Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 283: Taking Taiyuan and approaching Jinyang (asking for monthly tickets)

Bingzhou, Jinyang.

It has been a long time since Gao Gan led the army back to Bingzhou from Yizhou. As Bingzhou Mu and Yuan Shao's close nephew, he was one of the biggest contributors to helping Yuan Shao win Jizhou, and his ability is beyond doubt.

This time he came back with his troops, and all of a sudden everyone in Jinyang City had a backbone. After all, although Tian Feng's prestige was high, there was still a big gap compared with senior officials.

In the prefect's mansion.

Gao Gan was looking at the information sent back from Sizhou in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh: "One hundred thousand Xiliang troops, this guy Ma Chao really took advantage of him."

According to the intelligence, Han Sui was killed by the Xiongnu army. When Ma Chao learned about this, he was furious and led his army to fight all the way out of the pass and slaughtered more than 5,000 Huns to avenge Han Sui.

This move allowed Ma Chao to win the support of Han Sui's army, and now the entire Xiliang army was under Ma Chao's control.

As long as the two armies are reorganized, disrupted and redeployed, the Xiliang Army will no longer be divided into the Ma and Han factions, and Ma Chao will become the only talker in the Xiliang Army.

All of this is naturally attributed to Tian Feng.

After he returned with his troops, Tian Feng proposed a plan to unite the Xiliang Army to attack Jizhou, and targeted Ma Chao.

The reason is that Han Sui is old and unlikely to take risks; but Ma Chao is young and ambitious and easier to persuade.

This is indeed the case.

Tian Feng successfully persuaded Ma Chao and temporarily stayed in Ma Chao's army to help him murder Han Sui and unify the Xiliang army.

So far, everything is completely consistent with Tian Feng's original plan and is going very smoothly.

"General, will Ma Chao really attack Jizhou with us? This kid's father and two brothers are in Yecheng. Doesn't he have any scruples?"

Guo Yuan frowned and said with worry in his tone.

When Tian Feng proposed to persuade Ma Chao, he actually thought it was outrageous. How could anyone ignore the life and death of his father and brother?

But as soon as this idea popped up, the figure of Yuan Xi flashed across his mind, so he gave up this concern.

Well, there are indeed such people.

Gao Gan said: "The supervisor is extremely resourceful and is one of the general's most trusted advisers. Since he says he is sure, he can't be wrong."

He trusted Tian Feng's ability. In his opinion, among the several counselors under Yuan Shao's command, only Jushou could be stronger than Tian Feng.

It's just that Tian Feng usually doesn't speak well, so his suggestions and strategies are often not adopted by Yuan Shao.

"But general, Ma Chao has already killed Han Sui. Why haven't the supervisors come back yet? Moreover, the supervisors would send letters before, but now they don't even have letters."

Guo Yuan still had doubts in his heart.

Tian Feng's previous letter said that as long as he helped Ma Chao kill Han Sui, he would return to Bingzhou, but now there is no movement.

So he was inevitably worried.

Gao Gan thought for a while and felt that Guo Yuan's concerns were justified, so he said: "I will send someone to Chang'an tomorrow to bring back the supervisory army."

"Now let's discuss how to attack Jizhou after the beginning of spring. We should formulate a rough attack strategy. Don't wait for the supervisor to do everything personally."

Tian Feng has Tian Feng things to do.

And he also has his own things to do.

For him, the purpose of returning this time was to recapture Jizhou and try to rescue Yuan Shao from Yecheng.

"This is simple."

Hearing this, Guo Yuan said nonchalantly: "The key to attacking Jizhou is whether Ma Chao will send troops. If he sends troops, one hundred thousand Xiliang cavalry will gallop across Hebei. No one can stop them, and Lu Bu will definitely be defeated."

Hebei is mostly composed of plains, which are very suitable for cavalry to gallop. It is a natural battlefield for Ma Chao's Xiliang cavalry.

Senior officials also deeply agree with this.

While the two were discussing, Zhao Rui ran into the study and said urgently: "General Gao is in trouble, something happened to the Tian Supervisor Army!"

"What happened?"

Gao Gan was shocked when he heard this and asked immediately.

There was a vague feeling in my heart.

Zhao Rui's eyes were red and he said with great sadness: "The news just came back from Jizhou that Tian Feng intended to unite with Han Sui to rebel. As a result, both of them were killed by Ma Chao and their heads were sent to Yecheng!"

"Tian dead!"

This news was like a bolt from the blue, falling hard on Gao Gan's head, making him feel dizzy in front of his eyes.

After finally standing firm, Gao Gan suddenly felt endless anger in his heart. He overturned the table and said angrily: "Young Ma Chao! How dare you betray your trust!"

"I swear to kill you!!!"

After hearing this news, how could he not know Ma Chao's plan? This despicable villain actually first killed Han Sui with the help of Tian Feng, then killed Tian Feng to take credit, and then placed the charge of rebellion on Han Sui.

How can you be so shameless!

Guo Yuan gritted his teeth and said: "General, I think this news should be spread to the Xiliang army immediately!"

"The traitor Ma Chao claimed to the Xiliang army that Han Sui was attacked and killed by the Xiongnu, and he made another lie to the court."

"As long as we let Han Sui's army know this news, the Xiliang army will inevitably fall into civil strife and even mutiny!"

Ma Chao betrayed his trust, so they didn't need to talk about morality, they just exposed Ma Chao's hypocritical face!

Let’s see how this little man turns round when the time comes!

"It's too late!"

Anger rose in Gao Gan's eyes, and he punched the pillar next to him with a heavy fist, and said in a hateful voice: "Ma Chao has already won the hearts of the Xiliang army. Even if we pass this news on, no one will believe it!"

"Damn it, damn it!!"

He was extremely angry in his heart. Having been so tricked by Ma Chao, he felt like there was a suffocation in his chest, but he had nowhere to vent it.

The most important thing is that Ma Chao is treacherous, so their previous plan to use Ma Chao's Xiliang army to attack Jizhou will all come to nothing.

There was even a Tian Feng riding in!

But before Gao Gan could recover from his grief, Sui Yuanjin also ran into the study and said in a hurried tone: "General Gao, a battle report came from Leping County and Xinxing County, saying that Lu Bu and Zhang Liao led an army of 50,000 from Jizhou launches an attack!"

"Right now, Leping and Xinxing counties have all fallen, and the enemy army has invaded Taiyuan County and is heading towards Jinyang City!"

Gao Gan suddenly looked up, his face full of disbelief.

This news was even more shocking than Tian Feng's death.

Or rather ridiculous!

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's the middle of winter and it's snowing heavily. How can Lu Bu lead his troops to attack?"

"Who sent back false information!"

Guo Yuan didn't believe what Sui Yuanjin said at all. No army in the world could fight in the northern winter.

Because it will really freeze someone to death!

The climate in the north is cold. If you want to fight in winter, you must not only provide the soldiers with sufficient food to maintain their strength, but also prepare enough cold-resistant clothing.

It's okay if it's a small-scale battle, but for an entire army of 50,000 people, where do all these warm-weather clothes and provisions come from? How much money will this cost?

"It's a real general!"

Sui Yuanjin said with a bitter expression: "Both counties have broken troops and fled back, and our scouts also discovered traces of the enemy army."

"It is expected to arrive in Jinyang City soon!"

If he hadn't personally questioned the defeated soldiers, and the scouts who came back to report were also under his command, he wouldn't have believed the news.

According to what those defeated soldiers said, the enemy army was like a surprise attack from heaven, killing them by surprise because no one expected that a large army would attack at this time.

It won’t be long before the Chinese New Year!

Hearing Sui Yuanjin's answer, Gao Gan's expression became more and more serious. He clenched the sword in his hand and gritted his teeth and said: "Send my order to the general and prepare the entire army for war!"

After that, he strode out of the study room.

As the military orders from senior officials were issued, the entire Jinyang City army began to mobilize. All the soldiers who had returned home to prepare for the New Year were summoned back into the military camp to prepare for battle.

It was freezing cold and snowing heavily.

The soldiers who received the military order all complained about this, because no one wanted to fight in the winter, and their hands were almost frozen with cold weapons.

Moreover, most of the soldiers at the lower level did not have that much cold-proof clothing. Even if they went up to the city wall, they had to hide under the battlements of the city wall.

All of them were blue in the face and shivering from the cold.

Gao Gan led people to inspect the city wall. After seeing the low morale of the soldiers, he felt extremely worried and ordered Zhao Rui:

"Immediately order someone to collect a batch of clothing and distribute it to the soldiers guarding the city, light a bonfire on the city wall, and prepare drinks to warm up!"

"Go quickly!"

Although there are regulations in the military, you cannot drink alcohol during wartime.

But now that the enemy is facing us, how can we care so much? If he didn't prepare some means to keep out the cold, the soldiers would probably freeze to death on the city wall before the war started.

The cold in winter is really no joke.

Zhao Rui took the order and retreated. Gao Gan then said to Sui Yuanjin: "Bring people out of the city immediately, strengthen the walls and clear the country. You must-"

His voice stopped abruptly.

Because he saw a black wave appearing in the distance of the plain, rushing towards Jinyang City on the snowflakes all over the sky.

It's vast, as if it's boundless.

The enemy has arrived!

Lu Bu and Zhang Liao led the army this time, and it took less than five days to defeat the two counties of Leping and Xinxing.

First, they had the advantage of a sudden attack. They chose to attack in the days approaching the Chinese New Year, when the defenders were often the least vigilant.

And many army sergeants went home.

The second is the advantage of equipment. Since the army sergeants all wear sweaters, woolen trousers, gloves and socks, they can maintain their combat effectiveness even if the weather is cold.

Coupled with the large supply of logistical food, the soldiers were very physically strong, so they attacked like wolves and tigers.

However, Leping County and Xinxing County are just two appetizers. The ultimate goal of their trip is Jinyang City, the seat of Taiyuan County!

It was already visible from afar.

Lu Bu looked at the city standing in the cold wind in the distance, laughed at Zhang Liao and said, "I said we can defeat this within ten days, right? You still don't believe in my strength?"

"Are you convinced now? Bring the wine!"

He had previously made a bet with Zhang Liao that he would arrive at Jinyang City within ten days, but Zhang Liao expressed doubts, and it was only the ninth day now.

Zhang Liao looked depressed. After hearing this, he reluctantly took off the wine bag from his waist and threw it to Lu Bu.

"Take it!"

Lu Bu was very happy, and just when he was about to open it and take a sip, Chen Gong next to him said: "General, although alcohol is not prohibited during this military expedition, drinking is still not allowed during the march."

"Your Majesty specifically told me to watch you, don't drink and get into trouble, and give me the wine."

Lu Bu scratched his head, reluctantly handed the wine bag to Chen Gong, and then couldn't help but ask Sima Yi: "Commander, when will we attack Jinyang? I think we will attack the city directly and knock it down in one go!"

"Maybe we can go back in time to celebrate the New Year!"

Liu Xie gave Sima Yi a chance to perform this time, asking him to follow the army and make suggestions for the attack on Bingzhou. Of course, he was limited to making suggestions.

The commander-in-chief of the army was Lu Bu, and the supervisor was Chen Gong.

However, when he attacked Xinxing and Leping counties before, Sima Yi showed amazing talents in controlling the timing of the attack and commanding and mobilizing.

So Lu Bu will also listen to Sima Yi's advice now.

After all, this battle is important, and he doesn't dare to mess around.


Sima Yi shook his head and said: "The soldiers are also a little tired due to the continuous battles and long-distance raids. It is not appropriate to attack today."

"And Jinyang is no better than the two counties of Leping and Xinxing that we attacked before. The walls of Jinyang City are tall and there are many defenders inside, so it will be difficult to conquer for a while."

"But our attack was sudden, and the city didn't have time to fortify the walls and clear the country. This is good news for us."

"In my opinion, in the past few days, we should first reorganize our troops and horses, and at the same time let the accompanying Zhen craftsmen make trebuchets and siege equipment. We will make sufficient preparations before launching an attack."

Sima Yi put forward his own suggestions.

Chen Gong thought for a moment and nodded in approval: "The military advisor is right. A hasty attack will only cause heavy losses to the army. Let's stay stationed first."

Although Lu Bu was not very happy, neither the military advisor nor the supervisor wanted to launch an attack today, so he had no choice but to agree.

Soon the army stopped marching and began to camp outside the city.

Jinyang City, city wall.

Gao Gan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the enemy army did not launch an attack immediately, but chose to station outside the city, but the pressure in his heart did not reduce at all.

Fifty thousand versus thirty thousand. In normal times, he would have had enough confidence to defend Jinyang City, but in today's weather...

"Where did they get the confidence to send troops in winter? And why did it happen so suddenly, without even waiting for spring?"

Gao Gan felt extremely puzzled.

After thinking about it, he could only attribute the problem to Ma Chao. The emperor must have learned some news, so he wanted to capture Bingzhou at all costs, and the purpose was to prevent them from joining forces with Ma Chao.

You really don't give them a chance.

Gao Gan sighed slightly and did not think about this issue further. It was useless to think about it now. The most important thing for him right now was how to defend Jinyang City.

He had no way out.

While Lu Bu led the army to attack Bingzhou, Ma Chao, who was far away in Chang'an, also learned the news.

At the same time, there was an imperial edict from Yecheng.

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