorials to plead for mercy, and give them a step down, this matter will be over.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao felt relieved.

At the same time, he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"After all, you are still young, trying to fight against the Jizhou family by yourself... Even the Zhen family you rely on is one of the families. How did you fight against it?"

"If you want to unify the world, you must get support from aristocratic families!"

Yuan Shao laughed at Liu Xie's naivety in his heart.

Since the time of Emperor Guangwu, although it was relatives and eunuchs who had become big and fought over it, the status of the family has always been stable.

The most representative ones are Yang and Yuan.

The Yang family of Hongnong, the fifth generation and the third Duke, had a deeper background than the Yuan family. Many high-ranking officials and ministers in the court were involved with the Yang family.

The Yuan family of Runan, the fourth generation and the third Duke, could not compare with the Yang family in the age of peace.

But in today's troubled world, his disciples and former officials of the Yuan family are all over the world, and their influence is much higher than that of the Yang family.

Why did he dare to summon Dong Zhuo to Beijing in the first place?

Because Dong Zhuo was also a disciple of his Yuan family.

Why was he able to capture Jizhou from Han Fu so easily?

In addition to other reasons, it was also because Han Fu was an old official of his Yuan family.

This shows the influence and deepness of the family!

Take Liu Xie as an example, if he loses the Zhen family to provide him with money and food, and no aristocratic family to help provide supplies, how can he support such a huge army?

"After this incident, Liu Xie will definitely become resentful towards Yuan Xi and those aristocratic families, and the courtiers in the court will no longer be so peaceful."

"My purpose of estrangement has been achieved."

Yuan Shao smiled coldly. Liu Xie fell into his scheme and his steps to unify the world would be hindered. He was happy to see this.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly came.

He looked up and looked outside the cell door.

I saw Zhang He and Gao Lan walking into the prison with several Yulin guards, putting heavy shackles on his hands and feet, and escorting him out of the prison.

Yuan Shao didn't resist, he just said sarcastically: "Then the foolish king can't wait until we go south to kill me and sacrifice the flag?"

Zhang He and Gao Lan glanced at him and ignored him.

He just escorted him out of the prison without saying a word.

Outside Beiya Prison, a prison van parked at the door.

Yuan Xi was standing next to the prison car.

Today, Yuan Xi looks like a different person. Not only has he lost a lot of weight, but he also has a gloomy temperament all over his body.

Yuan Shao couldn't help but feel frightened when he saw this.

We haven't seen each other for just a few days. How did this evil beast become like this?

"Put this traitor into the car."

Zhang He gave instructions to the Yu Linwei beside him, then glanced at Yuan Xi with a complicated expression, and sighed: "Sikong, I'm sorry."

Yuan Xi twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he wanted to show a smile, but in the end he failed to smile and could only nod.

"It's almost time, let's go."

Zhang He went to lead the Yulin Guards to clear the way, while Yuan Xi drove the prison car, escorted by the Yulin Guards, all the way out of the city.

Looking at Yuan Xi's thin back.

Yuan Shao became increasingly uneasy.

"Zhang He just called this evil beast Sikong, and Liu Xie actually promoted him to the position of Third Duke?"

"There is still mourning, what is mourning for? Is it because I am going to be executed today, so I let this evil beast mourn?"

"No, if I really want to be executed, how can this evil beast be sad before it's too late to be happy...What exactly happened?"

Yuan Shao was full of doubts, and an unpleasant thought came to his mind. He wanted to ask Yuan Xi, but in the end he held back and sat in the prison car with a sullen face.

He will not give up until he reaches the Yellow River.

The escort team left Yecheng from the south gate.

Go to the execution ground in the southern suburbs.

From a distance, Yuan Shao saw a large number of people gathering around the execution ground. It was a sea of ​​people, and it was packed inside and outside, just like the last time he killed Yuan Shu elsewhere.

"It seems like he really wants to kill me."

Yuan Shao breathed a sigh of relief and had no fear in his heart.

For him, death was a relief.

He looked at Yuan Xi and sneered: "You evil beast, how does it feel to step on my bones and ascend to the throne? Sikong... Heh, what a big official!"

"I, Mr. Yuan, could have taken over the world, but because of you, my business of more than ten years was ruined!"

"That Hunjun asked you to escort your biological father to be executed. He was clearly trying to humiliate you and me, the Yuan family, and let the world see our Yuan family's jokes, but you are still complacent!"

"What a fool!"

Facing Yuan Shao's ridicule, Yuan Xi ignored it at all. He didn't even turn his head and just drove forward silently.

As the team passed through the crowd, the people looked at it one after another.

"This traitor Yuan Shao is really committing evil!"

"Yes, one person's fault will implicate the entire Yuan family. He is really not a son of a human being. Yuan Shao's departure from the Yuan family is really a black smoke rising from the ancestral grave."

"Yuan Xi is really miserable."

"It's hard to be a loyal minister. It was Yuan Shao, the thief, who harmed him. From now on, the only bloodline of the Yuan family will be left."

"Yuan Shao rebelled because he was disloyal. He did not surrender and allowed his soldiers to continue rebelling. It was unjust. He killed his entire family because he was unkind and unfilial. Such villains will not be tolerated by heaven and earth!"

"I just feel sorry for Yuan Xi. If he hadn't made great achievements, I might have been implicated by Thief Yuan."

"Clan execution, alas!"

There were all kinds of comments coming from around.

The people looked at Yuan Shao with eyes full of indifference, disgust, contempt, disdain and anger, and pointed.

But Yuan Shao was already sluggish.

My mind was buzzing.

Clan execution?

He reacted suddenly, grabbed the railing of the prison, and shouted angrily at Yuan Xi: "Evil beast! Tell me who I am going to kill today!"

Yuan Xi still ignored him.

Yuan Shao cursed him endlessly. Seeing that the execution place was getting closer and closer, the panic in his heart became more and more intense, and he shouted sternly: "Stop! I told you to stop!"

He didn't dare to go, he didn't want to face it.

But he was destined to be nothing but impotent rage.

The prison van drove through the crowd to the execution ground.

Inside the execution ground.

Row after row of Yuan clan members who were tied up with five-flowered flowers were kneeling in the heavy snow. There were men, women, old and young, and there were thousands of them densely packed!

Next to each man stood a soldier holding a sword.

The entire execution ground was filled with cries.

Seeing Yuan Shao arriving, they cried louder.

"Master! Help us!"

"Uncle, I don't want to die!"

"Yuan Shao, you are a thundering traitor! You have harmed our entire Yuan family, you must die a good death!"

"Xianyi! My nephew, save us!"

"Your Majesty, please spare your life! It was Yuan Shao who rebelled, it has nothing to do with us!"

Cries for mercy, curses, and cries.

filled Yuan Shao's ears.

Yuan Shao's face was extremely pale, and his whole body was trembling. He looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, feeling that he was dreaming.

Liu Xie...really wants his clan to kill his Yuan family? !

Yuan Xi jumped off the carriage, knelt down to the high platform standing in the execution ground, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty! The traitor Yuan Shao has been brought!"

On the high platform, under the canopy.

Liu Xie held his chin with one hand and cast his indifferent eyes downward through the beaded curtain of the emperor's crown, landing on Yuan Shao who looked dull.

"Mr. Wen, let's carry out the execution."

Lu Bu bowed to accept the order, then strode to the edge of the high platform, unfolded the imperial edict and began to read: "The traitor Yuan Shao kidnapped the emperor and intended to usurp the throne. He committed a heinous crime!"

"I sympathize with the suffering of the common people and do not want another war. I order them to surrender in order to recruit the old troops and regain the two states for me."

"However, this thief has no intention of repenting, has repeatedly refused to surrender, and is extremely rebellious!"

"I originally wanted to punish the nine clans for their crimes, but this move harms the peace of the world, and I cannot bear it. I am exempting myself from this crime and punishing only the Yuan clan!"

"In memory of Sikong Yuan Xi's meritorious service, I spare him the death penalty and support his mother!"

After Lu Bu finished reading this imperial edict.

A cry broke out among the people.

"Your Majesty has mercy!"

"Yuan Shao really deserves to die. If His Majesty hadn't been merciful, more people would have died!"

"Your Majesty is also helpless."

"Thanks to Yuan Xi's loyalty, a trace of blood has been left for the Yuan family."

Yuan Xi kowtowed deeply, with tears streaming down his face, and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, Yuan Xi, thank you for your grace!"


Lu Bu waved his hand coldly.

The soldiers in the front row raised their swords one after another. The cold light reflected by the shining blade dimmed the sun's light a bit!

The crying and begging for mercy in the venue became even louder.

"No, don't!"

Yuan Shao only recovered from the shock at this moment. When he saw the butcher knife raised, he could no longer maintain his composure and shouted wildly: "Don't kill! Don't kill!"

However, no one paid any attention to him.

Following Lu Bu's order, the butcher's knife waved.

Hundreds of heads rolled to the ground!

Scarlet blood splashed on the snow-covered ground, emitting steam, like ferocious flowers blooming on a picture scroll!

The crying suddenly subsided.

But even more miserable cries came from other members of the Yuan clan. Some kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, some shouted angrily, some lost control of their bladders on the spot, and some even wanted to resist.

"Stupid monarch!!!"

Seeing hundreds of Yuan clan members die, Yuan Shao was so angry that his eyes were about to burst. His heart was filled with rage, and he cursed at the platform!

"Liu Xie! You will not die well!"

"I will not let you go even if I become a ghost!"


While Yuan Shao was cursing, hundreds of Yuan clan members were beheaded, and more than 200 lives turned into corpses in an instant!

This scene made Yuan Shao so heartbroken that he almost went crazy!

These were all his Yuan clan members!

Row after row of Yuan clan members were executed, and Yuan Shao also changed from cursing at the beginning to begging. He knelt down with tears and said: "Don't kill anymore! Don't kill anymore!"

"I beg you not to kill anymore!"

"I beg you!"

"I know my crime!"

"Just kill me!"

One by one, Yuan Shao's psychological defense line had completely collapsed, and endless regret and pain filled his heart.

He ignored his face and the public, and kowtowed to Liu Xie and begged, and soon his head was bleeding.

However, Liu Xie never looked at him.

"Yuan Xi, Xian Yi!"

Yuan Shao stretched out his hand from the prison car, grabbed the corner of Yuan Xi's clothes, and said with red eyes: "Go and plead with him! Go and plead!"

Yuan Xi buried his head deeply and knelt on the ground.

His face was already full of tears.

His ten fingers were deeply embedded in the ground.

Blood and flesh were blurred.

At this moment, the execution was coming to an end, with only the last row of Yuan clan members left, and the soldiers in charge of the execution also raised their butcher knives high.


Yuan Shao screamed miserably, as if he was crazy.

But the butcher knife still fell mercilessly.

Blood was flying.

All the cries disappeared.

The Yuan clan, exterminated.

Yuan Shao looked at the heads all over the ground, and the whole person seemed to have lost all his energy and spirit, laughing like crazy, with blood and tears flowing from his eyes.

"Haha, hahahaha!"

"The clan is exterminated... hahaha! The clan is exterminated!"


Yuan Shao laughed miserably, his face suddenly flushed with a morbid flush, and he spit out a large mouthful of blood and fainted.

On the high platform.

Lu Bu came to Liu Xie and bowed, saying: "Your Majesty, the execution is over, all the Yuan clan members are executed!"

Liu Xie looked at the corpses all over the ground and said nothing.

He didn't like killing people, and exterminating the Yuan clan didn't make him happy, but he had to do it because it was his first step to intimidate the aristocratic families.

More blood will be shed in the future.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Yang Biao, Cui Yan and others standing aside. At this time, their faces were extremely pale, and their eyes were full of fear.

"Return to the palace."

Liu Xie retracted his gaze and said lightly.

However, at this moment, Taishi Ci hurried over and reported to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty, there are 30,000 troops and hundreds of thousands of people coming to Jizhou!"

As soon as the voice fell, the faces of the ministers present suddenly changed, and Sima Yi exclaimed: "Where did the army come from... Could it be Guo Yuan?"

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